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Version: 1.19.1 

/ ma / extras.py

Masked arrays add-ons.

A collection of utilities for `numpy.ma`.

:author: Pierre Gerard-Marchant
:contact: pierregm_at_uga_dot_edu
:version: $Id: extras.py 3473 2007-10-29 15:18:13Z jarrod.millman $

__all__ = [
    'apply_along_axis', 'apply_over_axes', 'atleast_1d', 'atleast_2d',
    'atleast_3d', 'average', 'clump_masked', 'clump_unmasked',
    'column_stack', 'compress_cols', 'compress_nd', 'compress_rowcols',
    'compress_rows', 'count_masked', 'corrcoef', 'cov', 'diagflat', 'dot',
    'dstack', 'ediff1d', 'flatnotmasked_contiguous', 'flatnotmasked_edges',
    'hsplit', 'hstack', 'isin', 'in1d', 'intersect1d', 'mask_cols', 'mask_rowcols',
    'mask_rows', 'masked_all', 'masked_all_like', 'median', 'mr_',
    'notmasked_contiguous', 'notmasked_edges', 'polyfit', 'row_stack',
    'setdiff1d', 'setxor1d', 'stack', 'unique', 'union1d', 'vander', 'vstack',

import itertools
import warnings

from . import core as ma
from .core import (
    MaskedArray, MAError, add, array, asarray, concatenate, filled, count,
    getmask, getmaskarray, make_mask_descr, masked, masked_array, mask_or,
    nomask, ones, sort, zeros, getdata, get_masked_subclass, dot,

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray, array as nxarray
import numpy.core.umath as umath
from numpy.core.multiarray import normalize_axis_index
from numpy.core.numeric import normalize_axis_tuple
from numpy.lib.function_base import _ureduce
from numpy.lib.index_tricks import AxisConcatenator

def issequence(seq):
    Is seq a sequence (ndarray, list or tuple)?

    return isinstance(seq, (ndarray, tuple, list))

def count_masked(arr, axis=None):
    Count the number of masked elements along the given axis.

    arr : array_like
        An array with (possibly) masked elements.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to count. If None (default), a flattened
        version of the array is used.

    count : int, ndarray
        The total number of masked elements (axis=None) or the number
        of masked elements along each slice of the given axis.

    See Also
    MaskedArray.count : Count non-masked elements.

    >>> import numpy.ma as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(9).reshape((3,3))
    >>> a = ma.array(a)
    >>> a[1, 0] = ma.masked
    >>> a[1, 2] = ma.masked
    >>> a[2, 1] = ma.masked
    >>> a
      data=[[0, 1, 2],
            [--, 4, --],
            [6, --, 8]],
      mask=[[False, False, False],
            [ True, False,  True],
            [False,  True, False]],
    >>> ma.count_masked(a)

    When the `axis` keyword is used an array is returned.

    >>> ma.count_masked(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 1, 1])
    >>> ma.count_masked(a, axis=1)
    array([0, 2, 1])

    m = getmaskarray(arr)
    return m.sum(axis)

def masked_all(shape, dtype=float):
    Empty masked array with all elements masked.

    Return an empty masked array of the given shape and dtype, where all the
    data are masked.

    shape : tuple
        Shape of the required MaskedArray.
    dtype : dtype, optional
        Data type of the output.

    a : MaskedArray
        A masked array with all data masked.

    See Also
    masked_all_like : Empty masked array modelled on an existing array.

    >>> import numpy.ma as ma
    >>> ma.masked_all((3, 3))
      data=[[--, --, --],
            [--, --, --],
            [--, --, --]],
      mask=[[ True,  True,  True],
            [ True,  True,  True],
            [ True,  True,  True]],

    The `dtype` parameter defines the underlying data type.

    >>> a = ma.masked_all((3, 3))
    >>> a.dtype
    >>> a = ma.masked_all((3, 3), dtype=np.int32)
    >>> a.dtype

    a = masked_array(np.empty(shape, dtype),
                     mask=np.ones(shape, make_mask_descr(dtype)))
    return a

def masked_all_like(arr):
    Empty masked array with the properties of an existing array.

    Return an empty masked array of the same shape and dtype as
    the array `arr`, where all the data are masked.

    arr : ndarray
        An array describing the shape and dtype of the required MaskedArray.

    a : MaskedArray
        A masked array with all data masked.

        If `arr` doesn't have a shape attribute (i.e. not an ndarray)

    See Also
    masked_all : Empty masked array with all elements masked.

    >>> import numpy.ma as ma
    >>> arr = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    >>> arr
    array([[0., 0., 0.],
           [0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)
    >>> ma.masked_all_like(arr)
      data=[[--, --, --],
            [--, --, --]],
      mask=[[ True,  True,  True],
            [ True,  True,  True]],

    The dtype of the masked array matches the dtype of `arr`.

    >>> arr.dtype
    >>> ma.masked_all_like(arr).dtype

    a = np.empty_like(arr).view(MaskedArray)
    a._mask = np.ones(a.shape, dtype=make_mask_descr(a.dtype))
    return a

#---- --- Standard functions ---
class _fromnxfunction:
    Defines a wrapper to adapt NumPy functions to masked arrays.

    An instance of `_fromnxfunction` can be called with the same parameters
    as the wrapped NumPy function. The docstring of `newfunc` is adapted from
    the wrapped function as well, see `getdoc`.

    This class should not be used directly. Instead, one of its extensions that
    provides support for a specific type of input should be used.

    funcname : str
        The name of the function to be adapted. The function should be
        in the NumPy namespace (i.e. ``np.funcname``).


    def __init__(self, funcname):
        self.__name__ = funcname
        self.__doc__ = self.getdoc()

    def getdoc(self):
        Retrieve the docstring and signature from the function.

        The ``__doc__`` attribute of the function is used as the docstring for
        the new masked array version of the function. A note on application
        of the function to the mask is appended.

        .. warning::
          If the function docstring already contained a Notes section, the
          new docstring will have two Notes sections instead of appending a note
          to the existing section.


        npfunc = getattr(np, self.__name__, None)
        doc = getattr(npfunc, '__doc__', None)
        if doc:
            sig = self.__name__ + ma.get_object_signature(npfunc)
            locdoc = "Notes\n-----\nThe function is applied to both the _data"\
                     " and the _mask, if any."
            return '\n'.join((sig, doc, locdoc))

    def __call__(self, *args, **params):

class _fromnxfunction_single(_fromnxfunction):
    A version of `_fromnxfunction` that is called with a single array
    argument followed by auxiliary args that are passed verbatim for
    both the data and mask calls.
    def __call__(self, x, *args, **params):
        func = getattr(np, self.__name__)
        if isinstance(x, ndarray):
            _d = func(x.__array__(), *args, **params)
            _m = func(getmaskarray(x), *args, **params)
            return masked_array(_d, mask=_m)
            _d = func(np.asarray(x), *args, **params)
            _m = func(getmaskarray(x), *args, **params)
            return masked_array(_d, mask=_m)

class _fromnxfunction_seq(_fromnxfunction):
    A version of `_fromnxfunction` that is called with a single sequence
    of arrays followed by auxiliary args that are passed verbatim for
    both the data and mask calls.
    def __call__(self, x, *args, **params):
        func = getattr(np, self.__name__)
        _d = func(tuple([np.asarray(a) for a in x]), *args, **params)
        _m = func(tuple([getmaskarray(a) for a in x]), *args, **params)
        return masked_array(_d, mask=_m)

class _fromnxfunction_args(_fromnxfunction):
    A version of `_fromnxfunction` that is called with multiple array
    arguments. The first non-array-like input marks the beginning of the
    arguments that are passed verbatim for both the data and mask calls.
    Array arguments are processed independently and the results are
    returned in a list. If only one array is found, the return value is
    just the processed array instead of a list.
    def __call__(self, *args, **params):
        func = getattr(np, self.__name__)
        arrays = []
        args = list(args)
        while len(args) > 0 and issequence(args[0]):
        res = []
        for x in arrays:
            _d = func(np.asarray(x), *args, **params)
            _m = func(getmaskarray(x), *args, **params)
            res.append(masked_array(_d, mask=_m))
        if len(arrays) == 1:
            return res[0]
        return res

class _fromnxfunction_allargs(_fromnxfunction):
    A version of `_fromnxfunction` that is called with multiple array
    arguments. Similar to `_fromnxfunction_args` except that all args
    are converted to arrays even if they are not so already. This makes
    it possible to process scalars as 1-D arrays. Only keyword arguments
    are passed through verbatim for the data and mask calls. Arrays
    arguments are processed independently and the results are returned
    in a list. If only one arg is present, the return value is just the
    processed array instead of a list.
    def __call__(self, *args, **params):
        func = getattr(np, self.__name__)
        res = []
        for x in args:
            _d = func(np.asarray(x), **params)
            _m = func(getmaskarray(x), **params)
            res.append(masked_array(_d, mask=_m))
        if len(args) == 1:
            return res[0]
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