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Version: 1.19.1 

/ core / einsumfunc.py

Implementation of optimized einsum.

import itertools
import operator

from numpy.core.multiarray import c_einsum
from numpy.core.numeric import asanyarray, tensordot
from numpy.core.overrides import array_function_dispatch

__all__ = ['einsum', 'einsum_path']

einsum_symbols = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
einsum_symbols_set = set(einsum_symbols)

def _flop_count(idx_contraction, inner, num_terms, size_dictionary):
    Computes the number of FLOPS in the contraction.

    idx_contraction : iterable
        The indices involved in the contraction
    inner : bool
        Does this contraction require an inner product?
    num_terms : int
        The number of terms in a contraction
    size_dictionary : dict
        The size of each of the indices in idx_contraction

    flop_count : int
        The total number of FLOPS required for the contraction.


    >>> _flop_count('abc', False, 1, {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5})

    >>> _flop_count('abc', True, 2, {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5})


    overall_size = _compute_size_by_dict(idx_contraction, size_dictionary)
    op_factor = max(1, num_terms - 1)
    if inner:
        op_factor += 1

    return overall_size * op_factor

def _compute_size_by_dict(indices, idx_dict):
    Computes the product of the elements in indices based on the dictionary

    indices : iterable
        Indices to base the product on.
    idx_dict : dictionary
        Dictionary of index sizes

    ret : int
        The resulting product.

    >>> _compute_size_by_dict('abbc', {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5})

    ret = 1
    for i in indices:
        ret *= idx_dict[i]
    return ret

def _find_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set):
    Finds the contraction for a given set of input and output sets.

    positions : iterable
        Integer positions of terms used in the contraction.
    input_sets : list
        List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript
    output_set : set
        Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript

    new_result : set
        The indices of the resulting contraction
    remaining : list
        List of sets that have not been contracted, the new set is appended to
        the end of this list
    idx_removed : set
        Indices removed from the entire contraction
    idx_contraction : set
        The indices used in the current contraction


    # A simple dot product test case
    >>> pos = (0, 1)
    >>> isets = [set('ab'), set('bc')]
    >>> oset = set('ac')
    >>> _find_contraction(pos, isets, oset)
    ({'a', 'c'}, [{'a', 'c'}], {'b'}, {'a', 'b', 'c'})

    # A more complex case with additional terms in the contraction
    >>> pos = (0, 2)
    >>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')]
    >>> oset = set('ac')
    >>> _find_contraction(pos, isets, oset)
    ({'a', 'c'}, [{'a', 'c'}, {'a', 'c'}], {'b', 'd'}, {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'})

    idx_contract = set()
    idx_remain = output_set.copy()
    remaining = []
    for ind, value in enumerate(input_sets):
        if ind in positions:
            idx_contract |= value
            idx_remain |= value

    new_result = idx_remain & idx_contract
    idx_removed = (idx_contract - new_result)

    return (new_result, remaining, idx_removed, idx_contract)

def _optimal_path(input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit):
    Computes all possible pair contractions, sieves the results based
    on ``memory_limit`` and returns the lowest cost path. This algorithm
    scales factorial with respect to the elements in the list ``input_sets``.

    input_sets : list
        List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript
    output_set : set
        Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript
    idx_dict : dictionary
        Dictionary of index sizes
    memory_limit : int
        The maximum number of elements in a temporary array

    path : list
        The optimal contraction order within the memory limit constraint.

    >>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')]
    >>> oset = set()
    >>> idx_sizes = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4}
    >>> _optimal_path(isets, oset, idx_sizes, 5000)
    [(0, 2), (0, 1)]

    full_results = [(0, [], input_sets)]
    for iteration in range(len(input_sets) - 1):
        iter_results = []

        # Compute all unique pairs
        for curr in full_results:
            cost, positions, remaining = curr
            for con in itertools.combinations(range(len(input_sets) - iteration), 2):

                # Find the contraction
                cont = _find_contraction(con, remaining, output_set)
                new_result, new_input_sets, idx_removed, idx_contract = cont

                # Sieve the results based on memory_limit
                new_size = _compute_size_by_dict(new_result, idx_dict)
                if new_size > memory_limit:

                # Build (total_cost, positions, indices_remaining)
                total_cost =  cost + _flop_count(idx_contract, idx_removed, len(con), idx_dict)
                new_pos = positions + [con]
                iter_results.append((total_cost, new_pos, new_input_sets))

        # Update combinatorial list, if we did not find anything return best
        # path + remaining contractions
        if iter_results:
            full_results = iter_results
            path = min(full_results, key=lambda x: x[0])[1]
            path += [tuple(range(len(input_sets) - iteration))]
            return path

    # If we have not found anything return single einsum contraction
    if len(full_results) == 0:
        return [tuple(range(len(input_sets)))]

    path = min(full_results, key=lambda x: x[0])[1]
    return path

def _parse_possible_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit, path_cost, naive_cost):
    """Compute the cost (removed size + flops) and resultant indices for
    performing the contraction specified by ``positions``.

    positions : tuple of int
        The locations of the proposed tensors to contract.
    input_sets : list of sets
        The indices found on each tensors.
    output_set : set
        The output indices of the expression.
    idx_dict : dict
        Mapping of each index to its size.
    memory_limit : int
        The total allowed size for an intermediary tensor.
    path_cost : int
        The contraction cost so far.
    naive_cost : int
        The cost of the unoptimized expression.

    cost : (int, int)
        A tuple containing the size of any indices removed, and the flop cost.
    positions : tuple of int
        The locations of the proposed tensors to contract.
    new_input_sets : list of sets
        The resulting new list of indices if this proposed contraction is performed.


    # Find the contraction
    contract = _find_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set)
    idx_result, new_input_sets, idx_removed, idx_contract = contract

    # Sieve the results based on memory_limit
    new_size = _compute_size_by_dict(idx_result, idx_dict)
    if new_size > memory_limit:
        return None

    # Build sort tuple
    old_sizes = (_compute_size_by_dict(input_sets[p], idx_dict) for p in positions)
    removed_size = sum(old_sizes) - new_size

    # NB: removed_size used to be just the size of any removed indices i.e.:
    #     helpers.compute_size_by_dict(idx_removed, idx_dict)
    cost = _flop_count(idx_contract, idx_removed, len(positions), idx_dict)
    sort = (-removed_size, cost)

    # Sieve based on total cost as well
    if (path_cost + cost) > naive_cost:
        return None

    # Add contraction to possible choices
    return [sort, positions, new_input_sets]

def _update_other_results(results, best):
    """Update the positions and provisional input_sets of ``results`` based on
    performing the contraction result ``best``. Remove any involving the tensors

    results : list
        List of contraction results produced by ``_parse_possible_contraction``.
    best : list
        The best contraction of ``results`` i.e. the one that will be performed.

    mod_results : list
        The list of modified results, updated with outcome of ``best`` contraction.

    best_con = best[1]
    bx, by = best_con
    mod_results = []

    for cost, (x, y), con_sets in results:

        # Ignore results involving tensors just contracted
        if x in best_con or y in best_con:

        # Update the input_sets
        del con_sets[by - int(by > x) - int(by > y)]
        del con_sets[bx - int(bx > x) - int(bx > y)]
        con_sets.insert(-1, best[2][-1])

        # Update the position indices
        mod_con = x - int(x > bx) - int(x > by), y - int(y > bx) - int(y > by)
        mod_results.append((cost, mod_con, con_sets))

    return mod_results

def _greedy_path(input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit):
    Finds the path by contracting the best pair until the input list is
    exhausted. The best pair is found by minimizing the tuple
    ``(-prod(indices_removed), cost)``.  What this amounts to is prioritizing
    matrix multiplication or inner product operations, then Hadamard like
    operations, and finally outer operations. Outer products are limited by
    ``memory_limit``. This algorithm scales cubically with respect to the
    number of elements in the list ``input_sets``.

    input_sets : list
        List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript
    output_set : set
        Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript
    idx_dict : dictionary
        Dictionary of index sizes
    memory_limit_limit : int
        The maximum number of elements in a temporary array

    path : list
        The greedy contraction order within the memory limit constraint.

    >>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')]
    >>> oset = set()
    >>> idx_sizes = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4}
    >>> _greedy_path(isets, oset, idx_sizes, 5000)
    [(0, 2), (0, 1)]
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