More billing improvements

Following up on the previous post about expanding payment options for paid Gemfury customers, we’ve made further improvements on the billing side.

As many of you have requested, we now support PDF receipts. As before, you will find a dated history of payments in the “Billing” section of your account settings. However, now for each entry, you have the option to click on the PDF icon to easily download or print the corresponding receipt. Furthermore, for your convenience, a PDF version of the receipt will be included as an attachment to the receipt emails you have been receiving. You can forward those to your boss or billing department, or have them automatically delivered by specifying the right “Billing email” via Account Settings.

Last but not least, some jurisdictions still require a customer’s physical address to be included on all receipts, even for cloud-only services. Thus we’ve now added that setting to your “Billing” page as well. This address will be included in your HTML and PDF receipts.

And do feel free to specify your address even for an unpaid account – maybe one day you’ll find a pleasant surprise in your mailbox.

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