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Version: 1.19.1 

/ random / tests / test_random.py

import warnings

import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (
        assert_, assert_raises, assert_equal, assert_warns,
        assert_no_warnings, assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal,
from numpy import random
import sys

class TestSeed:
    def test_scalar(self):
        s = np.random.RandomState(0)
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 684)
        s = np.random.RandomState(4294967295)
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 419)

    def test_array(self):
        s = np.random.RandomState(range(10))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 468)
        s = np.random.RandomState(np.arange(10))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 468)
        s = np.random.RandomState([0])
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 973)
        s = np.random.RandomState([4294967295])
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 265)

    def test_invalid_scalar(self):
        # seed must be an unsigned 32 bit integer
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.random.RandomState, -0.5)
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.RandomState, -1)

    def test_invalid_array(self):
        # seed must be an unsigned 32 bit integer
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.random.RandomState, [-0.5])
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.RandomState, [-1])
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.RandomState, [4294967296])
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.RandomState, [1, 2, 4294967296])
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.RandomState, [1, -2, 4294967296])

    def test_invalid_array_shape(self):
        # gh-9832
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.RandomState,
                      np.array([], dtype=np.int64))
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.RandomState, [[1, 2, 3]])
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.RandomState, [[1, 2, 3],
                                                          [4, 5, 6]])

class TestBinomial:
    def test_n_zero(self):
        # Tests the corner case of n == 0 for the binomial distribution.
        # binomial(0, p) should be zero for any p in [0, 1].
        # This test addresses issue #3480.
        zeros = np.zeros(2, dtype='int')
        for p in [0, .5, 1]:
            assert_(random.binomial(0, p) == 0)
            assert_array_equal(random.binomial(zeros, p), zeros)

    def test_p_is_nan(self):
        # Issue #4571.
        assert_raises(ValueError, random.binomial, 1, np.nan)

class TestMultinomial:
    def test_basic(self):
        random.multinomial(100, [0.2, 0.8])

    def test_zero_probability(self):
        random.multinomial(100, [0.2, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    def test_int_negative_interval(self):
        assert_(-5 <= random.randint(-5, -1) < -1)
        x = random.randint(-5, -1, 5)
        assert_(np.all(-5 <= x))
        assert_(np.all(x < -1))

    def test_size(self):
        # gh-3173
        p = [0.5, 0.5]
        assert_equal(np.random.multinomial(1, p, np.uint32(1)).shape, (1, 2))
        assert_equal(np.random.multinomial(1, p, np.uint32(1)).shape, (1, 2))
        assert_equal(np.random.multinomial(1, p, np.uint32(1)).shape, (1, 2))
        assert_equal(np.random.multinomial(1, p, [2, 2]).shape, (2, 2, 2))
        assert_equal(np.random.multinomial(1, p, (2, 2)).shape, (2, 2, 2))
        assert_equal(np.random.multinomial(1, p, np.array((2, 2))).shape,
                     (2, 2, 2))

        assert_raises(TypeError, np.random.multinomial, 1, p,

    def test_multidimensional_pvals(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.multinomial, 10, [[0, 1]])
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.multinomial, 10, [[0], [1]])
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.multinomial, 10, [[[0], [1]], [[1], [0]]])
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.random.multinomial, 10, np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]))

class TestSetState:
    def setup(self):
        self.seed = 1234567890
        self.prng = random.RandomState(self.seed)
        self.state = self.prng.get_state()

    def test_basic(self):
        old = self.prng.tomaxint(16)
        new = self.prng.tomaxint(16)
        assert_(np.all(old == new))

    def test_gaussian_reset(self):
        # Make sure the cached every-other-Gaussian is reset.
        old = self.prng.standard_normal(size=3)
        new = self.prng.standard_normal(size=3)
        assert_(np.all(old == new))

    def test_gaussian_reset_in_media_res(self):
        # When the state is saved with a cached Gaussian, make sure the
        # cached Gaussian is restored.

        state = self.prng.get_state()
        old = self.prng.standard_normal(size=3)
        new = self.prng.standard_normal(size=3)
        assert_(np.all(old == new))

    def test_backwards_compatibility(self):
        # Make sure we can accept old state tuples that do not have the
        # cached Gaussian value.
        old_state = self.state[:-2]
        x1 = self.prng.standard_normal(size=16)
        x2 = self.prng.standard_normal(size=16)
        x3 = self.prng.standard_normal(size=16)
        assert_(np.all(x1 == x2))
        assert_(np.all(x1 == x3))

    def test_negative_binomial(self):
        # Ensure that the negative binomial results take floating point
        # arguments without truncation.
        self.prng.negative_binomial(0.5, 0.5)

class TestRandint:

    rfunc = np.random.randint

    # valid integer/boolean types
    itype = [np.bool_, np.int8, np.uint8, np.int16, np.uint16,
             np.int32, np.uint32, np.int64, np.uint64]

    def test_unsupported_type(self):
        assert_raises(TypeError, self.rfunc, 1, dtype=float)

    def test_bounds_checking(self):
        for dt in self.itype:
            lbnd = 0 if dt is np.bool_ else np.iinfo(dt).min
            ubnd = 2 if dt is np.bool_ else np.iinfo(dt).max + 1
            assert_raises(ValueError, self.rfunc, lbnd - 1, ubnd, dtype=dt)
            assert_raises(ValueError, self.rfunc, lbnd, ubnd + 1, dtype=dt)
            assert_raises(ValueError, self.rfunc, ubnd, lbnd, dtype=dt)
            assert_raises(ValueError, self.rfunc, 1, 0, dtype=dt)

    def test_rng_zero_and_extremes(self):
        for dt in self.itype:
            lbnd = 0 if dt is np.bool_ else np.iinfo(dt).min
            ubnd = 2 if dt is np.bool_ else np.iinfo(dt).max + 1

            tgt = ubnd - 1
            assert_equal(self.rfunc(tgt, tgt + 1, size=1000, dtype=dt), tgt)

            tgt = lbnd
            assert_equal(self.rfunc(tgt, tgt + 1, size=1000, dtype=dt), tgt)

            tgt = (lbnd + ubnd)//2
            assert_equal(self.rfunc(tgt, tgt + 1, size=1000, dtype=dt), tgt)

    def test_full_range(self):
        # Test for ticket #1690

        for dt in self.itype:
            lbnd = 0 if dt is np.bool_ else np.iinfo(dt).min
            ubnd = 2 if dt is np.bool_ else np.iinfo(dt).max + 1

                self.rfunc(lbnd, ubnd, dtype=dt)
            except Exception as e:
                raise AssertionError("No error should have been raised, "
                                     "but one was with the following "
                                     "message:\n\n%s" % str(e))

    def test_in_bounds_fuzz(self):
        # Don't use fixed seed

        for dt in self.itype[1:]:
            for ubnd in [4, 8, 16]:
                vals = self.rfunc(2, ubnd, size=2**16, dtype=dt)
                assert_(vals.max() < ubnd)
                assert_(vals.min() >= 2)

        vals = self.rfunc(0, 2, size=2**16, dtype=np.bool_)

        assert_(vals.max() < 2)
        assert_(vals.min() >= 0)

    def test_repeatability(self):
        import hashlib
        # We use a md5 hash of generated sequences of 1000 samples
        # in the range [0, 6) for all but bool, where the range
        # is [0, 2). Hashes are for little endian numbers.
        tgt = {'bool': '7dd3170d7aa461d201a65f8bcf3944b0',
               'int16': '1b7741b80964bb190c50d541dca1cac1',
               'int32': '4dc9fcc2b395577ebb51793e58ed1a05',
               'int64': '17db902806f448331b5a758d7d2ee672',
               'int8': '27dd30c4e08a797063dffac2490b0be6',
               'uint16': '1b7741b80964bb190c50d541dca1cac1',
               'uint32': '4dc9fcc2b395577ebb51793e58ed1a05',
               'uint64': '17db902806f448331b5a758d7d2ee672',
               'uint8': '27dd30c4e08a797063dffac2490b0be6'}

        for dt in self.itype[1:]:

            # view as little endian for hash
            if sys.byteorder == 'little':
                val = self.rfunc(0, 6, size=1000, dtype=dt)
                val = self.rfunc(0, 6, size=1000, dtype=dt).byteswap()

            res = hashlib.md5(val.view(np.int8)).hexdigest()
            assert_(tgt[np.dtype(dt).name] == res)

        # bools do not depend on endianness
        val = self.rfunc(0, 2, size=1000, dtype=bool).view(np.int8)
        res = hashlib.md5(val).hexdigest()
        assert_(tgt[np.dtype(bool).name] == res)

    def test_int64_uint64_corner_case(self):
        # When stored in Numpy arrays, `lbnd` is casted
        # as np.int64, and `ubnd` is casted as np.uint64.
        # Checking whether `lbnd` >= `ubnd` used to be
        # done solely via direct comparison, which is incorrect
        # because when Numpy tries to compare both numbers,
        # it casts both to np.float64 because there is
        # no integer superset of np.int64 and np.uint64. However,
        # `ubnd` is too large to be represented in np.float64,
        # causing it be round down to np.iinfo(np.int64).max,
        # leading to a ValueError because `lbnd` now equals
        # the new `ubnd`.

        dt = np.int64
        tgt = np.iinfo(np.int64).max
        lbnd = np.int64(np.iinfo(np.int64).max)
        ubnd = np.uint64(np.iinfo(np.int64).max + 1)

        # None of these function calls should
        # generate a ValueError now.
        actual = np.random.randint(lbnd, ubnd, dtype=dt)
        assert_equal(actual, tgt)

    def test_respect_dtype_singleton(self):
        # See gh-7203
        for dt in self.itype:
            lbnd = 0 if dt is np.bool_ else np.iinfo(dt).min
            ubnd = 2 if dt is np.bool_ else np.iinfo(dt).max + 1

            sample = self.rfunc(lbnd, ubnd, dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(sample.dtype, np.dtype(dt))

        for dt in (bool, int, np.compat.long):
            lbnd = 0 if dt is bool else np.iinfo(dt).min
            ubnd = 2 if dt is bool else np.iinfo(dt).max + 1

            # gh-7284: Ensure that we get Python data types
            sample = self.rfunc(lbnd, ubnd, dtype=dt)
            assert_(not hasattr(sample, 'dtype'))
            assert_equal(type(sample), dt)

class TestRandomDist:
    # Make sure the random distribution returns the correct value for a
    # given seed

    def setup(self):
        self.seed = 1234567890

    def test_rand(self):
        actual = np.random.rand(3, 2)
        desired = np.array([[0.61879477158567997, 0.59162362775974664],
                            [0.88868358904449662, 0.89165480011560816],
                            [0.4575674820298663, 0.7781880808593471]])
        assert_array_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal=15)

    def test_randn(self):
        actual = np.random.randn(3, 2)
        desired = np.array([[1.34016345771863121, 1.73759122771936081],
                           [1.498988344300628, -0.2286433324536169],
                           [2.031033998682787, 2.17032494605655257]])
        assert_array_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal=15)

    def test_randint(self):
        actual = np.random.randint(-99, 99, size=(3, 2))
        desired = np.array([[31, 3],
                            [-52, 41],
                            [-48, -66]])
        assert_array_equal(actual, desired)

    def test_random_integers(self):
        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
            w = sup.record(DeprecationWarning)
            actual = np.random.random_integers(-99, 99, size=(3, 2))
            assert_(len(w) == 1)
        desired = np.array([[31, 3],
                            [-52, 41],
                            [-48, -66]])
        assert_array_equal(actual, desired)

    def test_random_integers_max_int(self):
        # Tests whether random_integers can generate the
        # maximum allowed Python int that can be converted
        # into a C long. Previous implementations of this
        # method have thrown an OverflowError when attempting
        # to generate this integer.
        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
            w = sup.record(DeprecationWarning)
            actual = np.random.random_integers(np.iinfo('l').max,
            assert_(len(w) == 1)

        desired = np.iinfo('l').max
        assert_equal(actual, desired)

    def test_random_integers_deprecated(self):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
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