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/ src / fp / __tests__ / construct.ts

import construct from '../construct'

describe('construct', () => {
  class Rectangle {
    constructor(w, h) {
      this.width = w
      this.height = h

    area() {
      return this.width * this.height

  it('turns a constructor function into one that can be called without `new`', () => {
    const rect = construct(Rectangle)
    const r1 = rect(3, 4)
    eq(r1.constructor, Rectangle)
    eq(r1.width, 3)
    eq(r1.area(), 12)

    const regex = construct(RegExp)
    const word = regex('word', 'gi')
    eq(word.constructor, RegExp)
    eq(word.source, 'word')
    eq(word.global, true)

  it('can be used to create Date object', () => {
    const date = construct(Date)(1984, 3, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    eq(date.constructor, Date)
    eq(date.getFullYear(), 1984)

  it('supports constructors with no arguments', () => {
    function Foo() {}
    const foo = construct(Foo)()
    eq(foo.constructor, Foo)

  it.skip('does not support constructor with greater than ten arguments', () => {
    const over10 = () => {
      function Foo($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) {
        this.eleventh = $10
    expect(over10).toThrow(/Constructor with greater than ten arguments/)

  it('returns a curried function', () => {
    const rect = construct(Rectangle)
    const rect3 = rect(3)
    const r1 = rect3(4)
    eq(r1.constructor, Rectangle)
    eq(r1.width, 3)
    eq(r1.height, 4)
    eq(r1.area(), 12)

    const regex = construct(RegExp)
    const word = regex('word')
    const complete = word('gi')
    eq(complete.constructor, RegExp)
    eq(complete.source, 'word')
    eq(complete.global, true)

describe('constructN', () => {
  class Circle {
    constructor(r) {
      this.r = r
      this.colors = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)

    area() {
      return Math.PI * this.r ** 2

  it('turns a constructor function into a function with n arguments', () => {
    const circle = construct(2, Circle)
    const c1 = circle(1, 'red')
    eq(c1.constructor, Circle)
    eq(c1.r, 1)
    eq(c1.area(), Math.PI)
    eq(c1.colors, ['red'])

    const regex = construct(1, RegExp)
    const pattern = regex('[a-z]')
    eq(pattern.constructor, RegExp)
    eq(pattern.source, '[a-z]')

  it('can be used to create Date object', () => {
    const date = construct(3, Date)(1984, 3, 26)
    eq(date.constructor, Date)
    eq(date.getFullYear(), 1984)

  it('supports constructors with no arguments', () => {
    function Foo() {}
    const foo = construct(0, Foo)()
    eq(foo.constructor, Foo)

  // is not curried
  it.skip('is curried', () => {
    function G(a, b, c) {
      this.a = a
      this.b = b
      this.c = c
    const construct2 = construct(2)
    eq(typeof construct2, 'function')
    const g2 = construct2(G)
    eq(typeof g2, 'function')
    eq(g2('a', 'b').constructor, G)
    eq(g2('a')('b').constructor, G)