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agriconnect / libpython3.8-dev   deb

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Version: 3.8.5-1+stretch1 

/ usr / include / python3.8 / Python-ast.h

/* File automatically generated by Parser/asdl_c.py. */

#ifndef Py_PYTHON_AST_H
#define Py_PYTHON_AST_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "asdl.h"

#undef Yield   /* undefine macro conflicting with <winbase.h> */

typedef struct _mod *mod_ty;

typedef struct _stmt *stmt_ty;

typedef struct _expr *expr_ty;

typedef enum _expr_context { Load=1, Store=2, Del=3, AugLoad=4, AugStore=5,
                             Param=6 } expr_context_ty;

typedef struct _slice *slice_ty;

typedef enum _boolop { And=1, Or=2 } boolop_ty;

typedef enum _operator { Add=1, Sub=2, Mult=3, MatMult=4, Div=5, Mod=6, Pow=7,
                         LShift=8, RShift=9, BitOr=10, BitXor=11, BitAnd=12,
                         FloorDiv=13 } operator_ty;

typedef enum _unaryop { Invert=1, Not=2, UAdd=3, USub=4 } unaryop_ty;

typedef enum _cmpop { Eq=1, NotEq=2, Lt=3, LtE=4, Gt=5, GtE=6, Is=7, IsNot=8,
                      In=9, NotIn=10 } cmpop_ty;

typedef struct _comprehension *comprehension_ty;

typedef struct _excepthandler *excepthandler_ty;

typedef struct _arguments *arguments_ty;

typedef struct _arg *arg_ty;

typedef struct _keyword *keyword_ty;

typedef struct _alias *alias_ty;

typedef struct _withitem *withitem_ty;

typedef struct _type_ignore *type_ignore_ty;

enum _mod_kind {Module_kind=1, Interactive_kind=2, Expression_kind=3,
                 FunctionType_kind=4, Suite_kind=5};
struct _mod {
    enum _mod_kind kind;
    union {
        struct {
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *type_ignores;
        } Module;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *body;
        } Interactive;

        struct {
            expr_ty body;
        } Expression;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *argtypes;
            expr_ty returns;
        } FunctionType;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *body;
        } Suite;

    } v;

enum _stmt_kind {FunctionDef_kind=1, AsyncFunctionDef_kind=2, ClassDef_kind=3,
                  Return_kind=4, Delete_kind=5, Assign_kind=6,
                  AugAssign_kind=7, AnnAssign_kind=8, For_kind=9,
                  AsyncFor_kind=10, While_kind=11, If_kind=12, With_kind=13,
                  AsyncWith_kind=14, Raise_kind=15, Try_kind=16,
                  Assert_kind=17, Import_kind=18, ImportFrom_kind=19,
                  Global_kind=20, Nonlocal_kind=21, Expr_kind=22, Pass_kind=23,
                  Break_kind=24, Continue_kind=25};
struct _stmt {
    enum _stmt_kind kind;
    union {
        struct {
            identifier name;
            arguments_ty args;
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *decorator_list;
            expr_ty returns;
            string type_comment;
        } FunctionDef;

        struct {
            identifier name;
            arguments_ty args;
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *decorator_list;
            expr_ty returns;
            string type_comment;
        } AsyncFunctionDef;

        struct {
            identifier name;
            asdl_seq *bases;
            asdl_seq *keywords;
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *decorator_list;
        } ClassDef;

        struct {
            expr_ty value;
        } Return;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *targets;
        } Delete;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *targets;
            expr_ty value;
            string type_comment;
        } Assign;

        struct {
            expr_ty target;
            operator_ty op;
            expr_ty value;
        } AugAssign;

        struct {
            expr_ty target;
            expr_ty annotation;
            expr_ty value;
            int simple;
        } AnnAssign;

        struct {
            expr_ty target;
            expr_ty iter;
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *orelse;
            string type_comment;
        } For;

        struct {
            expr_ty target;
            expr_ty iter;
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *orelse;
            string type_comment;
        } AsyncFor;

        struct {
            expr_ty test;
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *orelse;
        } While;

        struct {
            expr_ty test;
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *orelse;
        } If;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *items;
            asdl_seq *body;
            string type_comment;
        } With;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *items;
            asdl_seq *body;
            string type_comment;
        } AsyncWith;

        struct {
            expr_ty exc;
            expr_ty cause;
        } Raise;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *body;
            asdl_seq *handlers;
            asdl_seq *orelse;
            asdl_seq *finalbody;
        } Try;

        struct {
            expr_ty test;
            expr_ty msg;
        } Assert;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *names;
        } Import;

        struct {
            identifier module;
            asdl_seq *names;
            int level;
        } ImportFrom;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *names;
        } Global;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *names;
        } Nonlocal;

        struct {
            expr_ty value;
        } Expr;

    } v;
    int lineno;
    int col_offset;
    int end_lineno;
    int end_col_offset;

enum _expr_kind {BoolOp_kind=1, NamedExpr_kind=2, BinOp_kind=3, UnaryOp_kind=4,
                  Lambda_kind=5, IfExp_kind=6, Dict_kind=7, Set_kind=8,
                  ListComp_kind=9, SetComp_kind=10, DictComp_kind=11,
                  GeneratorExp_kind=12, Await_kind=13, Yield_kind=14,
                  YieldFrom_kind=15, Compare_kind=16, Call_kind=17,
                  FormattedValue_kind=18, JoinedStr_kind=19, Constant_kind=20,
                  Attribute_kind=21, Subscript_kind=22, Starred_kind=23,
                  Name_kind=24, List_kind=25, Tuple_kind=26};
struct _expr {
    enum _expr_kind kind;
    union {
        struct {
            boolop_ty op;
            asdl_seq *values;
        } BoolOp;

        struct {
            expr_ty target;
            expr_ty value;
        } NamedExpr;

        struct {
            expr_ty left;
            operator_ty op;
            expr_ty right;
        } BinOp;

        struct {
            unaryop_ty op;
            expr_ty operand;
        } UnaryOp;

        struct {
            arguments_ty args;
            expr_ty body;
        } Lambda;

        struct {
            expr_ty test;
            expr_ty body;
            expr_ty orelse;
        } IfExp;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *keys;
            asdl_seq *values;
        } Dict;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *elts;
        } Set;

        struct {
            expr_ty elt;
            asdl_seq *generators;
        } ListComp;

        struct {
            expr_ty elt;
            asdl_seq *generators;
        } SetComp;

        struct {
            expr_ty key;
            expr_ty value;
            asdl_seq *generators;
        } DictComp;

        struct {
            expr_ty elt;
            asdl_seq *generators;
        } GeneratorExp;

        struct {
            expr_ty value;
        } Await;

        struct {
            expr_ty value;
        } Yield;

        struct {
            expr_ty value;
        } YieldFrom;

        struct {
            expr_ty left;
            asdl_int_seq *ops;
            asdl_seq *comparators;
        } Compare;

        struct {
            expr_ty func;
            asdl_seq *args;
            asdl_seq *keywords;
        } Call;

        struct {
            expr_ty value;
            int conversion;
            expr_ty format_spec;
        } FormattedValue;

        struct {
            asdl_seq *values;
        } JoinedStr;

        struct {
            constant value;
            string kind;
        } Constant;

        struct {
            expr_ty value;
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