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Version: 3.8.5-1+stretch1 

/ usr / include / python3.8 / cpython / unicodeobject.h

#  error "this header file must not be included directly"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Py_UNICODE was the native Unicode storage format (code unit) used by
   Python and represents a single Unicode element in the Unicode type.
   With PEP 393, Py_UNICODE is deprecated and replaced with a
   typedef to wchar_t. */
#define PY_UNICODE_TYPE wchar_t
/* Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) */ typedef wchar_t Py_UNICODE;

/* --- Internal Unicode Operations ---------------------------------------- */

/* Since splitting on whitespace is an important use case, and
   whitespace in most situations is solely ASCII whitespace, we
   optimize for the common case by using a quick look-up table
   _Py_ascii_whitespace (see below) with an inlined check.

#define Py_UNICODE_ISSPACE(ch) \
    ((ch) < 128U ? _Py_ascii_whitespace[(ch)] : _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace(ch))

#define Py_UNICODE_ISLOWER(ch) _PyUnicode_IsLowercase(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_ISUPPER(ch) _PyUnicode_IsUppercase(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_ISTITLE(ch) _PyUnicode_IsTitlecase(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_ISLINEBREAK(ch) _PyUnicode_IsLinebreak(ch)

#define Py_UNICODE_TOLOWER(ch) _PyUnicode_ToLowercase(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_TOUPPER(ch) _PyUnicode_ToUppercase(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_TOTITLE(ch) _PyUnicode_ToTitlecase(ch)

#define Py_UNICODE_ISDECIMAL(ch) _PyUnicode_IsDecimalDigit(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_ISDIGIT(ch) _PyUnicode_IsDigit(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_ISNUMERIC(ch) _PyUnicode_IsNumeric(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_ISPRINTABLE(ch) _PyUnicode_IsPrintable(ch)

#define Py_UNICODE_TODECIMAL(ch) _PyUnicode_ToDecimalDigit(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_TODIGIT(ch) _PyUnicode_ToDigit(ch)
#define Py_UNICODE_TONUMERIC(ch) _PyUnicode_ToNumeric(ch)

#define Py_UNICODE_ISALPHA(ch) _PyUnicode_IsAlpha(ch)

#define Py_UNICODE_ISALNUM(ch) \
       (Py_UNICODE_ISALPHA(ch) || \
    Py_UNICODE_ISDIGIT(ch) || \

#define Py_UNICODE_COPY(target, source, length) \
    memcpy((target), (source), (length)*sizeof(Py_UNICODE))

#define Py_UNICODE_FILL(target, value, length) \
    do {Py_ssize_t i_; Py_UNICODE *t_ = (target); Py_UNICODE v_ = (value);\
        for (i_ = 0; i_ < (length); i_++) t_[i_] = v_;\
    } while (0)

/* macros to work with surrogates */
#define Py_UNICODE_IS_SURROGATE(ch) (0xD800 <= (ch) && (ch) <= 0xDFFF)
#define Py_UNICODE_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(ch) (0xD800 <= (ch) && (ch) <= 0xDBFF)
#define Py_UNICODE_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(ch) (0xDC00 <= (ch) && (ch) <= 0xDFFF)
/* Join two surrogate characters and return a single Py_UCS4 value. */
#define Py_UNICODE_JOIN_SURROGATES(high, low)  \
    (((((Py_UCS4)(high) & 0x03FF) << 10) |      \
      ((Py_UCS4)(low) & 0x03FF)) + 0x10000)
/* high surrogate = top 10 bits added to D800 */
#define Py_UNICODE_HIGH_SURROGATE(ch) (0xD800 - (0x10000 >> 10) + ((ch) >> 10))
/* low surrogate = bottom 10 bits added to DC00 */
#define Py_UNICODE_LOW_SURROGATE(ch) (0xDC00 + ((ch) & 0x3FF))

/* Check if substring matches at given offset.  The offset must be
   valid, and the substring must not be empty. */

#define Py_UNICODE_MATCH(string, offset, substring) \
    ((*((string)->wstr + (offset)) == *((substring)->wstr)) && \
     ((*((string)->wstr + (offset) + (substring)->wstr_length-1) == *((substring)->wstr + (substring)->wstr_length-1))) && \
     !memcmp((string)->wstr + (offset), (substring)->wstr, (substring)->wstr_length*sizeof(Py_UNICODE)))

/* --- Unicode Type ------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ASCII-only strings created through PyUnicode_New use the PyASCIIObject
   structure. state.ascii and state.compact are set, and the data
   immediately follow the structure. utf8_length and wstr_length can be found
   in the length field; the utf8 pointer is equal to the data pointer. */
typedef struct {
    /* There are 4 forms of Unicode strings:

       - compact ascii:

         * structure = PyASCIIObject
         * test: PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII(op)
         * kind = PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND
         * compact = 1
         * ascii = 1
         * ready = 1
         * (length is the length of the utf8 and wstr strings)
         * (data starts just after the structure)
         * (since ASCII is decoded from UTF-8, the utf8 string are the data)

       - compact:

         * structure = PyCompactUnicodeObject
         * test: PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op) && !PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(op)
         * kind = PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND, PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND or
         * compact = 1
         * ready = 1
         * ascii = 0
         * utf8 is not shared with data
         * utf8_length = 0 if utf8 is NULL
         * wstr is shared with data and wstr_length=length
           if kind=PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND and sizeof(wchar_t)=2
           or if kind=PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND and sizeof(wchar_t)=4
         * wstr_length = 0 if wstr is NULL
         * (data starts just after the structure)

       - legacy string, not ready:

         * structure = PyUnicodeObject
         * test: kind == PyUnicode_WCHAR_KIND
         * length = 0 (use wstr_length)
         * hash = -1
         * kind = PyUnicode_WCHAR_KIND
         * compact = 0
         * ascii = 0
         * ready = 0
         * interned = SSTATE_NOT_INTERNED
         * wstr is not NULL
         * data.any is NULL
         * utf8 is NULL
         * utf8_length = 0

       - legacy string, ready:

         * structure = PyUnicodeObject structure
         * test: !PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op) && kind != PyUnicode_WCHAR_KIND
         * kind = PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND, PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND or
         * compact = 0
         * ready = 1
         * data.any is not NULL
         * utf8 is shared and utf8_length = length with data.any if ascii = 1
         * utf8_length = 0 if utf8 is NULL
         * wstr is shared with data.any and wstr_length = length
           if kind=PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND and sizeof(wchar_t)=2
           or if kind=PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND and sizeof(wchar_4)=4
         * wstr_length = 0 if wstr is NULL

       Compact strings use only one memory block (structure + characters),
       whereas legacy strings use one block for the structure and one block
       for characters.

       Legacy strings are created by PyUnicode_FromUnicode() and
       PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size) functions. They become ready
       when PyUnicode_READY() is called.

       See also _PyUnicode_CheckConsistency().
    Py_ssize_t length;          /* Number of code points in the string */
    Py_hash_t hash;             /* Hash value; -1 if not set */
    struct {
           SSTATE_NOT_INTERNED (0)

           If interned != SSTATE_NOT_INTERNED, the two references from the
           dictionary to this object are *not* counted in ob_refcnt.
        unsigned int interned:2;
        /* Character size:

           - PyUnicode_WCHAR_KIND (0):

             * character type = wchar_t (16 or 32 bits, depending on the

           - PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND (1):

             * character type = Py_UCS1 (8 bits, unsigned)
             * all characters are in the range U+0000-U+00FF (latin1)
             * if ascii is set, all characters are in the range U+0000-U+007F
               (ASCII), otherwise at least one character is in the range

           - PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND (2):

             * character type = Py_UCS2 (16 bits, unsigned)
             * all characters are in the range U+0000-U+FFFF (BMP)
             * at least one character is in the range U+0100-U+FFFF

           - PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND (4):

             * character type = Py_UCS4 (32 bits, unsigned)
             * all characters are in the range U+0000-U+10FFFF
             * at least one character is in the range U+10000-U+10FFFF
        unsigned int kind:3;
        /* Compact is with respect to the allocation scheme. Compact unicode
           objects only require one memory block while non-compact objects use
           one block for the PyUnicodeObject struct and another for its data
           buffer. */
        unsigned int compact:1;
        /* The string only contains characters in the range U+0000-U+007F (ASCII)
           and the kind is PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND. If ascii is set and compact is
           set, use the PyASCIIObject structure. */
        unsigned int ascii:1;
        /* The ready flag indicates whether the object layout is initialized
           completely. This means that this is either a compact object, or
           the data pointer is filled out. The bit is redundant, and helps
           to minimize the test in PyUnicode_IS_READY(). */
        unsigned int ready:1;
        /* Padding to ensure that PyUnicode_DATA() is always aligned to
           4 bytes (see issue #19537 on m68k). */
        unsigned int :24;
    } state;
    wchar_t *wstr;              /* wchar_t representation (null-terminated) */
} PyASCIIObject;

/* Non-ASCII strings allocated through PyUnicode_New use the
   PyCompactUnicodeObject structure. state.compact is set, and the data
   immediately follow the structure. */
typedef struct {
    PyASCIIObject _base;
    Py_ssize_t utf8_length;     /* Number of bytes in utf8, excluding the
                                 * terminating \0. */
    char *utf8;                 /* UTF-8 representation (null-terminated) */
    Py_ssize_t wstr_length;     /* Number of code points in wstr, possible
                                 * surrogates count as two code points. */
} PyCompactUnicodeObject;

/* Strings allocated through PyUnicode_FromUnicode(NULL, len) use the
   PyUnicodeObject structure. The actual string data is initially in the wstr
   block, and copied into the data block using _PyUnicode_Ready. */
typedef struct {
    PyCompactUnicodeObject _base;
    union {
        void *any;
        Py_UCS1 *latin1;
        Py_UCS2 *ucs2;
        Py_UCS4 *ucs4;
    } data;                     /* Canonical, smallest-form Unicode buffer */
} PyUnicodeObject;

PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_CheckConsistency(
    PyObject *op,
    int check_content);

/* Fast access macros */
#define PyUnicode_WSTR_LENGTH(op) \
    (PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII(op) ?                  \
     ((PyASCIIObject*)op)->length :                    \

/* Returns the deprecated Py_UNICODE representation's size in code units
   (this includes surrogate pairs as 2 units).
   If the Py_UNICODE representation is not available, it will be computed
   on request.  Use PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH() for the length in code points. */

/* Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) */
#define PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(op)                       \
    (assert(PyUnicode_Check(op)),                    \
     (((PyASCIIObject *)(op))->wstr) ?               \
      PyUnicode_WSTR_LENGTH(op) :                    \
       assert(((PyASCIIObject *)(op))->wstr),        \

/* Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) */
#define PyUnicode_GET_DATA_SIZE(op) \
    (PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(op) * Py_UNICODE_SIZE)

/* Alias for PyUnicode_AsUnicode().  This will create a wchar_t/Py_UNICODE
   representation on demand.  Using this macro is very inefficient now,
   try to port your code to use the new PyUnicode_*BYTE_DATA() macros or
   use PyUnicode_WRITE() and PyUnicode_READ(). */

/* Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) */
#define PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(op) \
    (assert(PyUnicode_Check(op)), \
     (((PyASCIIObject *)(op))->wstr) ? (((PyASCIIObject *)(op))->wstr) : \

/* Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) */
#define PyUnicode_AS_DATA(op) \
    ((const char *)(PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(op)))

/* --- Flexible String Representation Helper Macros (PEP 393) -------------- */

/* Values for PyASCIIObject.state: */

/* Interning state. */

/* Return true if the string contains only ASCII characters, or 0 if not. The
   string may be compact (PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII) or not, but must be
   ready. */
#define PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(op)                   \
    (assert(PyUnicode_Check(op)),                \
     assert(PyUnicode_IS_READY(op)),             \

/* Return true if the string is compact or 0 if not.
   No type checks or Ready calls are performed. */
#define PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op) \

/* Return true if the string is a compact ASCII string (use PyASCIIObject
   structure), or 0 if not.  No type checks or Ready calls are performed. */
#define PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII(op)                 \
    (((PyASCIIObject*)op)->state.ascii && PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op))

enum PyUnicode_Kind {
/* String contains only wstr byte characters.  This is only possible
   when the string was created with a legacy API and _PyUnicode_Ready()
   has not been called yet.  */
    PyUnicode_WCHAR_KIND = 0,
/* Return values of the PyUnicode_KIND() macro: */
    PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND = 1,
    PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND = 2,
    PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND = 4

/* Return pointers to the canonical representation cast to unsigned char,
   Py_UCS2, or Py_UCS4 for direct character access.
   No checks are performed, use PyUnicode_KIND() before to ensure
   these will work correctly. */

#define PyUnicode_1BYTE_DATA(op) ((Py_UCS1*)PyUnicode_DATA(op))
#define PyUnicode_2BYTE_DATA(op) ((Py_UCS2*)PyUnicode_DATA(op))
#define PyUnicode_4BYTE_DATA(op) ((Py_UCS4*)PyUnicode_DATA(op))

/* Return one of the PyUnicode_*_KIND values defined above. */
#define PyUnicode_KIND(op) \
    (assert(PyUnicode_Check(op)), \
     assert(PyUnicode_IS_READY(op)),            \
     ((PyASCIIObject *)(op))->state.kind)
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