Tools for triangular grids.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
class TriAnalyzer(object):
Define basic tools for triangular mesh analysis and improvement.
A TriAnalyzer encapsulates a :class:`~matplotlib.tri.Triangulation`
object and provides basic tools for mesh analysis and mesh improvement.
triangulation : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.Triangulation` object
The encapsulated triangulation to analyze.
def __init__(self, triangulation):
if not isinstance(triangulation, Triangulation):
raise ValueError("Expected a Triangulation object")
self._triangulation = triangulation
def scale_factors(self):
Factors to rescale the triangulation into a unit square.
Returns *k*, tuple of 2 scale factors.
k : tuple of 2 floats (kx, ky)
Tuple of floats that would rescale the triangulation :
``[triangulation.x * kx, triangulation.y * ky]``
fits exactly inside a unit square.
compressed_triangles = self._triangulation.get_masked_triangles()
node_used = (np.bincount(np.ravel(compressed_triangles),
minlength=self._triangulation.x.size) != 0)
return (1 / np.ptp(self._triangulation.x[node_used]),
1 / np.ptp(self._triangulation.y[node_used]))
def circle_ratios(self, rescale=True):
Returns a measure of the triangulation triangles flatness.
The ratio of the incircle radius over the circumcircle radius is a
widely used indicator of a triangle flatness.
It is always ``<= 0.5`` and ``== 0.5`` only for equilateral
triangles. Circle ratios below 0.01 denote very flat triangles.
To avoid unduly low values due to a difference of scale between the 2
axis, the triangular mesh can first be rescaled to fit inside a unit
square with :attr:`scale_factors` (Only if *rescale* is True, which is
its default value).
rescale : boolean, optional
If True, a rescaling will be internally performed (based on
:attr:`scale_factors`, so that the (unmasked) triangles fit
exactly inside a unit square mesh. Default is True.
circle_ratios : masked array
Ratio of the incircle radius over the
circumcircle radius, for each 'rescaled' triangle of the
encapsulated triangulation.
Values corresponding to masked triangles are masked out.
# Coords rescaling
if rescale:
(kx, ky) = self.scale_factors
(kx, ky) = (1.0, 1.0)
pts = np.vstack([self._triangulation.x*kx,
tri_pts = pts[self._triangulation.triangles]
# Computes the 3 side lengths
a = tri_pts[:, 1, :] - tri_pts[:, 0, :]
b = tri_pts[:, 2, :] - tri_pts[:, 1, :]
c = tri_pts[:, 0, :] - tri_pts[:, 2, :]
a = np.hypot(a[:, 0], a[:, 1])
b = np.hypot(b[:, 0], b[:, 1])
c = np.hypot(c[:, 0], c[:, 1])
# circumcircle and incircle radii
s = (a+b+c)*0.5
prod = s*(a+b-s)*(a+c-s)*(b+c-s)
# We have to deal with flat triangles with infinite circum_radius
bool_flat = (prod == 0.)
if np.any(bool_flat):
# Pathologic flow
ntri = tri_pts.shape[0]
circum_radius = np.empty(ntri, dtype=np.float64)
circum_radius[bool_flat] = np.inf
abc = a*b*c
circum_radius[~bool_flat] = abc[~bool_flat] / (
# Normal optimized flow
circum_radius = (a*b*c) / (4.0*np.sqrt(prod))
in_radius = (a*b*c) / (4.0*circum_radius*s)
circle_ratio = in_radius/circum_radius
mask = self._triangulation.mask
if mask is None:
return circle_ratio
return np.ma.array(circle_ratio, mask=mask)
def get_flat_tri_mask(self, min_circle_ratio=0.01, rescale=True):
Eliminates excessively flat border triangles from the triangulation.
Returns a mask *new_mask* which allows to clean the encapsulated
triangulation from its border-located flat triangles
(according to their :meth:`circle_ratios`).
This mask is meant to be subsequently applied to the triangulation
using :func:`matplotlib.tri.Triangulation.set_mask`.
*new_mask* is an extension of the initial triangulation mask
in the sense that an initially masked triangle will remain masked.
The *new_mask* array is computed recursively; at each step flat
triangles are removed only if they share a side with the current mesh
border. Thus no new holes in the triangulated domain will be created.
min_circle_ratio : float, optional
Border triangles with incircle/circumcircle radii ratio r/R will
be removed if r/R < *min_circle_ratio*. Default value: 0.01
rescale : boolean, optional
If True, a rescaling will first be internally performed (based on
:attr:`scale_factors` ), so that the (unmasked) triangles fit
exactly inside a unit square mesh. This rescaling accounts for the
difference of scale which might exist between the 2 axis. Default
(and recommended) value is True.
new_mask : array-like of booleans
Mask to apply to encapsulated triangulation.
All the initially masked triangles remain masked in the
The rationale behind this function is that a Delaunay
triangulation - of an unstructured set of points - sometimes contains
almost flat triangles at its border, leading to artifacts in plots
(especially for high-resolution contouring).
Masked with computed *new_mask*, the encapsulated
triangulation would contain no more unmasked border triangles
with a circle ratio below *min_circle_ratio*, thus improving the
mesh quality for subsequent plots or interpolation.
# Recursively computes the mask_current_borders, true if a triangle is
# at the border of the mesh OR touching the border through a chain of
# invalid aspect ratio masked_triangles.
ntri = self._triangulation.triangles.shape[0]
mask_bad_ratio = self.circle_ratios(rescale) < min_circle_ratio
current_mask = self._triangulation.mask
if current_mask is None:
current_mask = np.zeros(ntri, dtype=bool)
valid_neighbors = np.copy(self._triangulation.neighbors)
renum_neighbors = np.arange(ntri, dtype=np.int32)
nadd = -1
while nadd != 0:
# The active wavefront is the triangles from the border (unmasked
# but with a least 1 neighbor equal to -1
wavefront = (np.min(valid_neighbors, axis=1) == -1) & ~current_mask
# The element from the active wavefront will be masked if their
# circle ratio is bad.
added_mask = wavefront & mask_bad_ratio
current_mask = added_mask | current_mask
nadd = np.sum(added_mask)
# now we have to update the tables valid_neighbors
valid_neighbors[added_mask, :] = -1
renum_neighbors[added_mask] = -1
valid_neighbors = np.where(valid_neighbors == -1, -1,
return np.ma.filled(current_mask, True)
def _get_compressed_triangulation(self, return_tri_renum=False,
Compress (if masked) the encapsulated triangulation.
Returns minimal-length triangles array (*compressed_triangles*) and
coordinates arrays (*compressed_x*, *compressed_y*) that can still
describe the unmasked triangles of the encapsulated triangulation.
return_tri_renum : boolean, optional
Indicates whether a renumbering table to translate the triangle
numbers from the encapsulated triangulation numbering into the
new (compressed) renumbering will be returned.
return_node_renum : boolean, optional
Indicates whether a renumbering table to translate the nodes
numbers from the encapsulated triangulation numbering into the
new (compressed) renumbering will be returned.
compressed_triangles : array-like
the returned compressed triangulation triangles
compressed_x : array-like
the returned compressed triangulation 1st coordinate
compressed_y : array-like
the returned compressed triangulation 2nd coordinate
tri_renum : array-like of integers
renumbering table to translate the triangle numbers from the
encapsulated triangulation into the new (compressed) renumbering.
-1 for masked triangles (deleted from *compressed_triangles*).
Returned only if *return_tri_renum* is True.
node_renum : array-like of integers
renumbering table to translate the point numbers from the
encapsulated triangulation into the new (compressed) renumbering.
-1 for unused points (i.e. those deleted from *compressed_x* and
*compressed_y*). Returned only if *return_node_renum* is True.
# Valid triangles and renumbering
tri_mask = self._triangulation.mask
compressed_triangles = self._triangulation.get_masked_triangles()
ntri = self._triangulation.triangles.shape[0]
tri_renum = self._total_to_compress_renum(tri_mask, ntri)
# Valid nodes and renumbering
node_mask = (np.bincount(np.ravel(compressed_triangles),
minlength=self._triangulation.x.size) == 0)
compressed_x = self._triangulation.x[~node_mask]
compressed_y = self._triangulation.y[~node_mask]
node_renum = self._total_to_compress_renum(node_mask)
# Now renumbering the valid triangles nodes
compressed_triangles = node_renum[compressed_triangles]
# 4 cases possible for return
if not return_tri_renum:
if not return_node_renum:
return compressed_triangles, compressed_x, compressed_y
return (compressed_triangles, compressed_x, compressed_y,
if not return_node_renum:
return (compressed_triangles, compressed_x, compressed_y,
return (compressed_triangles, compressed_x, compressed_y,
tri_renum, node_renum)
def _total_to_compress_renum(mask, n=None):
mask : 1d boolean array or None
n : integer
length of the mask. Useful only id mask can be None
renum : integer array
array so that (`valid_array` being a compressed array
based on a `masked_array` with mask *mask*) :
- For all i such as mask[i] = False:
valid_array[renum[i]] = masked_array[i]
- For all i such as mask[i] = True:
renum[i] = -1 (invalid value)
if n is None:
n = np.size(mask)
if mask is not None:
renum = np.full(n, -1, dtype=np.int32) # Default num is -1
valid = np.arange(n, dtype=np.int32)[~mask]
renum[valid] = np.arange(np.size(valid, 0), dtype=np.int32)
return renum
return np.arange(n, dtype=np.int32)