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Version: 1.19.1 

/ distutils / fcompiler / __init__.py


Contains FCompiler, an abstract base class that defines the interface
for the numpy.distutils Fortran compiler abstraction model.


To be consistent, where the term 'executable' is used, it means the single
file, like 'gcc', that is executed, and should be a string. In contrast,
'command' means the entire command line, like ['gcc', '-c', 'file.c'], and
should be a list.

But note that FCompiler.executables is actually a dictionary of commands.

__all__ = ['FCompiler', 'new_fcompiler', 'show_fcompilers',

import os
import sys
import re

from numpy.compat import open_latin1

from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
from distutils.fancy_getopt import FancyGetopt
from distutils.errors import DistutilsModuleError, \
     DistutilsExecError, CompileError, LinkError, DistutilsPlatformError
from distutils.util import split_quoted, strtobool

from numpy.distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, gen_lib_options
from numpy.distutils import log
from numpy.distutils.misc_util import is_string, all_strings, is_sequence, \
    make_temp_file, get_shared_lib_extension
from numpy.distutils.exec_command import find_executable
from numpy.distutils import _shell_utils

from .environment import EnvironmentConfig

__metaclass__ = type

class CompilerNotFound(Exception):

def flaglist(s):
    if is_string(s):
        return split_quoted(s)
        return s

def str2bool(s):
    if is_string(s):
        return strtobool(s)
    return bool(s)

def is_sequence_of_strings(seq):
    return is_sequence(seq) and all_strings(seq)

class FCompiler(CCompiler):
    """Abstract base class to define the interface that must be implemented
    by real Fortran compiler classes.

    Methods that subclasses may redefine:

        update_executables(), find_executables(), get_version()
        get_flags(), get_flags_opt(), get_flags_arch(), get_flags_debug()
        get_flags_f77(), get_flags_opt_f77(), get_flags_arch_f77(),
        get_flags_debug_f77(), get_flags_f90(), get_flags_opt_f90(),
        get_flags_arch_f90(), get_flags_debug_f90(),
        get_flags_fix(), get_flags_linker_so()

    DON'T call these methods (except get_version) after
    constructing a compiler instance or inside any other method.
    All methods, except update_executables() and find_executables(),
    may call the get_version() method.

    After constructing a compiler instance, always call customize(dist=None)
    method that finalizes compiler construction and makes the following
    attributes available:

    # These are the environment variables and distutils keys used.
    # Each configuration description is
    # (<hook name>, <environment variable>, <key in distutils.cfg>, <convert>, <append>)
    # The hook names are handled by the self._environment_hook method.
    #  - names starting with 'self.' call methods in this class
    #  - names starting with 'exe.' return the key in the executables dict
    #  - names like 'flags.YYY' return self.get_flag_YYY()
    # convert is either None or a function to convert a string to the
    # appropriate type used.

    distutils_vars = EnvironmentConfig(
        noopt = (None, None, 'noopt', str2bool, False),
        noarch = (None, None, 'noarch', str2bool, False),
        debug = (None, None, 'debug', str2bool, False),
        verbose = (None, None, 'verbose', str2bool, False),

    command_vars = EnvironmentConfig(
        compiler_f77 = ('exe.compiler_f77', 'F77', 'f77exec', None, False),
        compiler_f90 = ('exe.compiler_f90', 'F90', 'f90exec', None, False),
        compiler_fix = ('exe.compiler_fix', 'F90', 'f90exec', None, False),
        version_cmd = ('exe.version_cmd', None, None, None, False),
        linker_so = ('exe.linker_so', 'LDSHARED', 'ldshared', None, False),
        linker_exe = ('exe.linker_exe', 'LD', 'ld', None, False),
        archiver = (None, 'AR', 'ar', None, False),
        ranlib = (None, 'RANLIB', 'ranlib', None, False),

    flag_vars = EnvironmentConfig(
        f77 = ('flags.f77', 'F77FLAGS', 'f77flags', flaglist, True),
        f90 = ('flags.f90', 'F90FLAGS', 'f90flags', flaglist, True),
        free = ('flags.free', 'FREEFLAGS', 'freeflags', flaglist, True),
        fix = ('flags.fix', None, None, flaglist, False),
        opt = ('flags.opt', 'FOPT', 'opt', flaglist, True),
        opt_f77 = ('flags.opt_f77', None, None, flaglist, False),
        opt_f90 = ('flags.opt_f90', None, None, flaglist, False),
        arch = ('flags.arch', 'FARCH', 'arch', flaglist, False),
        arch_f77 = ('flags.arch_f77', None, None, flaglist, False),
        arch_f90 = ('flags.arch_f90', None, None, flaglist, False),
        debug = ('flags.debug', 'FDEBUG', 'fdebug', flaglist, True),
        debug_f77 = ('flags.debug_f77', None, None, flaglist, False),
        debug_f90 = ('flags.debug_f90', None, None, flaglist, False),
        flags = ('self.get_flags', 'FFLAGS', 'fflags', flaglist, True),
        linker_so = ('flags.linker_so', 'LDFLAGS', 'ldflags', flaglist, True),
        linker_exe = ('flags.linker_exe', 'LDFLAGS', 'ldflags', flaglist, True),
        ar = ('flags.ar', 'ARFLAGS', 'arflags', flaglist, True),

    language_map = {'.f': 'f77',
                    '.for': 'f77',
                    '.F': 'f77',    # XXX: needs preprocessor
                    '.ftn': 'f77',
                    '.f77': 'f77',
                    '.f90': 'f90',
                    '.F90': 'f90',  # XXX: needs preprocessor
                    '.f95': 'f90',
    language_order = ['f90', 'f77']

    # These will be set by the subclass

    compiler_type = None
    compiler_aliases = ()
    version_pattern = None

    possible_executables = []
    executables = {
        'version_cmd': ["f77", "-v"],
        'compiler_f77': ["f77"],
        'compiler_f90': ["f90"],
        'compiler_fix': ["f90", "-fixed"],
        'linker_so': ["f90", "-shared"],
        'linker_exe': ["f90"],
        'archiver': ["ar", "-cr"],
        'ranlib': None,

    # If compiler does not support compiling Fortran 90 then it can
    # suggest using another compiler. For example, gnu would suggest
    # gnu95 compiler type when there are F90 sources.
    suggested_f90_compiler = None

    compile_switch = "-c"
    object_switch = "-o "   # Ending space matters! It will be stripped
                            # but if it is missing then object_switch
                            # will be prefixed to object file name by
                            # string concatenation.
    library_switch = "-o "  # Ditto!

    # Switch to specify where module files are created and searched
    # for USE statement.  Normally it is a string and also here ending
    # space matters. See above.
    module_dir_switch = None

    # Switch to specify where module files are searched for USE statement.
    module_include_switch = '-I'

    pic_flags = []           # Flags to create position-independent code

    src_extensions = ['.for', '.ftn', '.f77', '.f', '.f90', '.f95', '.F', '.F90', '.FOR']
    obj_extension = ".o"

    shared_lib_extension = get_shared_lib_extension()
    static_lib_extension = ".a"  # or .lib
    static_lib_format = "lib%s%s" # or %s%s
    shared_lib_format = "%s%s"
    exe_extension = ""

    _exe_cache = {}

    _executable_keys = ['version_cmd', 'compiler_f77', 'compiler_f90',
                        'compiler_fix', 'linker_so', 'linker_exe', 'archiver',

    # This will be set by new_fcompiler when called in
    # command/{build_ext.py, build_clib.py, config.py} files.
    c_compiler = None

    # extra_{f77,f90}_compile_args are set by build_ext.build_extension method
    extra_f77_compile_args = []
    extra_f90_compile_args = []

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        CCompiler.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
        self.distutils_vars = self.distutils_vars.clone(self._environment_hook)
        self.command_vars = self.command_vars.clone(self._environment_hook)
        self.flag_vars = self.flag_vars.clone(self._environment_hook)
        self.executables = self.executables.copy()
        for e in self._executable_keys:
            if e not in self.executables:
                self.executables[e] = None

        # Some methods depend on .customize() being called first, so
        # this keeps track of whether that's happened yet.
        self._is_customised = False

    def __copy__(self):
        obj = self.__new__(self.__class__)
        obj.distutils_vars = obj.distutils_vars.clone(obj._environment_hook)
        obj.command_vars = obj.command_vars.clone(obj._environment_hook)
        obj.flag_vars = obj.flag_vars.clone(obj._environment_hook)
        obj.executables = obj.executables.copy()
        return obj

    def copy(self):
        return self.__copy__()

    # Use properties for the attributes used by CCompiler. Setting them
    # as attributes from the self.executables dictionary is error-prone,
    # so we get them from there each time.
    def _command_property(key):
        def fget(self):
            assert self._is_customised
            return self.executables[key]
        return property(fget=fget)
    version_cmd = _command_property('version_cmd')
    compiler_f77 = _command_property('compiler_f77')
    compiler_f90 = _command_property('compiler_f90')
    compiler_fix = _command_property('compiler_fix')
    linker_so = _command_property('linker_so')
    linker_exe = _command_property('linker_exe')
    archiver = _command_property('archiver')
    ranlib = _command_property('ranlib')

    # Make our terminology consistent.
    def set_executable(self, key, value):
        self.set_command(key, value)

    def set_commands(self, **kw):
        for k, v in kw.items():
            self.set_command(k, v)

    def set_command(self, key, value):
        if not key in self._executable_keys:
            raise ValueError(
                "unknown executable '%s' for class %s" %
                (key, self.__class__.__name__))
        if is_string(value):
            value = split_quoted(value)
        assert value is None or is_sequence_of_strings(value[1:]), (key, value)
        self.executables[key] = value

    ## Methods that subclasses may redefine. But don't call these methods!
    ## They are private to FCompiler class and may return unexpected
    ## results if used elsewhere. So, you have been warned..

    def find_executables(self):
        """Go through the self.executables dictionary, and attempt to
        find and assign appropriate executables.

        Executable names are looked for in the environment (environment
        variables, the distutils.cfg, and command line), the 0th-element of
        the command list, and the self.possible_executables list.

        Also, if the 0th element is "<F77>" or "<F90>", the Fortran 77
        or the Fortran 90 compiler executable is used, unless overridden
        by an environment setting.

        Subclasses should call this if overridden.
        assert self._is_customised
        exe_cache = self._exe_cache
        def cached_find_executable(exe):
            if exe in exe_cache:
                return exe_cache[exe]
            fc_exe = find_executable(exe)
            exe_cache[exe] = exe_cache[fc_exe] = fc_exe
            return fc_exe
        def verify_command_form(name, value):
            if value is not None and not is_sequence_of_strings(value):
                raise ValueError(
                    "%s value %r is invalid in class %s" %
                    (name, value, self.__class__.__name__))
        def set_exe(exe_key, f77=None, f90=None):
            cmd = self.executables.get(exe_key, None)
            if not cmd:
                return None
            # Note that we get cmd[0] here if the environment doesn't
            # have anything set
            exe_from_environ = getattr(self.command_vars, exe_key)
            if not exe_from_environ:
                possibles = [f90, f77] + self.possible_executables
                possibles = [exe_from_environ] + self.possible_executables

            seen = set()
            unique_possibles = []
            for e in possibles:
                if e == '<F77>':
                    e = f77
                elif e == '<F90>':
                    e = f90
                if not e or e in seen:

            for exe in unique_possibles:
                fc_exe = cached_find_executable(exe)
                if fc_exe:
                    cmd[0] = fc_exe
                    return fc_exe
            self.set_command(exe_key, None)
            return None

        ctype = self.compiler_type
        f90 = set_exe('compiler_f90')
        if not f90:
            f77 = set_exe('compiler_f77')
            if f77:
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