import numbers
from typing import Type
import warnings
import numpy as np
from pandas._libs import lib
from pandas.compat import set_function_name
from pandas.util._decorators import cache_readonly
from pandas.core.dtypes.base import ExtensionDtype
from pandas.core.dtypes.cast import astype_nansafe
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import (
from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import register_extension_dtype
from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCIndexClass, ABCSeries
from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import isna, notna
from pandas.core import nanops, ops
from pandas.core.arrays import ExtensionArray, ExtensionOpsMixin
from import to_numeric
class _IntegerDtype(ExtensionDtype):
An ExtensionDtype to hold a single size & kind of integer dtype.
These specific implementations are subclasses of the non-public
_IntegerDtype. For example we have Int8Dtype to represent signed int 8s.
The attributes name & type are set when these subclasses are created.
name = None # type: str
base = None
type = None # type: Type
na_value = np.nan
def __repr__(self):
sign = "U" if self.is_unsigned_integer else ""
return "{sign}Int{size}Dtype()".format(sign=sign, size=8 * self.itemsize)
def is_signed_integer(self):
return self.kind == "i"
def is_unsigned_integer(self):
return self.kind == "u"
def _is_numeric(self):
return True
def numpy_dtype(self):
""" Return an instance of our numpy dtype """
return np.dtype(self.type)
def kind(self):
return self.numpy_dtype.kind
def itemsize(self):
""" Return the number of bytes in this dtype """
return self.numpy_dtype.itemsize
def construct_array_type(cls):
"""Return the array type associated with this dtype
return IntegerArray
def integer_array(values, dtype=None, copy=False):
Infer and return an integer array of the values.
values : 1D list-like
dtype : dtype, optional
dtype to coerce
copy : boolean, default False
TypeError if incompatible types
values, mask = coerce_to_array(values, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
return IntegerArray(values, mask)
def safe_cast(values, dtype, copy):
Safely cast the values to the dtype if they
are equivalent, meaning floats must be equivalent to the
return values.astype(dtype, casting="safe", copy=copy)
except TypeError:
casted = values.astype(dtype, copy=copy)
if (casted == values).all():
return casted
raise TypeError(
"cannot safely cast non-equivalent {} to {}".format(
values.dtype, np.dtype(dtype)
def coerce_to_array(values, dtype, mask=None, copy=False):
Coerce the input values array to numpy arrays with a mask
values : 1D list-like
dtype : integer dtype
mask : boolean 1D array, optional
copy : boolean, default False
if True, copy the input
tuple of (values, mask)
# if values is integer numpy array, preserve it's dtype
if dtype is None and hasattr(values, "dtype"):
if is_integer_dtype(values.dtype):
dtype = values.dtype
if dtype is not None:
if isinstance(dtype, str) and (
dtype.startswith("Int") or dtype.startswith("UInt")
# Avoid DeprecationWarning from NumPy about np.dtype("Int64")
dtype = dtype.lower()
if not issubclass(type(dtype), _IntegerDtype):
dtype = _dtypes[str(np.dtype(dtype))]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("invalid dtype specified {}".format(dtype))
if isinstance(values, IntegerArray):
values, mask = values._data, values._mask
if dtype is not None:
values = values.astype(dtype.numpy_dtype, copy=False)
if copy:
values = values.copy()
mask = mask.copy()
return values, mask
values = np.array(values, copy=copy)
if is_object_dtype(values):
inferred_type = lib.infer_dtype(values, skipna=True)
if inferred_type == "empty":
values = np.empty(len(values))
elif inferred_type not in [
raise TypeError(
"{} cannot be converted to an IntegerDtype".format(values.dtype)
elif is_bool_dtype(values) and is_integer_dtype(dtype):
values = np.array(values, dtype=int, copy=copy)
elif not (is_integer_dtype(values) or is_float_dtype(values)):
raise TypeError(
"{} cannot be converted to an IntegerDtype".format(values.dtype)
if mask is None:
mask = isna(values)
assert len(mask) == len(values)
if not values.ndim == 1:
raise TypeError("values must be a 1D list-like")
if not mask.ndim == 1:
raise TypeError("mask must be a 1D list-like")
# infer dtype if needed
if dtype is None:
dtype = np.dtype("int64")
dtype = dtype.type
# if we are float, let's make sure that we can
# safely cast
# we copy as need to coerce here
if mask.any():
values = values.copy()
values[mask] = 1
values = safe_cast(values, dtype, copy=False)
values = safe_cast(values, dtype, copy=False)
return values, mask
class IntegerArray(ExtensionArray, ExtensionOpsMixin):
Array of integer (optional missing) values.
.. versionadded:: 0.24.0
.. warning::
IntegerArray is currently experimental, and its API or internal
implementation may change without warning.
We represent an IntegerArray with 2 numpy arrays:
- data: contains a numpy integer array of the appropriate dtype
- mask: a boolean array holding a mask on the data, True is missing
To construct an IntegerArray from generic array-like input, use
:func:`pandas.array` with one of the integer dtypes (see examples).
See :ref:`integer_na` for more.
values : numpy.ndarray
A 1-d integer-dtype array.
mask : numpy.ndarray
A 1-d boolean-dtype array indicating missing values.
copy : bool, default False
Whether to copy the `values` and `mask`.
Create an IntegerArray with :func:`pandas.array`.
>>> int_array = pd.array([1, None, 3], dtype=pd.Int32Dtype())
>>> int_array
[1, NaN, 3]
Length: 3, dtype: Int32
String aliases for the dtypes are also available. They are capitalized.
>>> pd.array([1, None, 3], dtype='Int32')
[1, NaN, 3]
Length: 3, dtype: Int32
>>> pd.array([1, None, 3], dtype='UInt16')
[1, NaN, 3]
Length: 3, dtype: UInt16
def dtype(self):
return _dtypes[str(self._data.dtype)]
def __init__(self, values, mask, copy=False):
if not (isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and is_integer_dtype(values.dtype)):
raise TypeError(
"values should be integer numpy array. Use "
"the 'integer_array' function instead"
if not (isinstance(mask, np.ndarray) and is_bool_dtype(mask.dtype)):
raise TypeError(
"mask should be boolean numpy array. Use "
"the 'integer_array' function instead"
if copy:
values = values.copy()
mask = mask.copy()
self._data = values
self._mask = mask
def _from_sequence(cls, scalars, dtype=None, copy=False):
return integer_array(scalars, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
def _from_sequence_of_strings(cls, strings, dtype=None, copy=False):
scalars = to_numeric(strings, errors="raise")
return cls._from_sequence(scalars, dtype, copy)
def _from_factorized(cls, values, original):
return integer_array(values, dtype=original.dtype)
def _formatter(self, boxed=False):
def fmt(x):
if isna(x):
return "NaN"
return str(x)
return fmt
def __getitem__(self, item):
if is_integer(item):
if self._mask[item]:
return self.dtype.na_value
return self._data[item]
return type(self)(self._data[item], self._mask[item])
def _coerce_to_ndarray(self):
coerce to an ndarary of object dtype
# TODO(jreback) make this better
data = self._data.astype(object)
data[self._mask] = self._na_value
return data
__array_priority__ = 1000 # higher than ndarray so ops dispatch to us
def __array__(self, dtype=None):
the array interface, return my values
We return an object array here to preserve our scalar values
return self._coerce_to_ndarray()
_HANDLED_TYPES = (np.ndarray, numbers.Number)
def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
# For IntegerArray inputs, we apply the ufunc to ._data
# and mask the result.
if method == "reduce":
# Not clear how to handle missing values in reductions. Raise.
raise NotImplementedError("The 'reduce' method is not supported.")
out = kwargs.get("out", ())
for x in inputs + out:
if not isinstance(x, self._HANDLED_TYPES + (IntegerArray,)):
return NotImplemented
# for binary ops, use our custom dunder methods
result = ops.maybe_dispatch_ufunc_to_dunder_op(
self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs
if result is not NotImplemented:
return result
mask = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=bool)
inputs2 = []
for x in inputs:
if isinstance(x, IntegerArray):
mask |= x._mask
def reconstruct(x):
# we don't worry about scalar `x` here, since we
# raise for reduce up above.
if is_integer_dtype(x.dtype):
m = mask.copy()
return IntegerArray(x, m)
x[mask] = np.nan
return x
result = getattr(ufunc, method)(*inputs2, **kwargs)
if isinstance(result, tuple):
tuple(reconstruct(x) for x in result)
return reconstruct(result)
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self)):
if self._mask[i]:
yield self.dtype.na_value
yield self._data[i]
def take(self, indexer, allow_fill=False, fill_value=None):
from pandas.api.extensions import take
# we always fill with 1 internally
# to avoid upcasting
data_fill_value = 1 if isna(fill_value) else fill_value
result = take(
self._data, indexer, fill_value=data_fill_value, allow_fill=allow_fill
mask = take(self._mask, indexer, fill_value=True, allow_fill=allow_fill)
# if we are filling
# we only fill where the indexer is null
# not existing missing values
# TODO(jreback) what if we have a non-na float as a fill value?
if allow_fill and notna(fill_value):
fill_mask = np.asarray(indexer) == -1
result[fill_mask] = fill_value
mask = mask ^ fill_mask
return type(self)(result, mask, copy=False)
def copy(self):
data, mask = self._data, self._mask
data = data.copy()
mask = mask.copy()
return type(self)(data, mask, copy=False)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
_is_scalar = is_scalar(value)
if _is_scalar:
value = [value]
value, mask = coerce_to_array(value, dtype=self.dtype)
if _is_scalar:
value = value[0]
mask = mask[0]
self._data[key] = value
self._mask[key] = mask
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def nbytes(self):
return self._data.nbytes + self._mask.nbytes
def isna(self):
return self._mask
def _na_value(self):
return np.nan
def _concat_same_type(cls, to_concat):
data = np.concatenate([x._data for x in to_concat])
mask = np.concatenate([x._mask for x in to_concat])
return cls(data, mask)
def astype(self, dtype, copy=True):
Cast to a NumPy array or IntegerArray with 'dtype'.
dtype : str or dtype
Typecode or data-type to which the array is cast.
copy : bool, default True
Whether to copy the data, even if not necessary. If False,
a copy is made only if the old dtype does not match the
new dtype.
array : ndarray or IntegerArray
NumPy ndarray or IntergerArray with 'dtype' for its dtype.
if incompatible type with an IntegerDtype, equivalent of same_kind
# if we are astyping to an existing IntegerDtype we can fastpath
if isinstance(dtype, _IntegerDtype):
result = self._data.astype(dtype.numpy_dtype, copy=False)
return type(self)(result, mask=self._mask, copy=False)
# coerce
data = self._coerce_to_ndarray()
return astype_nansafe(data, dtype, copy=None)
def _ndarray_values(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Internal pandas method for lossy conversion to a NumPy ndarray.
This method is not part of the pandas interface.
The expectation is that this is cheap to compute, and is primarily
used for interacting with our indexers.
return self._data
def value_counts(self, dropna=True):
Returns a Series containing counts of each category.
Every category will have an entry, even those with a count of 0.
dropna : boolean, default True
Don't include counts of NaN.
counts : Series
See Also
from pandas import Index, Series
# compute counts on the data with no nans
data = self._data[~self._mask]
value_counts = Index(data).value_counts()
array = value_counts.values
# TODO(extension)
# if we have allow Index to hold an ExtensionArray
# this is easier
index = value_counts.index.astype(object)
# if we want nans, count the mask
if not dropna:
# TODO(extension)
# appending to an Index *always* infers
# w/o passing the dtype
array = np.append(array, [self._mask.sum()])
index = Index(
np.concatenate([index.values, np.array([np.nan], dtype=object)]),
return Series(array, index=index)
def _values_for_argsort(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return values for sorting.
The transformed values should maintain the ordering between values
within the array.
See Also
data = self._data.copy()
data[self._mask] = data.min() - 1
return data
def _create_comparison_method(cls, op):
def cmp_method(self, other):
op_name = op.__name__
mask = None
if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
# Rely on pandas to unbox and dispatch to us.
return NotImplemented
if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
other, mask = other._data, other._mask
elif is_list_like(other):
other = np.asarray(other)
if other.ndim > 0 and len(self) != len(other):
raise ValueError("Lengths must match to compare")
other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
# numpy will show a DeprecationWarning on invalid elementwise
# comparisons, this will raise in the future
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "elementwise", FutureWarning)
with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
result = op(self._data, other)
# nans propagate
if mask is None:
mask = self._mask
mask = self._mask | mask
result[mask] = op_name == "ne"
return result
name = "__{name}__".format(name=op.__name__)
return set_function_name(cmp_method, name, cls)
def _reduce(self, name, skipna=True, **kwargs):
data = self._data
mask = self._mask
# coerce to a nan-aware float if needed
if mask.any():
data = self._data.astype("float64")
data[mask] = self._na_value
op = getattr(nanops, "nan" + name)
result = op(data, axis=0, skipna=skipna, mask=mask)
# if we have a boolean op, don't coerce
if name in ["any", "all"]:
# if we have a preservable numeric op,
# provide coercion back to an integer type if possible
elif name in ["sum", "min", "max", "prod"] and notna(result):
int_result = int(result)
if int_result == result:
result = int_result
return result
def _maybe_mask_result(self, result, mask, other, op_name):
result : array-like
mask : array-like bool
other : scalar or array-like
op_name : str
# may need to fill infs
# and mask wraparound
if is_float_dtype(result):
mask |= (result == np.inf) | (result == -np.inf)
# if we have a float operand we are by-definition
# a float result
# or our op is a divide
if (is_float_dtype(other) or is_float(other)) or (
op_name in ["rtruediv", "truediv"]
result[mask] = np.nan
return result
return type(self)(result, mask, copy=False)
def _create_arithmetic_method(cls, op):
def integer_arithmetic_method(self, other):
op_name = op.__name__
mask = None
if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
# Rely on pandas to unbox and dispatch to us.
return NotImplemented
if getattr(other, "ndim", 0) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("can only perform ops with 1-d structures")
if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
other, mask = other._data, other._mask
elif getattr(other, "ndim", None) == 0:
other = other.item()
elif is_list_like(other):
other = np.asarray(other)
if not other.ndim:
other = other.item()
elif other.ndim == 1:
if not (is_float_dtype(other) or is_integer_dtype(other)):
raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")
if not (is_float(other) or is_integer(other)):
raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")
# nans propagate
if mask is None:
mask = self._mask
mask = self._mask | mask
# 1 ** np.nan is 1. So we have to unmask those.
if op_name == "pow":
mask = np.where(self == 1, False, mask)
elif op_name == "rpow":
mask = np.where(other == 1, False, mask)
with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
result = op(self._data, other)
# divmod returns a tuple
if op_name == "divmod":
div, mod = result
return (
self._maybe_mask_result(div, mask, other, "floordiv"),
self._maybe_mask_result(mod, mask, other, "mod"),
return self._maybe_mask_result(result, mask, other, op_name)
name = "__{name}__".format(name=op.__name__)
return set_function_name(integer_arithmetic_method, name, cls)
_dtype_docstring = """
An ExtensionDtype for {dtype} integer data.
# create the Dtype
Int8Dtype = register_extension_dtype(
"type": np.int8,
"name": "Int8",
"__doc__": _dtype_docstring.format(dtype="int8"),
Int16Dtype = register_extension_dtype(
"type": np.int16,
"name": "Int16",
"__doc__": _dtype_docstring.format(dtype="int16"),
Int32Dtype = register_extension_dtype(
"type": np.int32,
"name": "Int32",
"__doc__": _dtype_docstring.format(dtype="int32"),
Int64Dtype = register_extension_dtype(
"type": np.int64,
"name": "Int64",
"__doc__": _dtype_docstring.format(dtype="int64"),
UInt8Dtype = register_extension_dtype(
"type": np.uint8,
"name": "UInt8",
"__doc__": _dtype_docstring.format(dtype="uint8"),
UInt16Dtype = register_extension_dtype(
"type": np.uint16,
"name": "UInt16",
"__doc__": _dtype_docstring.format(dtype="uint16"),
UInt32Dtype = register_extension_dtype(
"type": np.uint32,
"name": "UInt32",
"__doc__": _dtype_docstring.format(dtype="uint32"),
UInt64Dtype = register_extension_dtype(
"type": np.uint64,
"name": "UInt64",
"__doc__": _dtype_docstring.format(dtype="uint64"),
_dtypes = {
"int8": Int8Dtype(),
"int16": Int16Dtype(),
"int32": Int32Dtype(),
"int64": Int64Dtype(),
"uint8": UInt8Dtype(),
"uint16": UInt16Dtype(),
"uint32": UInt32Dtype(),
"uint64": UInt64Dtype(),