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Version: 1.19.1 

/ lib / recfunctions.py

Collection of utilities to manipulate structured arrays.

Most of these functions were initially implemented by John Hunter for
matplotlib.  They have been rewritten and extended for convenience.

import itertools
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
from numpy import ndarray, recarray
from numpy.ma import MaskedArray
from numpy.ma.mrecords import MaskedRecords
from numpy.core.overrides import array_function_dispatch
from numpy.lib._iotools import _is_string_like
from numpy.testing import suppress_warnings

_check_fill_value = np.ma.core._check_fill_value

__all__ = [
    'append_fields', 'apply_along_fields', 'assign_fields_by_name',
    'drop_fields', 'find_duplicates', 'flatten_descr',
    'get_fieldstructure', 'get_names', 'get_names_flat',
    'join_by', 'merge_arrays', 'rec_append_fields',
    'rec_drop_fields', 'rec_join', 'recursive_fill_fields',
    'rename_fields', 'repack_fields', 'require_fields',
    'stack_arrays', 'structured_to_unstructured', 'unstructured_to_structured',

def _recursive_fill_fields_dispatcher(input, output):
    return (input, output)

def recursive_fill_fields(input, output):
    Fills fields from output with fields from input,
    with support for nested structures.

    input : ndarray
        Input array.
    output : ndarray
        Output array.

    * `output` should be at least the same size as `input`

    >>> from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
    >>> a = np.array([(1, 10.), (2, 20.)], dtype=[('A', np.int64), ('B', np.float64)])
    >>> b = np.zeros((3,), dtype=a.dtype)
    >>> rfn.recursive_fill_fields(a, b)
    array([(1, 10.), (2, 20.), (0,  0.)], dtype=[('A', '<i8'), ('B', '<f8')])

    newdtype = output.dtype
    for field in newdtype.names:
            current = input[field]
        except ValueError:
        if current.dtype.names is not None:
            recursive_fill_fields(current, output[field])
            output[field][:len(current)] = current
    return output

def _get_fieldspec(dtype):
    Produce a list of name/dtype pairs corresponding to the dtype fields

    Similar to dtype.descr, but the second item of each tuple is a dtype, not a
    string. As a result, this handles subarray dtypes

    Can be passed to the dtype constructor to reconstruct the dtype, noting that
    this (deliberately) discards field offsets.

    >>> dt = np.dtype([(('a', 'A'), np.int64), ('b', np.double, 3)])
    >>> dt.descr
    [(('a', 'A'), '<i8'), ('b', '<f8', (3,))]
    >>> _get_fieldspec(dt)
    [(('a', 'A'), dtype('int64')), ('b', dtype(('<f8', (3,))))]

    if dtype.names is None:
        # .descr returns a nameless field, so we should too
        return [('', dtype)]
        fields = ((name, dtype.fields[name]) for name in dtype.names)
        # keep any titles, if present
        return [
            (name if len(f) == 2 else (f[2], name), f[0])
            for name, f in fields

def get_names(adtype):
    Returns the field names of the input datatype as a tuple.

    adtype : dtype
        Input datatype

    >>> from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
    >>> rfn.get_names(np.empty((1,), dtype=int))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'names'

    >>> rfn.get_names(np.empty((1,), dtype=[('A',int), ('B', float)]))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'names'
    >>> adtype = np.dtype([('a', int), ('b', [('ba', int), ('bb', int)])])
    >>> rfn.get_names(adtype)
    ('a', ('b', ('ba', 'bb')))
    listnames = []
    names = adtype.names
    for name in names:
        current = adtype[name]
        if current.names is not None:
            listnames.append((name, tuple(get_names(current))))
    return tuple(listnames)

def get_names_flat(adtype):
    Returns the field names of the input datatype as a tuple. Nested structure
    are flattened beforehand.

    adtype : dtype
        Input datatype

    >>> from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
    >>> rfn.get_names_flat(np.empty((1,), dtype=int)) is None
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'names'
    >>> rfn.get_names_flat(np.empty((1,), dtype=[('A',int), ('B', float)]))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'names'
    >>> adtype = np.dtype([('a', int), ('b', [('ba', int), ('bb', int)])])
    >>> rfn.get_names_flat(adtype)
    ('a', 'b', 'ba', 'bb')
    listnames = []
    names = adtype.names
    for name in names:
        current = adtype[name]
        if current.names is not None:
    return tuple(listnames)

def flatten_descr(ndtype):
    Flatten a structured data-type description.

    >>> from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
    >>> ndtype = np.dtype([('a', '<i4'), ('b', [('ba', '<f8'), ('bb', '<i4')])])
    >>> rfn.flatten_descr(ndtype)
    (('a', dtype('int32')), ('ba', dtype('float64')), ('bb', dtype('int32')))

    names = ndtype.names
    if names is None:
        return (('', ndtype),)
        descr = []
        for field in names:
            (typ, _) = ndtype.fields[field]
            if typ.names is not None:
                descr.append((field, typ))
        return tuple(descr)

def _zip_dtype(seqarrays, flatten=False):
    newdtype = []
    if flatten:
        for a in seqarrays:
        for a in seqarrays:
            current = a.dtype
            if current.names is not None and len(current.names) == 1:
                # special case - dtypes of 1 field are flattened
                newdtype.append(('', current))
    return np.dtype(newdtype)

def _zip_descr(seqarrays, flatten=False):
    Combine the dtype description of a series of arrays.

    seqarrays : sequence of arrays
        Sequence of arrays
    flatten : {boolean}, optional
        Whether to collapse nested descriptions.
    return _zip_dtype(seqarrays, flatten=flatten).descr

def get_fieldstructure(adtype, lastname=None, parents=None,):
    Returns a dictionary with fields indexing lists of their parent fields.

    This function is used to simplify access to fields nested in other fields.

    adtype : np.dtype
        Input datatype
    lastname : optional
        Last processed field name (used internally during recursion).
    parents : dictionary
        Dictionary of parent fields (used interbally during recursion).

    >>> from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
    >>> ndtype =  np.dtype([('A', int),
    ...                     ('B', [('BA', int),
    ...                            ('BB', [('BBA', int), ('BBB', int)])])])
    >>> rfn.get_fieldstructure(ndtype)
    ... # XXX: possible regression, order of BBA and BBB is swapped
    {'A': [], 'B': [], 'BA': ['B'], 'BB': ['B'], 'BBA': ['B', 'BB'], 'BBB': ['B', 'BB']}

    if parents is None:
        parents = {}
    names = adtype.names
    for name in names:
        current = adtype[name]
        if current.names is not None:
            if lastname:
                parents[name] = [lastname, ]
                parents[name] = []
            parents.update(get_fieldstructure(current, name, parents))
            lastparent = [_ for _ in (parents.get(lastname, []) or [])]
            if lastparent:
            elif lastname:
                lastparent = [lastname, ]
            parents[name] = lastparent or []
    return parents

def _izip_fields_flat(iterable):
    Returns an iterator of concatenated fields from a sequence of arrays,
    collapsing any nested structure.

    for element in iterable:
        if isinstance(element, np.void):
            yield from _izip_fields_flat(tuple(element))
            yield element

def _izip_fields(iterable):
    Returns an iterator of concatenated fields from a sequence of arrays.

    for element in iterable:
        if (hasattr(element, '__iter__') and
                not isinstance(element, str)):
            yield from _izip_fields(element)
        elif isinstance(element, np.void) and len(tuple(element)) == 1:
            # this statement is the same from the previous expression
            yield from _izip_fields(element)
            yield element

def _izip_records(seqarrays, fill_value=None, flatten=True):
    Returns an iterator of concatenated items from a sequence of arrays.

    seqarrays : sequence of arrays
        Sequence of arrays.
    fill_value : {None, integer}
        Value used to pad shorter iterables.
    flatten : {True, False},
        Whether to

    # Should we flatten the items, or just use a nested approach
    if flatten:
        zipfunc = _izip_fields_flat
        zipfunc = _izip_fields

    for tup in itertools.zip_longest(*seqarrays, fillvalue=fill_value):
        yield tuple(zipfunc(tup))

def _fix_output(output, usemask=True, asrecarray=False):
    Private function: return a recarray, a ndarray, a MaskedArray
    or a MaskedRecords depending on the input parameters
    if not isinstance(output, MaskedArray):
        usemask = False
    if usemask:
        if asrecarray:
            output = output.view(MaskedRecords)
        output = ma.filled(output)
        if asrecarray:
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