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aaronreidsmith / numpy   python

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Version: 1.17.4 

/ lib / __init__.py

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

import math

from .info import __doc__
from numpy.version import version as __version__

from .type_check import *
from .index_tricks import *
from .function_base import *
from .mixins import *
from .nanfunctions import *
from .shape_base import *
from .stride_tricks import *
from .twodim_base import *
from .ufunclike import *
from .histograms import *

from . import scimath as emath
from .polynomial import *
#import convertcode
from .utils import *
from .arraysetops import *
from .npyio import *
from .financial import *
from .arrayterator import Arrayterator
from .arraypad import *
from ._version import *
from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import tracemalloc_domain

__all__ = ['emath', 'math', 'tracemalloc_domain']
__all__ += type_check.__all__
__all__ += index_tricks.__all__
__all__ += function_base.__all__
__all__ += mixins.__all__
__all__ += shape_base.__all__
__all__ += stride_tricks.__all__
__all__ += twodim_base.__all__
__all__ += ufunclike.__all__
__all__ += arraypad.__all__
__all__ += polynomial.__all__
__all__ += utils.__all__
__all__ += arraysetops.__all__
__all__ += npyio.__all__
__all__ += financial.__all__
__all__ += nanfunctions.__all__
__all__ += histograms.__all__

from numpy._pytesttester import PytestTester
test = PytestTester(__name__)
del PytestTester