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Version: 0.1.7 

/ dist / src / bootstrapper / routes / pathParams.d.ts

declare const pathParams: {
    homeAlone: string;
    myaccount: string;
    catalog: string;
    merchCatalog: string;
    search: string;
    product: string;
    storelocator: string;
    signin: string;
    adminSignin: string;
    adminRegister: string;
    logout: string;
    resetpassword: string;
    adminResetPassword: string;
    register: string;
    signin_success: string;
    signinRegister: string;
    checkout: string;
    favorites: string;
    orderlookup: string;
    orderconfirmation: string;
    categoryLanding: string;
    brandLanding: string;
    functionality: string;
    fallback: string;
    myaccountLanding: string;
    myaccountOrders: string;
    myaccountPreferences: string;
    myaccountAddressBook: string;
    myaccountShippingMethods: string;
    myaccountPrivacy: string;
    myaccountGiftCards: string;
    myaccountPaymentMethods: string;
    myaccountDashboard: string;
    myaccountApprovals: string;
    myaccountUserManagement: string;
    status: string;
    myaccountOrderdetails: string;
    myaccountItemdetails: string;
    myaccountListsManagement: string;
declare const accountSectionTypes: {
    welcome: string;
    orders: string;
    payment: string;
    shippingmethod: string;
    loyalty: string;
    preference: string;
    dashboard: string;
    approvals: string;
    privacy: string;
    usermanagement: string;
    listsmanagement: string;
declare const orderLookupTypes: {
    items: string;
declare const orderHistoryTypes: {
    orderdetails: string;
    itemdetails: string;
declare const orderHistoryList: any;
declare const orderLookupSubRoutePathNameList: any;
declare const accountSubRoutePathNameList: any;
declare const orderListMenu: {
    title: string;
    name: string;
    link: string;
declare const myaccountMenu: {
    user: {
        title: string;
        name: string;
        link: string;
    admin: ({
        title: string;
        name: string;
        link: string;
        dataQa: string;
    } | {
        title: string;
        name: string;
        link: string;
        dataQa?: undefined;
export { pathParams };
export { myaccountMenu, orderListMenu };
export { accountSectionTypes, orderHistoryTypes, orderLookupTypes };
export { accountSubRoutePathNameList, orderHistoryList, orderLookupSubRoutePathNameList };
export default pathParams;