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skava / @skava/ui   js

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Version: 4.2.0-a11y.0 

/ dist / words / index.js

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
const wording = {
  // Bundle & Collection
  productIdentifier: 'product ID',
  quantity: 'Quantity',
  total: 'Total',
  rating: 'Rating',
  writeReview: 'Write a Review',
  addToCart: 'Add to Cart',
  viewBundle: 'View Bundle',
  saveToLater: 'Save for Later',
  productDetails: 'Product Details',
  mandatoryProductTitle: 'new product bundle items',
  addonProductTitle: 'Add items to your bundle',
  bundleCollectionTitle: 'Bundle & Collection Items',
  item: 'item',
  items: 'items',
  addon: 'Add On',
  addItem: 'Add Item',
  youSave: 'You save',
  addonText: 'add-on',
  addonsText: 'add-ons',
  itemIdentifier: 'item #',
  // skipNav
  skipToMainContent: 'Skip to main content',
  // Pagination
  pageLabel: 'Page',
  ofLabel: 'of',
  playButton: 'Play or pause button',
  copyLinkButton: 'Copy link button',
  triggerPrevious: 'Trigger previous page',
  triggerNext: 'Trigger next page',
  // Subscription
  error: 'You must first add an address to subscribe.',
  expiryPrefix: 'Exp.',
  // subscription/ProductDetails
  skuText: 'Sku#',
  // presets/Subscription/PaymentInformation
  paymentHeaderLabel: 'Payment Information',
  addNewPaymentText: 'Enter new payment method',
  // presets/Subscription/ShippingAddress
  shippingAddressHeaderLabel: 'Shipping Address',
  addNewAddressText: 'Enter new shipping addres',
  addAddressToProfile: 'Add address to profile',
  nameLabel: 'name',
  addressLabel: 'address',
  cityLabel: 'city',
  stateLabel: 'state',
  stateOrProvince: 'state / province',
  postalCode: 'Zipcode',
  zipCode: 'zip code',
  zipLabel: 'zip',
  countryLabel: 'country',
  saveLabel: 'save',
  // presets/subscription/UpcomingDeliveries/SubscriptionList
  upcomingSubscriptionHeaderLabel: 'Subscription details',
  // SubscriptionDetailsPage
  expectedDeliveryDateLabel: 'Expected delivery date',
  confirmSubscription: 'Confirm Subscription',
  // ManageSubscriptionPage
  lastDayToUpdateLabel: 'Last day to update this order:',
  // Form
  submit: 'submit',
  cancel: 'cancel',
  // Order history
  orderExpansionLabelDesktop: 'Order Details',
  orderExpansionLabelMobile: 'Details',
  // MySubscriptionCard and ManageSubscription
  buyButtonLabel: 'Buy Now',
  saveSubscriptionLabel: 'Save subscription',
  skipButtonLabel: 'Skip',
  skipOneTimeLabel: 'Skip One Time',
  pauseSubscription: 'Pause Subscription',
  pauseButtonLabel: 'Pause',
  cancelSubscription: 'Cancel Subscription',
  expansionLabelDesktop: 'Details',
  expansionLabelMobile: 'Details',
  manageSubscription: 'Manage Subscription',
  up: 'up',
  down: 'down',
  // B2B DashboardCard
  dashBoardTitle: 'Dashboard',
  dashBoardCreditLabel: 'Available Credit:',
  // B2B signin
  signInText: 'sign in to your account',
  newLabel: 'New to',
  createAnAccountLabel: 'Create an Account',
  signInLabel: 'sign in',
  // Reset Password
  resetPasswordTitle: 'RESET YOUR PASSWORD',
  approveText: 'Approve',
  rejectText: 'Reject',
  commentBoxPlaceholder: '(Optional) Add a comment',
  // B2B Approvals
  showDetailsLabel: 'show details',
  hideDetailsLabel: 'hide details',
  // User management
  userManagement: 'user management',
  sendInvite: 'send invite',
  identifierLabel: 'id',
  // B2B User Management Invite Form
  emailAddressLabel: 'email address',
  teamLabel: 'team',
  roleLabel: 'role',
  addUser: 'add user',
  remove: 'remove',
  close: 'close',
  edit: 'edit',
  user: 'user',
  // B2B My Profile Form
  requiredLabel: 'required',
  myProfileLabel: 'my profile',
  firstNameLabel: 'first name',
  middleNameLabel: 'm.i.',
  lastNameLabel: 'last name',
  emailLabel: 'email',
  saveChanges: 'Save Changes',
  smsNotifications: 'SMS Notifications',
  emailPreferenceLabel: 'email preference',
  resetPassword: 'reset password',
  changePassword: 'change password',
  oldPassword: 'old password',
  newPassword: 'new password',
  confirmNewPassword: 'confirm new password',
  phoneNumber: 'phone number',
  telephone: 'telephone',
  extension: 'extension',
  emailForOrderConfirmation: 'Email Address for order confirmation',
  // Button Common Label
  continue: 'continue',
  // checkout/DeliveryInstruction
  deliveryInstruction: 'delivery instructions',
  // Checkout - Guest / Registered Users
  singleAddressText: 'Ship to Single Address',
  multipleAddressText: 'Ship to Multiple Addresses',
  // Checkout - AddressToggle
  newShippingAddressHeaderLabel: 'Add New Address',
  savedAddresses: 'saved addresses',
  // Forms/views
  paymentMethod: 'payment method',
  addNewCard: 'add new card',
  cardNumber: 'card number',
  month: 'month',
  year: 'year',
  security: 'security',
  billingAddress: 'billing address',
  setToDefaultPaymentMethod: 'Set to Default Payment Method',
  billingAddressSameAsShipping: 'Billing Address same as Shipping',
  // RegisteredUser/SingleCartProduct/SingleShipping
  changeAddress: 'Change Address',
  // RegisteredUser/MultipleCartProduct/SingleShipping
  change: 'Change',
  // Payment method
  editInformation: 'Edit information',
  balance: 'balance',
  // Presets/ShoppingList
  listDetails: 'list details',
  shareList: 'share list',
  move: 'Move',
  private: 'private',
  share: 'share',
  deleteList: 'Delete List?',
  yes: 'yes',
  lists: 'lists',
  createList: 'create list',
  // Modal
  publicList: 'Everyone can see this list.',
  privateList: 'this list will ony be seen by you.',
  shareMyList: 'share my list',
  // Price range slider
  min: 'min',
  max: 'max'
exports.wording = wording; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map