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Version: 3.1.2 

/ afm.py

This is a python interface to Adobe Font Metrics Files.  Although a
number of other python implementations exist, and may be more complete
than this, it was decided not to go with them because they were

  1) copyrighted or used a non-BSD compatible license

  2) had too many dependencies and a free standing lib was needed

  3) Did more than needed and it was easier to write afresh rather than
     figure out how to get just what was needed.

It is pretty easy to use, and requires only built-in python libs:

    >>> from matplotlib import rcParams
    >>> import os.path
    >>> afm_fname = os.path.join(rcParams['datapath'],
    ...                         'fonts', 'afm', 'ptmr8a.afm')
    >>> from matplotlib.afm import AFM
    >>> with open(afm_fname, 'rb') as fh:
    ...     afm = AFM(fh)
    >>> afm.string_width_height('What the heck?')
    (6220.0, 694)
    >>> afm.get_fontname()
    >>> afm.get_kern_dist('A', 'f')
    >>> afm.get_kern_dist('A', 'y')
    >>> afm.get_bbox_char('!')
    [130, -9, 238, 676]

As in the Adobe Font Metrics File Format Specification, all dimensions
are given in units of 1/1000 of the scale factor (point size) of the font
being used.

from collections import namedtuple
import logging
import re

from ._mathtext_data import uni2type1
from matplotlib.cbook import deprecated

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _to_int(x):
    # Some AFM files have floats where we are expecting ints -- there is
    # probably a better way to handle this (support floats, round rather
    # than truncate).  But I don't know what the best approach is now and
    # this change to _to_int should at least prevent mpl from crashing on
    # these JDH (2009-11-06)
    return int(float(x))

def _to_float(x):
    # Some AFM files use "," instead of "." as decimal separator -- this
    # shouldn't be ambiguous (unless someone is wicked enough to use "," as
    # thousands separator...).
    if isinstance(x, bytes):
        # Encoding doesn't really matter -- if we have codepoints >127 the call
        # to float() will error anyways.
        x = x.decode('latin-1')
    return float(x.replace(',', '.'))

def _to_str(x):
    return x.decode('utf8')

def _to_list_of_ints(s):
    s = s.replace(b',', b' ')
    return [_to_int(val) for val in s.split()]

def _to_list_of_floats(s):
    return [_to_float(val) for val in s.split()]

def _to_bool(s):
    if s.lower().strip() in (b'false', b'0', b'no'):
        return False
        return True

def _sanity_check(fh):
    Check if the file looks like AFM; if it doesn't, raise `RuntimeError`.
    # Remember the file position in case the caller wants to
    # do something else with the file.
    pos = fh.tell()
        line = next(fh)
        fh.seek(pos, 0)
    # AFM spec, Section 4: The StartFontMetrics keyword [followed by a
    # version number] must be the first line in the file, and the
    # EndFontMetrics keyword must be the last non-empty line in the
    # file. We just check the first line.
    if not line.startswith(b'StartFontMetrics'):
        raise RuntimeError('Not an AFM file')

def _parse_header(fh):
    Reads the font metrics header (up to the char metrics) and returns
    a dictionary mapping *key* to *val*.  *val* will be converted to the
    appropriate python type as necessary; e.g.:

        * 'False'->False
        * '0'->0
        * '-168 -218 1000 898'-> [-168, -218, 1000, 898]

    Dictionary keys are

      StartFontMetrics, FontName, FullName, FamilyName, Weight,
      ItalicAngle, IsFixedPitch, FontBBox, UnderlinePosition,
      UnderlineThickness, Version, Notice, EncodingScheme, CapHeight,
      XHeight, Ascender, Descender, StartCharMetrics

    header_converters = {
        b'StartFontMetrics': _to_float,
        b'FontName': _to_str,
        b'FullName': _to_str,
        b'FamilyName': _to_str,
        b'Weight': _to_str,
        b'ItalicAngle': _to_float,
        b'IsFixedPitch': _to_bool,
        b'FontBBox': _to_list_of_ints,
        b'UnderlinePosition': _to_float,
        b'UnderlineThickness': _to_float,
        b'Version': _to_str,
        # Some AFM files have non-ASCII characters (which are not allowed by
        # the spec).  Given that there is actually no public API to even access
        # this field, just return it as straight bytes.
        b'Notice': lambda x: x,
        b'EncodingScheme': _to_str,
        b'CapHeight': _to_float,  # Is the second version a mistake, or
        b'Capheight': _to_float,  # do some AFM files contain 'Capheight'? -JKS
        b'XHeight': _to_float,
        b'Ascender': _to_float,
        b'Descender': _to_float,
        b'StdHW': _to_float,
        b'StdVW': _to_float,
        b'StartCharMetrics': _to_int,
        b'CharacterSet': _to_str,
        b'Characters': _to_int,

    d = {}
    for line in fh:
        line = line.rstrip()
        if line.startswith(b'Comment'):
        lst = line.split(b' ', 1)

        key = lst[0]
        if len(lst) == 2:
            val = lst[1]
            val = b''

            converter = header_converters[key]
        except KeyError:
            _log.error('Found an unknown keyword in AFM header (was %r)' % key)
            d[key] = converter(val)
        except ValueError:
            _log.error('Value error parsing header in AFM: %s, %s', key, val)
        if key == b'StartCharMetrics':
            return d
    raise RuntimeError('Bad parse')

CharMetrics = namedtuple('CharMetrics', 'width, name, bbox')
CharMetrics.__doc__ = """
    Represents the character metrics of a single character.

    The fields do currently only describe a subset of character metrics
    information defined in the AFM standard.
CharMetrics.width.__doc__ = """The character width (WX)."""
CharMetrics.name.__doc__ = """The character name (N)."""
CharMetrics.bbox.__doc__ = """
    The bbox of the character (B) as a tuple (*llx*, *lly*, *urx*, *ury*)."""

def _parse_char_metrics(fh):
    Parse the given filehandle for character metrics information and return
    the information as dicts.

    It is assumed that the file cursor is on the line behind

    ascii_d : dict
         A mapping "ASCII num of the character" to `.CharMetrics`.
    name_d : dict
         A mapping "character name" to `.CharMetrics`.

    This function is incomplete per the standard, but thus far parses
    all the sample afm files tried.
    required_keys = {'C', 'WX', 'N', 'B'}

    ascii_d = {}
    name_d = {}
    for line in fh:
        # We are defensively letting values be utf8. The spec requires
        # ascii, but there are non-compliant fonts in circulation
        line = _to_str(line.rstrip())  # Convert from byte-literal
        if line.startswith('EndCharMetrics'):
            return ascii_d, name_d
        # Split the metric line into a dictionary, keyed by metric identifiers
        vals = dict(s.strip().split(' ', 1) for s in line.split(';') if s)
        # There may be other metrics present, but only these are needed
        if not required_keys.issubset(vals):
            raise RuntimeError('Bad char metrics line: %s' % line)
        num = _to_int(vals['C'])
        wx = _to_float(vals['WX'])
        name = vals['N']
        bbox = _to_list_of_floats(vals['B'])
        bbox = list(map(int, bbox))
        metrics = CharMetrics(wx, name, bbox)
        # Workaround: If the character name is 'Euro', give it the
        # corresponding character code, according to WinAnsiEncoding (see PDF
        # Reference).
        if name == 'Euro':
            num = 128
        if num != -1:
            ascii_d[num] = metrics
        name_d[name] = metrics
    raise RuntimeError('Bad parse')

def _parse_kern_pairs(fh):
    Return a kern pairs dictionary; keys are (*char1*, *char2*) tuples and
    values are the kern pair value.  For example, a kern pairs line like
    ``KPX A y -50``

    will be represented as::

      d[ ('A', 'y') ] = -50


    line = next(fh)
    if not line.startswith(b'StartKernPairs'):
        raise RuntimeError('Bad start of kern pairs data: %s' % line)

    d = {}
    for line in fh:
        line = line.rstrip()
        if not line:
        if line.startswith(b'EndKernPairs'):
            next(fh)  # EndKernData
            return d
        vals = line.split()
        if len(vals) != 4 or vals[0] != b'KPX':
            raise RuntimeError('Bad kern pairs line: %s' % line)
        c1, c2, val = _to_str(vals[1]), _to_str(vals[2]), _to_float(vals[3])
        d[(c1, c2)] = val
    raise RuntimeError('Bad kern pairs parse')

CompositePart = namedtuple('CompositePart', 'name, dx, dy')
CompositePart.__doc__ = """
    Represents the information on a composite element of a composite char."""
CompositePart.name.__doc__ = """Name of the part, e.g. 'acute'."""
CompositePart.dx.__doc__ = """x-displacement of the part from the origin."""
CompositePart.dy.__doc__ = """y-displacement of the part from the origin."""

def _parse_composites(fh):
    Parse the given filehandle for composites information return them as a

    It is assumed that the file cursor is on the line behind 'StartComposites'.

    composites : dict
        A dict mapping composite character names to a parts list. The parts
        list is a list of `.CompositePart` entries describing the parts of
        the composite.

    A composite definition line::

      CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 160 170 ;

    will be represented as::

      composites['Aacute'] = [CompositePart(name='A', dx=0, dy=0),
                              CompositePart(name='acute', dx=160, dy=170)]

    composites = {}
    for line in fh:
        line = line.rstrip()
        if not line:
        if line.startswith(b'EndComposites'):
            return composites
        vals = line.split(b';')
        cc = vals[0].split()
        name, numParts = cc[1], _to_int(cc[2])
        pccParts = []
        for s in vals[1:-1]:
            pcc = s.split()
            part = CompositePart(pcc[1], _to_float(pcc[2]), _to_float(pcc[3]))
        composites[name] = pccParts

    raise RuntimeError('Bad composites parse')

def _parse_optional(fh):
    Parse the optional fields for kern pair data and composites.

    kern_data : dict
        A dict containing kerning information. May be empty.
        See `._parse_kern_pairs`.
    composites : dict
        A dict containing composite information. May be empty.
        See `._parse_composites`.
    optional = {
        b'StartKernData': _parse_kern_pairs,
        b'StartComposites':  _parse_composites,

    d = {b'StartKernData': {},
         b'StartComposites': {}}
    for line in fh:
        line = line.rstrip()
        if not line:
        key = line.split()[0]

        if key in optional:
            d[key] = optional[key](fh)

    return d[b'StartKernData'], d[b'StartComposites']

@deprecated("3.0", alternative="the AFM class")
def parse_afm(fh):
    return _parse_afm(fh)

def _parse_afm(fh):
    Parse the Adobe Font Metrics file in file handle *fh*.

    header : dict
        A header dict. See :func:`_parse_header`.
    cmetrics_by_ascii : dict
        From :func:`_parse_char_metrics`.
    cmetrics_by_name : dict
        From :func:`_parse_char_metrics`.
    kernpairs : dict
        From :func:`_parse_kern_pairs`.
    composites : dict
        From :func:`_parse_composites`

    header = _parse_header(fh)
    cmetrics_by_ascii, cmetrics_by_name = _parse_char_metrics(fh)
    kernpairs, composites = _parse_optional(fh)
    return header, cmetrics_by_ascii, cmetrics_by_name, kernpairs, composites

class AFM(object):

    def __init__(self, fh):
        """Parse the AFM file in file object *fh*."""
         self._composite) = _parse_afm(fh)

    def get_bbox_char(self, c, isord=False):
        if not isord:
            c = ord(c)
        return self._metrics[c].bbox

    def string_width_height(self, s):
        Return the string width (including kerning) and string height
        as a (*w*, *h*) tuple.
        if not len(s):
            return 0, 0
        total_width = 0
        namelast = None
        miny = 1e9
        maxy = 0
        for c in s:
            if c == '\n':
            wx, name, bbox = self._metrics[ord(c)]

            total_width += wx + self._kern.get((namelast, name), 0)
            l, b, w, h = bbox
            miny = min(miny, b)
            maxy = max(maxy, b + h)

            namelast = name

        return total_width, maxy - miny

    def get_str_bbox_and_descent(self, s):
        """Return the string bounding box and the maximal descent."""
        if not len(s):
            return 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        total_width = 0
        namelast = None
        miny = 1e9
        maxy = 0
        left = 0
        if not isinstance(s, str):
            s = _to_str(s)
        for c in s:
            if c == '\n':
            name = uni2type1.get(ord(c), 'question')
                wx, _, bbox = self._metrics_by_name[name]
            except KeyError:
                name = 'question'
                wx, _, bbox = self._metrics_by_name[name]
            total_width += wx + self._kern.get((namelast, name), 0)
            l, b, w, h = bbox
            left = min(left, l)
            miny = min(miny, b)
            maxy = max(maxy, b + h)

            namelast = name

        return left, miny, total_width, maxy - miny, -miny

    def get_str_bbox(self, s):
        """Return the string bounding box."""
        return self.get_str_bbox_and_descent(s)[:4]

    def get_name_char(self, c, isord=False):
        """Get the name of the character, i.e., ';' is 'semicolon'."""
        if not isord:
            c = ord(c)
        return self._metrics[c].name

    def get_width_char(self, c, isord=False):
        Get the width of the character from the character metric WX field.
        if not isord:
            c = ord(c)
        return self._metrics[c].width

    def get_width_from_char_name(self, name):
        """Get the width of the character from a type1 character name."""
        return self._metrics_by_name[name].width

    def get_height_char(self, c, isord=False):
        """Get the bounding box (ink) height of character *c* (space is 0)."""
        if not isord:
            c = ord(c)
        return self._metrics[c].bbox[-1]

    def get_kern_dist(self, c1, c2):
        Return the kerning pair distance (possibly 0) for chars *c1* and *c2*.
        name1, name2 = self.get_name_char(c1), self.get_name_char(c2)
        return self.get_kern_dist_from_name(name1, name2)

    def get_kern_dist_from_name(self, name1, name2):
        Return the kerning pair distance (possibly 0) for chars
        *name1* and *name2*.
        return self._kern.get((name1, name2), 0)

    def get_fontname(self):
        """Return the font name, e.g., 'Times-Roman'."""
        return self._header[b'FontName']

    def get_fullname(self):
        """Return the font full name, e.g., 'Times-Roman'."""
        name = self._header.get(b'FullName')
        if name is None:  # use FontName as a substitute
            name = self._header[b'FontName']
        return name

    def get_familyname(self):
        """Return the font family name, e.g., 'Times'."""
        name = self._header.get(b'FamilyName')
        if name is not None:
            return name

        # FamilyName not specified so we'll make a guess
        name = self.get_fullname()
        extras = (r'(?i)([ -](regular|plain|italic|oblique|bold|semibold|'
        return re.sub(extras, '', name)

    def family_name(self):
        """The font family name, e.g., 'Times'."""
        return self.get_familyname()

    def get_weight(self):
        """Return the font weight, e.g., 'Bold' or 'Roman'."""
        return self._header[b'Weight']

    def get_angle(self):
        """Return the fontangle as float."""
        return self._header[b'ItalicAngle']

    def get_capheight(self):
        """Return the cap height as float."""
        return self._header[b'CapHeight']

    def get_xheight(self):
        """Return the xheight as float."""
        return self._header[b'XHeight']

    def get_underline_thickness(self):
        """Return the underline thickness as float."""
        return self._header[b'UnderlineThickness']

    def get_horizontal_stem_width(self):
        Return the standard horizontal stem width as float, or *None* if
        not specified in AFM file.
        return self._header.get(b'StdHW', None)

    def get_vertical_stem_width(self):
        Return the standard vertical stem width as float, or *None* if
        not specified in AFM file.
        return self._header.get(b'StdVW', None)