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aaronreidsmith / Cython   python

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Version: 0.29.14 

/ Compiler / Tests / TestGrammar.py

# mode: run
# tag: syntax

Uses TreeFragment to test invalid syntax.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ...TestUtils import CythonTest
from ..Errors import CompileError
from .. import ExprNodes

# Copied from CPython's test_grammar.py

# Copied from CPython's test_grammar.py
    # Trailing underscores:
    # Underscores in the base selector:
    # Underscore right after the base selector:
    # Old-style octal, still disallowed:
    # Special case with exponent:
    '0 if 1_Else 1',
    # Underscore right before a dot:
    # Underscore right after a dot:
    # Underscore right after a sign:
    # Multiple consecutive underscores:
    # Underscore right before j:
    # Underscore right before e:
    # Underscore right after e:
    # Whitespace in literals
    '1_ 2',
    '1 _2',
    '1_2.2_ 1',
    '1_2.2 _1',
    '1_2e _1',
    '1_2e2 _1',
    '1_2e 2_1',

class TestGrammar(CythonTest):

    def test_invalid_number_literals(self):
        for literal in INVALID_UNDERSCORE_LITERALS:
            for expression in ['%s', '1 + %s', '%s + 1', '2 * %s', '%s * 2']:
                code = 'x = ' + expression % literal
                    # cython: language_level=3
                    ''' + code)
                except CompileError as exc:
                    assert code in [s.strip() for s in str(exc).splitlines()], str(exc)
                    assert False, "Invalid Cython code '%s' failed to raise an exception" % code

    def test_valid_number_literals(self):
        for literal in VALID_UNDERSCORE_LITERALS:
            for i, expression in enumerate(['%s', '1 + %s', '%s + 1', '2 * %s', '%s * 2']):
                code = 'x = ' + expression % literal
                node = self.fragment(u'''\
                    # cython: language_level=3
                    ''' + code).root
                assert node is not None

                literal_node = node.stats[0].rhs  # StatListNode([SingleAssignmentNode('x', expr)])
                if i > 0:
                    # Add/MulNode() -> literal is first or second operand
                    literal_node = literal_node.operand2 if i % 2 else literal_node.operand1
                if 'j' in literal or 'J' in literal:
                    assert isinstance(literal_node, ExprNodes.ImagNode)
                elif '.' in literal or 'e' in literal or 'E' in literal and not ('0x' in literal or '0X' in literal):
                    assert isinstance(literal_node, ExprNodes.FloatNode)
                    assert isinstance(literal_node, ExprNodes.IntNode)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import unittest