import collections
import numpy as np
import numbers
import warnings
import matplotlib.docstring as docstring
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import matplotlib.scale as mscale
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
from matplotlib.axes._base import _AxesBase
from matplotlib.ticker import (
from matplotlib.scale import Log10Transform
def _make_secondary_locator(rect, parent):
Helper function to locate the secondary axes.
A locator gets used in `Axes.set_aspect` to override the default
locations... It is a function that takes an axes object and
a renderer and tells `set_aspect` where it is to be placed.
This locator make the transform be in axes-relative co-coordinates
because that is how we specify the "location" of the secondary axes.
Here *rect* is a rectangle [l, b, w, h] that specifies the
location for the axes in the transform given by *trans* on the
_rect = mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(*rect)
def secondary_locator(ax, renderer):
# delay evaluating transform until draw time because the
# parent transform may have changed (i.e. if window reesized)
bb = mtransforms.TransformedBbox(_rect, parent.transAxes)
tr = parent.figure.transFigure.inverted()
bb = mtransforms.TransformedBbox(bb, tr)
return bb
return secondary_locator
class SecondaryAxis(_AxesBase):
General class to hold a Secondary_X/Yaxis.
def __init__(self, parent, orientation,
location, functions, **kwargs):
See `.secondary_xaxis` and `.secondary_yaxis` for the doc string.
While there is no need for this to be private, it should really be
called by those higher level functions.
self._functions = functions
self._parent = parent
self._orientation = orientation
self._ticks_set = False
if self._orientation == 'x':
super().__init__(self._parent.figure, [0, 1., 1, 0.0001], **kwargs)
self._axis = self.xaxis
self._locstrings = ['top', 'bottom']
self._otherstrings = ['left', 'right']
elif self._orientation == 'y':
super().__init__(self._parent.figure, [0, 1., 0.0001, 1], **kwargs)
self._axis = self.yaxis
self._locstrings = ['right', 'left']
self._otherstrings = ['top', 'bottom']
# this gets positioned w/o constrained_layout so exclude:
self._layoutbox = None
self._poslayoutbox = None
# styling:
if self._orientation == 'x':
otheraxis = self.yaxis
otheraxis = self.xaxis
for st in self._otherstrings:
for st in self._locstrings:
if self._pos < 0.5:
# flip the location strings...
self._locstrings = self._locstrings[::-1]
def set_alignment(self, align):
Set if axes spine and labels are drawn at top or bottom (or left/right)
of the axes.
align :: string
either 'top' or 'bottom' for orientation='x' or
'left' or 'right' for orientation='y' axis
if align in self._locstrings:
if align == self._locstrings[1]:
# need to change the orientation.
self._locstrings = self._locstrings[::-1]
elif align != self._locstrings[0]:
raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid axis orientation, '
'not changing the orientation;'
'choose "{}" or "{}""'.format(align,
self._locstrings[0], self._locstrings[1]))
def set_location(self, location):
Set the vertical or horizontal location of the axes in
parent-normalized co-ordinates.
location : string or scalar
The position to put the secondary axis. Strings can be 'top' or
'bottom' for orientation='x' and 'right' or 'left' for
orientation='y', scalar can be a float indicating the relative
position on the parent axes to put the new axes, 0.0 being the
bottom (or left) and 1.0 being the top (or right).
# This puts the rectangle into figure-relative coordinates.
if isinstance(location, str):
if location in ['top', 'right']:
self._pos = 1.
elif location in ['bottom', 'left']:
self._pos = 0.
raise ValueError("location must be '{}', '{}', or a "
"float, not '{}'".format(location,
self._locstrings[0], self._locstrings[1]))
self._pos = location
self._loc = location
if self._orientation == 'x':
bounds = [0, self._pos, 1., 1e-10]
bounds = [self._pos, 0, 1e-10, 1]
secondary_locator = _make_secondary_locator(bounds, self._parent)
# this locator lets the axes move in the parent axes coordinates.
# so it never needs to know where the parent is explicitly in
# figure co-ordinates.
# it gets called in `ax.apply_aspect() (of all places)
def apply_aspect(self, position=None):
def set_ticks(self, ticks, minor=False):
Set the x ticks with list of *ticks*
ticks : list
List of x-axis tick locations.
minor : bool, optional
If ``False`` sets major ticks, if ``True`` sets minor ticks.
Default is ``False``.
ret = self._axis.set_ticks(ticks, minor=minor)
self.stale = True
self._ticks_set = True
return ret
def set_functions(self, functions):
Set how the secondary axis converts limits from the parent axes.
functions : 2-tuple of func, or `Transform` with an inverse.
Transform between the parent axis values and the secondary axis
If supplied as a 2-tuple of functions, the first function is
the forward transform function and the second is the inverse
If a transform is supplied, then the transform must have an
if self._orientation == 'x':
set_scale = self.set_xscale
parent_scale = self._parent.get_xscale()
set_scale = self.set_yscale
parent_scale = self._parent.get_yscale()
# we need to use a modified scale so the scale can receive the
# transform. Only types supported are linear and log10 for now.
# Probably possible to add other transforms as a todo...
if parent_scale == 'log':
defscale = 'functionlog'
defscale = 'function'
if (isinstance(functions, tuple) and len(functions) == 2 and
callable(functions[0]) and callable(functions[1])):
# make an arbitrary convert from a two-tuple of functions
# forward and inverse.
self._functions = functions
elif functions is None:
self._functions = (lambda x: x, lambda x: x)
raise ValueError('functions argument of secondary axes '
'must be a two-tuple of callable functions '
'with the first function being the transform '
'and the second being the inverse')
# need to invert the roles here for the ticks to line up.
set_scale(defscale, functions=self._functions[::-1])
def draw(self, renderer=None, inframe=False):
Draw the secondary axes.
Consults the parent axes for its limits and converts them
using the converter specified by
`~.axes._secondary_axes.set_functions` (or *functions*
parameter when axes initialized.)
# this sets the scale in case the parent has set its scale.
super().draw(renderer=renderer, inframe=inframe)
def _set_scale(self):
Check if parent has set its scale
if self._orientation == 'x':
pscale = self._parent.xaxis.get_scale()
set_scale = self.set_xscale
if self._orientation == 'y':
pscale = self._parent.yaxis.get_scale()
set_scale = self.set_yscale
if pscale == 'log':
defscale = 'functionlog'
defscale = 'function'
if self._ticks_set:
ticks = self._axis.get_ticklocs()
# need to invert the roles here for the ticks to line up.
set_scale(defscale, functions=self._functions[::-1])
# OK, set_scale sets the locators, but if we've called
# axsecond.set_ticks, we want to keep those.
if self._ticks_set:
def _set_lims(self):
Set the limits based on parent limits and the convert method
between the parent and this secondary axes
if self._orientation == 'x':
lims = self._parent.get_xlim()
set_lim = self.set_xlim
trans = self.xaxis.get_transform()
if self._orientation == 'y':
lims = self._parent.get_ylim()
set_lim = self.set_ylim
trans = self.yaxis.get_transform()
order = lims[0] < lims[1]
lims = self._functions[0](np.array(lims))
neworder = lims[0] < lims[1]
if neworder != order:
# flip because the transform will take care of the flipping..
lims = lims[::-1]
def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, call_axes_locator=True):
Return the tight bounding box of the axes.
The dimension of the Bbox in canvas coordinate.
If *call_axes_locator* is *False*, it does not call the
_axes_locator attribute, which is necessary to get the correct
bounding box. ``call_axes_locator==False`` can be used if the
caller is only intereted in the relative size of the tightbbox
compared to the axes bbox.
bb = []
if not self.get_visible():
return None
locator = self.get_axes_locator()
if locator and call_axes_locator:
pos = locator(self, renderer)
if self._orientation == 'x':
bb_axis = self.xaxis.get_tightbbox(renderer)
bb_axis = self.yaxis.get_tightbbox(renderer)
if bb_axis:
_bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(
[b for b in bb if b.width != 0 or b.height != 0])
return _bbox
def set_aspect(self, *args, **kwargs):
Secondary axes cannot set the aspect ratio, so calling this just
sets a warning.
cbook._warn_external("Secondary axes can't set the aspect ratio")
def set_xlabel(self, xlabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, **kwargs):
Set the label for the x-axis.
xlabel : str
The label text.
labelpad : scalar, optional, default: None
Spacing in points between the label and the x-axis.
Other Parameters
**kwargs : `.Text` properties
`.Text` properties control the appearance of the label.
See also
text : for information on how override and the optional args work
if labelpad is not None:
self.xaxis.labelpad = labelpad
return self.xaxis.set_label_text(xlabel, fontdict, **kwargs)
def set_ylabel(self, ylabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, **kwargs):
Set the label for the x-axis.
ylabel : str
The label text.
labelpad : scalar, optional, default: None
Spacing in points between the label and the x-axis.
Other Parameters
**kwargs : `.Text` properties
`.Text` properties control the appearance of the label.
See also
text : for information on how override and the optional args work
if labelpad is not None:
self.yaxis.labelpad = labelpad
return self.yaxis.set_label_text(ylabel, fontdict, **kwargs)
def set_color(self, color):
Change the color of the secondary axes and all decorators
color : Matplotlib color
if self._orientation == 'x':
self.tick_params(axis='x', colors=color)
self.tick_params(axis='y', colors=color)
_secax_docstring = '''
This method is experimental as of 3.1, and the API may change.
location : string or scalar
The position to put the secondary axis. Strings can be 'top' or
'bottom', for x-oriented axises or 'left' or 'right' for y-oriented axises
or a scalar can be a float indicating the relative position
on the axes to put the new axes (0 being the bottom (left), and 1.0 being
the top (right).)
functions : 2-tuple of func, or Transform with an inverse
If a 2-tuple of functions, the user specifies the transform
function and its inverse. i.e.
`functions=(lambda x: 2 / x, lambda x: 2 / x)` would be an
reciprocal transform with a factor of 2.
The user can also directly supply a subclass of
`.transforms.Transform` so long as it has an inverse.
See :doc:`/gallery/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis`
for examples of making these conversions.
Other Parameters
**kwargs : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` properties.
Other miscellaneous axes parameters.
ax : axes._secondary_axes.SecondaryAxis