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agriconnect / dulwich   python

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/ tutorial / porcelain.txt


The ``porcelain`` is the higher level interface, built on top of the lower
level implementation covered in previous chapters of this tutorial. The
``dulwich.porcelain`` module in Dulwich is aimed to closely resemble
the Git command-line API that you are familiar with.

Basic concepts
The porcelain operations are implemented as top-level functions in the
``dulwich.porcelain`` module. Most arguments can either be strings or
more complex Dulwich objects; e.g. a repository argument will either take
a string with a path to the repository or an instance of a ``Repo`` object.

Initializing a new repository

  >>> from dulwich import porcelain

  >>> repo = porcelain.init("myrepo")

Clone a repository

  >>> porcelain.clone("git://github.com/jelmer/dulwich", "dulwich-clone")

Commit changes

  >>> r = porcelain.init("testrepo")
  >>> open("testrepo/testfile", "w").write("data")
  >>> porcelain.add(r, "testfile")
  >>> porcelain.commit(r, b"A sample commit")

Push changes

  >>> tr = porcelain.init("targetrepo")
  >>> r = porcelain.push("testrepo", "targetrepo", "master")