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/ connect_utils.py

# Copyright (C) 2016-present the asyncpg authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of asyncpg and is released under
# the Apache 2.0 License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

import asyncio
import collections
import functools
import getpass
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import re
import socket
import ssl as ssl_module
import stat
import struct
import time
import typing
import urllib.parse
import warnings

from . import compat
from . import exceptions
from . import protocol

_ConnectionParameters = collections.namedtuple(

_ClientConfiguration = collections.namedtuple(

_system = platform.uname().system

if _system == 'Windows':
    PGPASSFILE = 'pgpass.conf'
    PGPASSFILE = '.pgpass'

def _read_password_file(passfile: pathlib.Path) \
        -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, ...]]:

    passtab = []

        if not passfile.exists():
            return []

        if not passfile.is_file():
                'password file {!r} is not a plain file'.format(passfile))

            return []

        if _system != 'Windows':
            if passfile.stat().st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO):
                    'password file {!r} has group or world access; '
                    'permissions should be u=rw (0600) or less'.format(

                return []

        with passfile.open('rt') as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith('#'):
                    # Skip empty lines and comments.
                # Backslash escapes both itself and the colon,
                # which is a record separator.
                line = line.replace(R'\\', '\n')
                    p.replace('\n', R'\\')
                    for p in re.split(r'(?<!\\):', line, maxsplit=4)
    except IOError:

    return passtab

def _read_password_from_pgpass(
        *, passfile: typing.Optional[pathlib.Path],
        hosts: typing.List[str],
        ports: typing.List[int],
        database: str,
        user: str):
    """Parse the pgpass file and return the matching password.

        Password string, if found, ``None`` otherwise.

    passtab = _read_password_file(passfile)
    if not passtab:
        return None

    for host, port in zip(hosts, ports):
        if host.startswith('/'):
            # Unix sockets get normalized into 'localhost'
            host = 'localhost'

        for phost, pport, pdatabase, puser, ppassword in passtab:
            if phost != '*' and phost != host:
            if pport != '*' and pport != str(port):
            if pdatabase != '*' and pdatabase != database:
            if puser != '*' and puser != user:

            # Found a match.
            return ppassword

    return None

def _validate_port_spec(hosts, port):
    if isinstance(port, list):
        # If there is a list of ports, its length must
        # match that of the host list.
        if len(port) != len(hosts):
            raise exceptions.InterfaceError(
                'could not match {} port numbers to {} hosts'.format(
                    len(port), len(hosts)))
        port = [port for _ in range(len(hosts))]

    return port

def _parse_hostlist(hostlist, port):
    if ',' in hostlist:
        # A comma-separated list of host addresses.
        hostspecs = hostlist.split(',')
        hostspecs = [hostlist]

    hosts = []
    hostlist_ports = []

    if not port:
        portspec = os.environ.get('PGPORT')
        if portspec:
            if ',' in portspec:
                default_port = [int(p) for p in portspec.split(',')]
                default_port = int(portspec)
            default_port = 5432

        default_port = _validate_port_spec(hostspecs, default_port)

        port = _validate_port_spec(hostspecs, port)

    for i, hostspec in enumerate(hostspecs):
        addr, _, hostspec_port = hostspec.partition(':')

        if not port:
            if hostspec_port:

    if not port:
        port = hostlist_ports

    return hosts, port

def _parse_connect_dsn_and_args(*, dsn, host, port, user,
                                password, passfile, database, ssl,
                                connect_timeout, server_settings):
    # `auth_hosts` is the version of host information for the purposes
    # of reading the pgpass file.
    auth_hosts = None

    if dsn:
        parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(dsn)

        if parsed.scheme not in {'postgresql', 'postgres'}:
            raise ValueError(
                'invalid DSN: scheme is expected to be either '
                '"postgresql" or "postgres", got {!r}'.format(parsed.scheme))

        if not host and parsed.netloc:
            if '@' in parsed.netloc:
                auth, _, hostspec = parsed.netloc.partition('@')
                hostspec = parsed.netloc

            if hostspec:
                host, port = _parse_hostlist(hostspec, port)

        if parsed.path and database is None:
            database = parsed.path
            if database.startswith('/'):
                database = database[1:]

        if parsed.username and user is None:
            user = parsed.username

        if parsed.password and password is None:
            password = parsed.password

        if parsed.query:
            query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed.query, strict_parsing=True)
            for key, val in query.items():
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    query[key] = val[-1]

            if 'port' in query:
                val = query.pop('port')
                if not port and val:
                    port = [int(p) for p in val.split(',')]

            if 'host' in query:
                val = query.pop('host')
                if not host and val:
                    host, port = _parse_hostlist(val, port)

            if 'dbname' in query:
                val = query.pop('dbname')
                if database is None:
                    database = val

            if 'database' in query:
                val = query.pop('database')
                if database is None:
                    database = val

            if 'user' in query:
                val = query.pop('user')
                if user is None:
                    user = val

            if 'password' in query:
                val = query.pop('password')
                if password is None:
                    password = val

            if 'passfile' in query:
                val = query.pop('passfile')
                if passfile is None:
                    passfile = val

            if 'sslmode' in query:
                val = query.pop('sslmode')
                if ssl is None:
                    ssl = val

            if query:
                if server_settings is None:
                    server_settings = query
                    server_settings = {**query, **server_settings}

    if not host:
        hostspec = os.environ.get('PGHOST')
        if hostspec:
            host, port = _parse_hostlist(hostspec, port)

    if not host:
        auth_hosts = ['localhost']

        if _system == 'Windows':
            host = ['localhost']
            host = ['/run/postgresql', '/var/run/postgresql',
                    '/tmp', '/private/tmp', 'localhost']

    if not isinstance(host, list):
        host = [host]

    if auth_hosts is None:
        auth_hosts = host

    if not port:
        portspec = os.environ.get('PGPORT')
        if portspec:
            if ',' in portspec:
                port = [int(p) for p in portspec.split(',')]
                port = int(portspec)
            port = 5432

    elif isinstance(port, (list, tuple)):
        port = [int(p) for p in port]

        port = int(port)

    port = _validate_port_spec(host, port)

    if user is None:
        user = os.getenv('PGUSER')
        if not user:
            user = getpass.getuser()

    if password is None:
        password = os.getenv('PGPASSWORD')

    if database is None:
        database = os.getenv('PGDATABASE')

    if database is None:
        database = user

    if user is None:
        raise exceptions.InterfaceError(
            'could not determine user name to connect with')

    if database is None:
        raise exceptions.InterfaceError(
            'could not determine database name to connect to')

    if password is None:
        if passfile is None:
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