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Version: 1.19.1 

/ core / tests / test_defchararray.py

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.multiarray import _vec_string
from numpy.testing import (
    assert_, assert_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_raises,

kw_unicode_true = {'unicode': True}  # make 2to3 work properly
kw_unicode_false = {'unicode': False}

class TestBasic:
    def test_from_object_array(self):
        A = np.array([['abc', 2],
                      ['long   ', '0123456789']], dtype='O')
        B = np.char.array(A)
        assert_equal(B.dtype.itemsize, 10)
        assert_array_equal(B, [[b'abc', b'2'],
                               [b'long', b'0123456789']])

    def test_from_object_array_unicode(self):
        A = np.array([['abc', u'Sigma \u03a3'],
                      ['long   ', '0123456789']], dtype='O')
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.char.array, (A,))
        B = np.char.array(A, **kw_unicode_true)
        assert_equal(B.dtype.itemsize, 10 * np.array('a', 'U').dtype.itemsize)
        assert_array_equal(B, [['abc', u'Sigma \u03a3'],
                               ['long', '0123456789']])

    def test_from_string_array(self):
        A = np.array([[b'abc', b'foo'],
                      [b'long   ', b'0123456789']])
        assert_equal(A.dtype.type, np.string_)
        B = np.char.array(A)
        assert_array_equal(B, A)
        assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype)
        assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape)
        B[0, 0] = 'changed'
        assert_(B[0, 0] != A[0, 0])
        C = np.char.asarray(A)
        assert_array_equal(C, A)
        assert_equal(C.dtype, A.dtype)
        C[0, 0] = 'changed again'
        assert_(C[0, 0] != B[0, 0])
        assert_(C[0, 0] == A[0, 0])

    def test_from_unicode_array(self):
        A = np.array([['abc', u'Sigma \u03a3'],
                      ['long   ', '0123456789']])
        assert_equal(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_)
        B = np.char.array(A)
        assert_array_equal(B, A)
        assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype)
        assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape)
        B = np.char.array(A, **kw_unicode_true)
        assert_array_equal(B, A)
        assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype)
        assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape)

        def fail():
            np.char.array(A, **kw_unicode_false)

        assert_raises(UnicodeEncodeError, fail)

    def test_unicode_upconvert(self):
        A = np.char.array(['abc'])
        B = np.char.array([u'\u03a3'])
        assert_(issubclass((A + B).dtype.type, np.unicode_))

    def test_from_string(self):
        A = np.char.array(b'abc')
        assert_equal(len(A), 1)
        assert_equal(len(A[0]), 3)
        assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.string_))

    def test_from_unicode(self):
        A = np.char.array(u'\u03a3')
        assert_equal(len(A), 1)
        assert_equal(len(A[0]), 1)
        assert_equal(A.itemsize, 4)
        assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_))

class TestVecString:
    def test_non_existent_method(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string('a', np.string_, 'bogus')

        assert_raises(AttributeError, fail)

    def test_non_string_array(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string(1, np.string_, 'strip')

        assert_raises(TypeError, fail)

    def test_invalid_args_tuple(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string(['a'], np.string_, 'strip', 1)

        assert_raises(TypeError, fail)

    def test_invalid_type_descr(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string(['a'], 'BOGUS', 'strip')

        assert_raises(TypeError, fail)

    def test_invalid_function_args(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string(['a'], np.string_, 'strip', (1,))

        assert_raises(TypeError, fail)

    def test_invalid_result_type(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string(['a'], np.int_, 'strip')

        assert_raises(TypeError, fail)

    def test_broadcast_error(self):

        def fail():
            _vec_string([['abc', 'def']], np.int_, 'find', (['a', 'd', 'j'],))

        assert_raises(ValueError, fail)

class TestWhitespace:
    def setup(self):
        self.A = np.array([['abc ', '123  '],
                           ['789 ', 'xyz ']]).view(np.chararray)
        self.B = np.array([['abc', '123'],
                           ['789', 'xyz']]).view(np.chararray)

    def test1(self):
        assert_(np.all(self.A == self.B))
        assert_(np.all(self.A >= self.B))
        assert_(np.all(self.A <= self.B))
        assert_(not np.any(self.A > self.B))
        assert_(not np.any(self.A < self.B))
        assert_(not np.any(self.A != self.B))

class TestChar:
    def setup(self):
        self.A = np.array('abc1', dtype='c').view(np.chararray)

    def test_it(self):
        assert_equal(self.A.shape, (4,))
        assert_equal(self.A.upper()[:2].tobytes(), b'AB')

class TestComparisons:
    def setup(self):
        self.A = np.array([['abc', '123'],
                           ['789', 'xyz']]).view(np.chararray)
        self.B = np.array([['efg', '123  '],
                           ['051', 'tuv']]).view(np.chararray)

    def test_not_equal(self):
        assert_array_equal((self.A != self.B), [[True, False], [True, True]])

    def test_equal(self):
        assert_array_equal((self.A == self.B), [[False, True], [False, False]])

    def test_greater_equal(self):
        assert_array_equal((self.A >= self.B), [[False, True], [True, True]])

    def test_less_equal(self):
        assert_array_equal((self.A <= self.B), [[True, True], [False, False]])

    def test_greater(self):
        assert_array_equal((self.A > self.B), [[False, False], [True, True]])

    def test_less(self):
        assert_array_equal((self.A < self.B), [[True, False], [False, False]])

class TestComparisonsMixed1(TestComparisons):
    """Ticket #1276"""

    def setup(self):
        self.B = np.array([['efg', '123  '],
                           ['051', 'tuv']], np.unicode_).view(np.chararray)

class TestComparisonsMixed2(TestComparisons):
    """Ticket #1276"""

    def setup(self):
        self.A = np.array([['abc', '123'],
                           ['789', 'xyz']], np.unicode_).view(np.chararray)

class TestInformation:
    def setup(self):
        self.A = np.array([[' abc ', ''],
                           ['12345', 'MixedCase'],
                           ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'UPPER']]).view(np.chararray)
        self.B = np.array([[u' \u03a3 ', u''],
                           [u'12345', u'MixedCase'],
                           [u'123 \t 345 \0 ', u'UPPER']]).view(np.chararray)

    def test_len(self):
        assert_(issubclass(np.char.str_len(self.A).dtype.type, np.integer))
        assert_array_equal(np.char.str_len(self.A), [[5, 0], [5, 9], [12, 5]])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.str_len(self.B), [[3, 0], [5, 9], [12, 5]])

    def test_count(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.count('').dtype.type, np.integer))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.count('a'), [[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.count('123'), [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]])
        # Python doesn't seem to like counting NULL characters
        # assert_array_equal(self.A.count('\0'), [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.count('a', 0, 2), [[1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])
        assert_array_equal(self.B.count('a'), [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]])
        assert_array_equal(self.B.count('123'), [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]])
        # assert_array_equal(self.B.count('\0'), [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0]])

    def test_endswith(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.endswith('').dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.endswith(' '), [[1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.endswith('3', 0, 3), [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]])

        def fail():
            self.A.endswith('3', 'fdjk')

        assert_raises(TypeError, fail)

    def test_find(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.find('a').dtype.type, np.integer))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.find('a'), [[1, -1], [-1, 6], [-1, -1]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.find('3'), [[-1, -1], [2, -1], [2, -1]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.find('a', 0, 2), [[1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.find(['1', 'P']), [[-1, -1], [0, -1], [0, 1]])

    def test_index(self):

        def fail():

        assert_raises(ValueError, fail)
        assert_(np.char.index('abcba', 'b') == 1)
        assert_(issubclass(np.char.index('abcba', 'b').dtype.type, np.integer))

    def test_isalnum(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.isalnum().dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.isalnum(), [[False, False], [True, True], [False, True]])

    def test_isalpha(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.isalpha().dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.isalpha(), [[False, False], [False, True], [False, True]])

    def test_isdigit(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.isdigit().dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.isdigit(), [[False, False], [True, False], [False, False]])

    def test_islower(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.islower().dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.islower(), [[True, False], [False, False], [False, False]])

    def test_isspace(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.isspace().dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.isspace(), [[False, False], [False, False], [False, False]])

    def test_istitle(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.istitle().dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.istitle(), [[False, False], [False, False], [False, False]])

    def test_isupper(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.isupper().dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.isupper(), [[False, False], [False, False], [False, True]])

    def test_rfind(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.rfind('a').dtype.type, np.integer))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.rfind('a'), [[1, -1], [-1, 6], [-1, -1]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.rfind('3'), [[-1, -1], [2, -1], [6, -1]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.rfind('a', 0, 2), [[1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.rfind(['1', 'P']), [[-1, -1], [0, -1], [0, 2]])

    def test_rindex(self):

        def fail():

        assert_raises(ValueError, fail)
        assert_(np.char.rindex('abcba', 'b') == 3)
        assert_(issubclass(np.char.rindex('abcba', 'b').dtype.type, np.integer))

    def test_startswith(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.startswith('').dtype.type, np.bool_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.startswith(' '), [[1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])
        assert_array_equal(self.A.startswith('1', 0, 3), [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]])

        def fail():
            self.A.startswith('3', 'fdjk')

        assert_raises(TypeError, fail)

class TestMethods:
    def setup(self):
        self.A = np.array([[' abc ', ''],
                           ['12345', 'MixedCase'],
                           ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'UPPER']],
        self.B = np.array([[u' \u03a3 ', u''],
                           [u'12345', u'MixedCase'],
                           [u'123 \t 345 \0 ', u'UPPER']]).view(np.chararray)

    def test_capitalize(self):
        tgt = [[b' abc ', b''],
               [b'12345', b'Mixedcase'],
               [b'123 \t 345 \0 ', b'Upper']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.capitalize().dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(self.A.capitalize(), tgt)

        tgt = [[u' \u03c3 ', ''],
               ['12345', 'Mixedcase'],
               ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'Upper']]
        assert_(issubclass(self.B.capitalize().dtype.type, np.unicode_))
        assert_array_equal(self.B.capitalize(), tgt)

    def test_center(self):
        assert_(issubclass(self.A.center(10).dtype.type, np.string_))
        C = self.A.center([10, 20])
        assert_array_equal(np.char.str_len(C), [[10, 20], [10, 20], [12, 20]])

        C = self.A.center(20, b'#')

        C = np.char.center(b'FOO', [[10, 20], [15, 8]])
        tgt = [[b'   FOO    ', b'        FOO         '],
               [b'      FOO      ', b'  FOO   ']]
        assert_(issubclass(C.dtype.type, np.string_))
        assert_array_equal(C, tgt)

    def test_decode(self):
        A = np.char.array([b'\\u03a3'])
        assert_(A.decode('unicode-escape')[0] == '\u03a3')
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