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Version: 1.6.7 

/ management / commands / pipchecker.py

# coding=utf-8
import json
import os
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

import pip
from django.core.management.base import CommandError
from pip.req import parse_requirements

from django_extensions.management.color import color_style
from django_extensions.management.utils import signalcommand
from django_extensions.compat import CompatibilityBaseCommand as BaseCommand

    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from urllib.error import HTTPError
    from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
    from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib2 import HTTPError, Request, urlopen
    from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy

    import requests
except ImportError:
    HAS_REQUESTS = False

class Command(BaseCommand):
    help = "Scan pip requirement files for out-of-date packages."

    def add_arguments(self, parser):
            "-t", "--github-api-token", action="store",
            dest="github_api_token", help="A github api authentication token."
            "-r", "--requirement", action="append", dest="requirements",
            default=[], metavar="FILENAME",
            help="Check all the packages listed in the given requirements "
                 "file. This option can be used multiple times."
            "-n", "--newer", action="store_true", dest="show_newer",
            help="Also show when newer version then available is installed."

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        self.style = color_style()

        self.options = options
        if options["requirements"]:
            req_files = options["requirements"]
        elif os.path.exists("requirements.txt"):
            req_files = ["requirements.txt"]
        elif os.path.exists("requirements"):
            req_files = ["requirements/{0}".format(f) for f in os.listdir("requirements")
                         if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("requirements", f)) and
        elif os.path.exists("requirements-dev.txt"):
            req_files = ["requirements-dev.txt"]
        elif os.path.exists("requirements-prod.txt"):
            req_files = ["requirements-prod.txt"]
            raise CommandError("Requirements file(s) not found")

            from pip.download import PipSession
        except ImportError:
            raise CommandError("Pip version 6 or higher is required")

        self.reqs = {}
        with PipSession() as session:
            for filename in req_files:
                for req in parse_requirements(filename, session=session):
                    # url attribute changed to link in pip version 6.1.0 and above
                    if LooseVersion(pip.__version__) > LooseVersion('6.0.8'):
                        self.reqs[req.name] = {
                            "pip_req": req,
                            "url": req.link,
                        self.reqs[req.name] = {
                            "pip_req": req,
                            "url": req.url,

        if options["github_api_token"]:
            self.github_api_token = options["github_api_token"]
        elif os.environ.get("GITHUB_API_TOKEN"):
            self.github_api_token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_API_TOKEN")
            self.github_api_token = None  # only 50 requests per hour

        if HAS_REQUESTS:
            print(self.style.ERROR("Cannot check github urls. The requests library is not installed. ( pip install requests )"))

    def _urlopen_as_json(self, url, headers=None):
        """Shorcut for return contents as json"""
        req = Request(url, headers=headers)
        return json.loads(urlopen(req).read())

    def check_pypi(self):
        If the requirement is frozen to pypi, check for a new version.
        for dist in pip.get_installed_distributions():
            name = dist.project_name
            if name in self.reqs.keys():
                self.reqs[name]["dist"] = dist

        pypi = ServerProxy("https://pypi.python.org/pypi")
        for name, req in list(self.reqs.items()):
            if req["url"]:
                continue  # skipping github packages.
            elif "dist" in req:
                dist = req["dist"]
                dist_version = LooseVersion(dist.version)
                available = pypi.package_releases(req["pip_req"].name)
                    available_version = LooseVersion(available[0])
                except IndexError:
                    available_version = None

                if not available_version:
                    msg = self.style.WARN("release is not on pypi (check capitalization and/or --extra-index-url)")
                elif self.options['show_newer'] and dist_version > available_version:
                    msg = self.style.INFO("{0} available (newer installed)".format(available_version))
                elif available_version > dist_version:
                    msg = self.style.INFO("{0} available".format(available_version))
                    msg = "up to date"
                    del self.reqs[name]
                pkg_info = self.style.BOLD("{dist.project_name} {dist.version}".format(dist=dist))
                msg = "not installed"
                pkg_info = name
            print("{pkg_info:40} {msg}".format(pkg_info=pkg_info, msg=msg))
            del self.reqs[name]

    def check_github(self):
        If the requirement is frozen to a github url, check for new commits.

        API Tokens
        For more than 50 github api calls per hour, pipchecker requires
        authentication with the github api by settings the environemnt
        variable ``GITHUB_API_TOKEN`` or setting the command flag

        To create a github api token for use at the command line::
             curl -u 'rizumu' -d '{"scopes":["repo"], "note":"pipchecker"}' https://api.github.com/authorizations

        For more info on github api tokens:

        Requirement Format
        Pipchecker gets the sha of frozen repo and checks if it is
        found at the head of any branches. If it is not found then
        the requirement is considered to be out of date.

        Therefore, freezing at the commit hash will provide the expected
        results, but if freezing at a branch or tag name, pipchecker will
        not be able to determine with certainty if the repo is out of date.

        Freeze at the commit hash (sha)::

        Freeze with a branch name::

        Freeze with a tag::

        Do not freeze::

        for name, req in list(self.reqs.items()):
            req_url = req["url"]
            if not req_url:
            req_url = str(req_url)
            if req_url.startswith("git") and "github.com/" not in req_url:
            if req_url.endswith(".tar.gz") or req_url.endswith(".tar.bz2") or req_url.endswith(".zip"):

            headers = {
                "content-type": "application/json",
            if self.github_api_token:
                headers["Authorization"] = "token {0}".format(self.github_api_token)
                user, repo = urlparse(req_url).path.split("#")[0].strip("/").rstrip("/").split("/")
            except (ValueError, IndexError) as e:
                print(self.style.ERROR("\nFailed to parse %r: %s\n" % (req_url, e)))

                test_auth = requests.get("https://api.github.com/django/", headers=headers).json()
            except HTTPError as e:
                print("\n%s\n" % str(e))

            if "message" in test_auth and test_auth["message"] == "Bad credentials":
                print(self.style.ERROR("\nGithub API: Bad credentials. Aborting!\n"))
            elif "message" in test_auth and test_auth["message"].startswith("API Rate Limit Exceeded"):
                print(self.style.ERROR("\nGithub API: Rate Limit Exceeded. Aborting!\n"))

            frozen_commit_sha = None
            if ".git" in repo:
                repo_name, frozen_commit_full = repo.split(".git")
                if frozen_commit_full.startswith("@"):
                    frozen_commit_sha = frozen_commit_full[1:]
            elif "@" in repo:
                repo_name, frozen_commit_sha = repo.split("@")

            if frozen_commit_sha is None:
                msg = self.style.ERROR("repo is not frozen")

            if frozen_commit_sha:
                branch_url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{0}/{1}/branches".format(user, repo_name)
                branch_data = requests.get(branch_url, headers=headers).json()

                frozen_commit_url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{0}/{1}/commits/{2}".format(
                    user, repo_name, frozen_commit_sha
                frozen_commit_data = requests.get(frozen_commit_url, headers=headers).json()

                if "message" in frozen_commit_data and frozen_commit_data["message"] == "Not Found":
                    msg = self.style.ERROR("{0} not found in {1}. Repo may be private.".format(frozen_commit_sha[:10], name))
                elif frozen_commit_sha in [branch["commit"]["sha"] for branch in branch_data]:
                    msg = self.style.BOLD("up to date")
                    msg = self.style.INFO("{0} is not the head of any branch".format(frozen_commit_data["sha"][:10]))

            if "dist" in req:
                pkg_info = "{dist.project_name} {dist.version}".format(dist=req["dist"])
            elif frozen_commit_sha is None:
                pkg_info = name
                pkg_info = "{0} {1}".format(name, frozen_commit_sha[:10])
            print("{pkg_info:40} {msg}".format(pkg_info=pkg_info, msg=msg))
            del self.reqs[name]

    def check_other(self):
        If the requirement is frozen somewhere other than pypi or github, skip.

        If you have a private pypi or use --extra-index-url, consider contributing
        support here.
        if self.reqs:
            print(self.style.ERROR("\nOnly pypi and github based requirements are supported:"))
            for name, req in self.reqs.items():
                if "dist" in req:
                    pkg_info = "{dist.project_name} {dist.version}".format(dist=req["dist"])
                elif "url" in req:
                    pkg_info = "{url}".format(url=req["url"])
                    pkg_info = "unknown package"
                print(self.style.BOLD("{pkg_info:40} is not a pypi or github requirement".format(pkg_info=pkg_info)))