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Version: 2.0.4 

/ wip / ArrayList.ddd

// // https://github.com/processing-js/processing-js/blob/master/src/Objects/ArrayList.js
// /**
//  * An ArrayList stores a variable number of objects.
//  *
//  * @param {int} initialCapacity optional defines the initial capacity of the list, it's empty by default
//  *
//  * @returns {ArrayList} new ArrayList object
//  */
// module.exports = function(options) {
//   var virtHashCode = options.virtHashCode
//   var virtEquals = options.virtEquals
//   function Iterator(array) {
//     var index = -1
//     this.hasNext = function() {
//       return (index + 1) < array.length
//     }
//     this.next = function() {
//       return array[++index]
//     }
//     this.remove = function() {
//       array.splice(index--, 1)
//     }
//   }
//   function ArrayList(a) {
//     var array = []
//     if (a && a.toArray) {
//       array = a.toArray()
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.get() Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
//      *
//      * @param {int} i index of element to return
//      *
//      * @returns {Object} the element at the specified position in this list.
//      */
//     this.get = function(i) {
//       return array[i]
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.contains() Returns true if this list contains the specified element.
//      *
//      * @param {Object} item element whose presence in this List is to be tested.
//      *
//      * @returns {boolean} true if the specified element is present; false otherwise.
//      */
//     this.contains = function(item) {
//       return this.indexOf(item) > -1
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.indexOf() Returns the position this element takes in the list, or -1 if the element is not found.
//      *
//      * @param {Object} item element whose position in this List is to be tested.
//      *
//      * @returns {int} the list position that the first match for this element holds in the list, or -1 if it is not in the list.
//      */
//     this.indexOf = function(item) {
//       for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; ++i) {
//         if (virtEquals(item, array[i])) {
//           return i
//         }
//       }
//       return -1
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.lastIndexOf() Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this list,
//      * or -1 if this list does not contain the element. More formally, returns the highest index i such that
//      * (o==null ? get(i)==null : o.equals(get(i))), or -1 if there is no such index.
//      *
//      * @param {Object} item element to search for.
//      *
//      * @returns {int} the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
//      */
//     this.lastIndexOf = function(item) {
//       for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
//         if (virtEquals(item, array[i])) {
//           return i
//         }
//       }
//       return -1
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.add() Adds the specified element to this list.
//      *
//      * @param {int}    index  optional index at which the specified element is to be inserted
//      * @param {Object} object element to be added to the list
//      */
//     this.add = function() {
//       if (arguments.length === 1) {
//         array.push(arguments[0]) // for add(Object)
//       }
//       else if (arguments.length === 2) {
//         var arg0 = arguments[0]
//         if (typeof arg0 === 'number') {
//           if (arg0 >= 0 && arg0 <= array.length) {
//             array.splice(arg0, 0, arguments[1]) // for add(i, Object)
//           }
//           else {
//             throw (arg0 + ' is not a valid index')
//           }
//         }
//         else {
//           throw (typeof arg0 + ' is not a number')
//         }
//       }
//       else {
//         throw new InvalidArguments('Please use the proper number of parameters.')
//       }
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.addAll(collection) appends all of the elements in the specified
//      * Collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by
//      * the specified Collection's Iterator.
//      *
//      * When called as addAll(index, collection) the elements are inserted into
//      * this list at the position indicated by index.
//      *
//      * @param {index} Optional; specifies the position the colletion should be inserted at
//      * @param {collection} Any iterable object (ArrayList, HashMap.keySet(), etc.)
//      * @throws out of bounds error for negative index, or index greater than list size.
//      */
//     this.addAll = function(arg1, arg2) {
//       // addAll(int, Collection)
//       var it
//       if (typeof arg1 === 'number') {
//         if (arg1 < 0 || arg1 > array.length) {
//           throw ('Index out of bounds for addAll: ' + arg1 + ' greater or equal than ' + array.length)
//         }
//         it = new ObjectIterator(arg2)
//         while (it.hasNext()) {
//           array.splice(arg1++, 0, it.next())
//         }
//       }
//       // addAll(Collection)
//       else {
//         it = new ObjectIterator(arg1)
//         while (it.hasNext()) {
//           array.push(it.next())
//         }
//       }
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.set() Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
//      *
//      * @param {int}    index  index of element to replace
//      * @param {Object} object element to be stored at the specified position
//      */
//     this.set = function() {
//       if (arguments.length === 2) {
//         var arg0 = arguments[0]
//         if (typeof arg0 === 'number') {
//           if (arg0 >= 0 && arg0 < array.length) {
//             array.splice(arg0, 1, arguments[1])
//           }
//           else {
//             throw (arg0 + ' is not a valid index.')
//           }
//         }
//         else {
//           throw (typeof arg0 + ' is not a number')
//         }
//       }
//       else {
//         throw ('Please use the proper number of parameters.')
//       }
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.size() Returns the number of elements in this list.
//      *
//      * @returns {int} the number of elements in this list
//      */
//     this.size = function() {
//       return array.length
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.clear() Removes all of the elements from this list.
//      * The list will be empty after this call returns.
//      */
//     this.clear = function() {
//       array.length = 0
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.remove() Removes an element either based on index, if the argument is a number, or
//      * by equality check, if the argument is an object.
//      *
//      * @param {int|Object} item either the index of the element to be removed, or the element itself.
//      *
//      * @returns {Object|boolean} If removal is by index, the element that was removed, or null if nothing was removed. If removal is by object, true if removal occurred, otherwise false.
//      */
//     this.remove = function(item) {
//       if (typeof item === 'number') {
//         return array.splice(item, 1)[0]
//       }
//       item = this.indexOf(item)
//       if (item > -1) {
//         array.splice(item, 1)
//         return true
//       }
//       return false
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.removeAll Removes from this List all of the elements from
//      * the current ArrayList which are present in the passed in paramater ArrayList 'c'.
//      * Shifts any succeeding elements to the left (reduces their index).
//      *
//      * @param {ArrayList} the ArrayList to compare to the current ArrayList
//      *
//      * @returns {boolean} true if the ArrayList had an element removed; false otherwise
//      */
//     this.removeAll = function(c) {
//       var i, x, item,
//         newList = new ArrayList()
//       newList.addAll(this)
//       this.clear()
//       // For every item that exists in the original ArrayList and not in the c ArrayList
//       // copy it into the empty 'this' ArrayList to create the new 'this' Array.
//       for (i = 0, x = 0; i < newList.size(); i++) {
//         item = newList.get(i)
//         if (!c.contains(item)) {
//           this.add(x++, item)
//         }
//       }
//       if (this.size() < newList.size()) {
//         return true
//       }
//       return false
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.isEmpty() Tests if this list has no elements.
//      *
//      * @returns {boolean} true if this list has no elements; false otherwise
//      */
//     this.isEmpty = function() {
//       return !array.length
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.clone() Returns a shallow copy of this ArrayList instance. (The elements themselves are not copied.)
//      *
//      * @returns {ArrayList} a clone of this ArrayList instance
//      */
//     this.clone = function() {
//       return new ArrayList(this)
//     }
//     /**
//      * @memberof ArrayList
//      * ArrayList.toArray() Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in the correct order.
//      *
//      * @returns {Object[]} Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in the correct order
//      */
//     this.toArray = function() {
//       return array.slice(0)
//     }
//     this.iterator = function() {
//       return new Iterator(array)
//     }
//   }
//   return ArrayList
// }