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Version: 1.19.1 

/ distutils / npy_pkg_config.py

import sys
import re
import os

from configparser import RawConfigParser

__all__ = ['FormatError', 'PkgNotFound', 'LibraryInfo', 'VariableSet',
        'read_config', 'parse_flags']

_VAR = re.compile(r'\$\{([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\}')

class FormatError(IOError):
    Exception thrown when there is a problem parsing a configuration file.

    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

    def __str__(self):
        return self.msg

class PkgNotFound(IOError):
    """Exception raised when a package can not be located."""
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

    def __str__(self):
        return self.msg

def parse_flags(line):
    Parse a line from a config file containing compile flags.

    line : str
        A single line containing one or more compile flags.

    d : dict
        Dictionary of parsed flags, split into relevant categories.
        These categories are the keys of `d`:

        * 'include_dirs'
        * 'library_dirs'
        * 'libraries'
        * 'macros'
        * 'ignored'

    d = {'include_dirs': [], 'library_dirs': [], 'libraries': [],
         'macros': [], 'ignored': []}

    flags = (' ' + line).split(' -')
    for flag in flags:
        flag = '-' + flag
        if len(flag) > 0:
            if flag.startswith('-I'):
            elif flag.startswith('-L'):
            elif flag.startswith('-l'):
            elif flag.startswith('-D'):

    return d

def _escape_backslash(val):
    return val.replace('\\', '\\\\')

class LibraryInfo:
    Object containing build information about a library.

    name : str
        The library name.
    description : str
        Description of the library.
    version : str
        Version string.
    sections : dict
        The sections of the configuration file for the library. The keys are
        the section headers, the values the text under each header.
    vars : class instance
        A `VariableSet` instance, which contains ``(name, value)`` pairs for
        variables defined in the configuration file for the library.
    requires : sequence, optional
        The required libraries for the library to be installed.

    All input parameters (except "sections" which is a method) are available as
    attributes of the same name.

    def __init__(self, name, description, version, sections, vars, requires=None):
        self.name = name
        self.description = description
        if requires:
            self.requires = requires
            self.requires = []
        self.version = version
        self._sections = sections
        self.vars = vars

    def sections(self):
        Return the section headers of the config file.


        keys : list of str
            The list of section headers.

        return list(self._sections.keys())

    def cflags(self, section="default"):
        val = self.vars.interpolate(self._sections[section]['cflags'])
        return _escape_backslash(val)

    def libs(self, section="default"):
        val = self.vars.interpolate(self._sections[section]['libs'])
        return _escape_backslash(val)

    def __str__(self):
        m = ['Name: %s' % self.name, 'Description: %s' % self.description]
        if self.requires:
            m.append('Requires: %s' % ",".join(self.requires))
        m.append('Version: %s' % self.version)

        return "\n".join(m)

class VariableSet:
    Container object for the variables defined in a config file.

    `VariableSet` can be used as a plain dictionary, with the variable names
    as keys.

    d : dict
        Dict of items in the "variables" section of the configuration file.

    def __init__(self, d):
        self._raw_data = dict([(k, v) for k, v in d.items()])

        self._re = {}
        self._re_sub = {}


    def _init_parse(self):
        for k, v in self._raw_data.items():
            self._init_parse_var(k, v)

    def _init_parse_var(self, name, value):
        self._re[name] = re.compile(r'\$\{%s\}' % name)
        self._re_sub[name] = value

    def interpolate(self, value):
        # Brute force: we keep interpolating until there is no '${var}' anymore
        # or until interpolated string is equal to input string
        def _interpolate(value):
            for k in self._re.keys():
                value = self._re[k].sub(self._re_sub[k], value)
            return value
        while _VAR.search(value):
            nvalue = _interpolate(value)
            if nvalue == value:
            value = nvalue

        return value

    def variables(self):
        Return the list of variable names.


        names : list of str
            The names of all variables in the `VariableSet` instance.

        return list(self._raw_data.keys())

    # Emulate a dict to set/get variables values
    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self._raw_data[name]

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        self._raw_data[name] = value
        self._init_parse_var(name, value)

def parse_meta(config):
    if not config.has_section('meta'):
        raise FormatError("No meta section found !")

    d = dict(config.items('meta'))

    for k in ['name', 'description', 'version']:
        if not k in d:
            raise FormatError("Option %s (section [meta]) is mandatory, "
                "but not found" % k)

    if not 'requires' in d:
        d['requires'] = []

    return d

def parse_variables(config):
    if not config.has_section('variables'):
        raise FormatError("No variables section found !")

    d = {}

    for name, value in config.items("variables"):
        d[name] = value

    return VariableSet(d)

def parse_sections(config):
    return meta_d, r

def pkg_to_filename(pkg_name):
    return "%s.ini" % pkg_name

def parse_config(filename, dirs=None):
    if dirs:
        filenames = [os.path.join(d, filename) for d in dirs]
        filenames = [filename]

    config = RawConfigParser()

    n = config.read(filenames)
    if not len(n) >= 1:
        raise PkgNotFound("Could not find file(s) %s" % str(filenames))

    # Parse meta and variables sections
    meta = parse_meta(config)

    vars = {}
    if config.has_section('variables'):
        for name, value in config.items("variables"):
            vars[name] = _escape_backslash(value)

    # Parse "normal" sections
    secs = [s for s in config.sections() if not s in ['meta', 'variables']]
    sections = {}

    requires = {}
    for s in secs:
        d = {}
        if config.has_option(s, "requires"):
            requires[s] = config.get(s, 'requires')

        for name, value in config.items(s):
            d[name] = value
        sections[s] = d

    return meta, vars, sections, requires

def _read_config_imp(filenames, dirs=None):
    def _read_config(f):
        meta, vars, sections, reqs = parse_config(f, dirs)
        # recursively add sections and variables of required libraries
        for rname, rvalue in reqs.items():
            nmeta, nvars, nsections, nreqs = _read_config(pkg_to_filename(rvalue))

            # Update var dict for variables not in 'top' config file
            for k, v in nvars.items():
                if not k in vars:
                    vars[k] = v

            # Update sec dict
            for oname, ovalue in nsections[rname].items():
                if ovalue:
                    sections[rname][oname] += ' %s' % ovalue

        return meta, vars, sections, reqs

    meta, vars, sections, reqs = _read_config(filenames)

    # FIXME: document this. If pkgname is defined in the variables section, and
    # there is no pkgdir variable defined, pkgdir is automatically defined to
    # the path of pkgname. This requires the package to be imported to work
    if not 'pkgdir' in vars and "pkgname" in vars:
        pkgname = vars["pkgname"]
        if not pkgname in sys.modules:
            raise ValueError("You should import %s to get information on %s" %
                             (pkgname, meta["name"]))

        mod = sys.modules[pkgname]
        vars["pkgdir"] = _escape_backslash(os.path.dirname(mod.__file__))

    return LibraryInfo(name=meta["name"], description=meta["description"],
            version=meta["version"], sections=sections, vars=VariableSet(vars))

# Trivial cache to cache LibraryInfo instances creation. To be really
# efficient, the cache should be handled in read_config, since a same file can
# be parsed many time outside LibraryInfo creation, but I doubt this will be a
# problem in practice
_CACHE = {}
def read_config(pkgname, dirs=None):
    Return library info for a package from its configuration file.

    pkgname : str
        Name of the package (should match the name of the .ini file, without
        the extension, e.g. foo for the file foo.ini).
    dirs : sequence, optional
        If given, should be a sequence of directories - usually including
        the NumPy base directory - where to look for npy-pkg-config files.

    pkginfo : class instance
        The `LibraryInfo` instance containing the build information.

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