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/ pgproto / hton.h

#include <stdint.h>

#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#include <endian.h>
#elif defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) \
      || defined(__DragonFly__)
#include <sys/endian.h>
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WINDOWS__)
/* Assume Windows is always LE.  There seems to be no reliable way
   to detect endianness there */
#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
#define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321

#if defined(_BYTE_ORDER) && !defined(__BYTE_ORDER)

#if defined(BYTE_ORDER) && !defined(__BYTE_ORDER)

#if defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN)

#if defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN)

#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)

#if defined(BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)

#if !defined(__BYTE_ORDER) || !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) \
    || !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)
#error Cannot determine platform byte order.

#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)

#define apg_bswap16(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)
#define apg_bswap32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
#define apg_bswap64(x) __builtin_bswap64(x)

#elif defined(_MSC_VER)

#define apg_bswap16(x) _byteswap_ushort(x)
#define apg_bswap32(x) _byteswap_ulong(x)
#define apg_bswap64(x) _byteswap_uint64(x)


static inline uint16_t
    return ((x << 8) & 0xff00) | (x >> 8) & 0x00ff));

static inline uint32_t
apg_bswap32(uint32_t x)
    return (
        ((x << 24) & 0xff000000) | ((x << 8) & 0x00ff0000) |
		((x >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((x >> 24) & 0x000000ff)

static inline uint64_t
apg_bswap64(uint64_t x)
	return (
		((x << 56) & 0xff00000000000000ULL) |
		((x << 40) & 0x00ff000000000000ULL) |
		((x << 24) & 0x0000ff0000000000ULL) |
		((x << 8) & 0x000000ff00000000ULL) |
		((x >> 8) & 0x00000000ff000000ULL) |
		((x >> 24) & 0x0000000000ff0000ULL) |
		((x >> 40) & 0x000000000000ff00ULL) |
		((x >> 56) & 0x00000000000000ffULL);



#define apg_hton16(x) (x)
#define apg_hton32(x) (x)
#define apg_hton64(x) (x)

#define apg_ntoh16(x) (x)
#define apg_ntoh32(x) (x)
#define apg_ntoh64(x) (x)


#define apg_hton16(x) apg_bswap16(x)
#define apg_hton32(x) apg_bswap32(x)
#define apg_hton64(x) apg_bswap64(x)

#define apg_ntoh16(x) apg_bswap16(x)
#define apg_ntoh32(x) apg_bswap32(x)
#define apg_ntoh64(x) apg_bswap64(x)


#error Unsupported byte order.


static inline void
pack_int16(char *buf, int16_t x)
    uint16_t nx = apg_hton16((uint16_t)x);
    /* NOTE: the memcpy below is _important_ to support systems
       which disallow unaligned access.  On systems, which do
       allow unaligned access it will be optimized away by the
    memcpy(buf, &nx, sizeof(uint16_t));

static inline void
pack_int32(char *buf, int64_t x)
    uint32_t nx = apg_hton32((uint32_t)x);
    memcpy(buf, &nx, sizeof(uint32_t));

static inline void
pack_int64(char *buf, int64_t x)
    uint64_t nx = apg_hton64((uint64_t)x);
    memcpy(buf, &nx, sizeof(uint64_t));

static inline int16_t
unpack_int16(const char *buf)
    uint16_t nx;
    memcpy((char *)&nx, buf, sizeof(uint16_t));
    return (int16_t)apg_ntoh16(nx);

static inline int32_t
unpack_int32(const char *buf)
    uint32_t nx;
    memcpy((char *)&nx, buf, sizeof(uint32_t));
    return (int32_t)apg_ntoh32(nx);

static inline int64_t
unpack_int64(const char *buf)
    uint64_t nx;
    memcpy((char *)&nx, buf, sizeof(uint64_t));
    return (int64_t)apg_ntoh64(nx);

union _apg_floatconv {
    uint32_t i;
    float f;

union _apg_doubleconv {
    uint64_t i;
    double f;

static inline void
pack_float(char *buf, float f)
    union _apg_floatconv v;
    v.f = f;
    pack_int32(buf, (int32_t)v.i);

static inline void
pack_double(char *buf, double f)
    union _apg_doubleconv v;
    v.f = f;
    pack_int64(buf, (int64_t)v.i);

static inline float
unpack_float(const char *buf)
    union _apg_floatconv v;
    v.i = (uint32_t)unpack_int32(buf);
    return v.f;

static inline double
unpack_double(const char *buf)
    union _apg_doubleconv v;
    v.i = (uint64_t)unpack_int64(buf);
    return v.f;