import numbers
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.mixins import NDArrayOperatorsMixin
from pandas._libs import lib
from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv
from pandas.util._decorators import Appender
from pandas.util._validators import validate_fillna_kwargs
from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import ExtensionDtype
from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCIndexClass, ABCSeries
from pandas.core.dtypes.inference import is_array_like, is_list_like
from pandas import compat
from pandas.core import nanops
from pandas.core.algorithms import searchsorted
from pandas.core.missing import backfill_1d, pad_1d
from .base import ExtensionArray, ExtensionOpsMixin
class PandasDtype(ExtensionDtype):
A Pandas ExtensionDtype for NumPy dtypes.
.. versionadded:: 0.24.0
This is mostly for internal compatibility, and is not especially
useful on its own.
dtype : numpy.dtype
_metadata = ("_dtype",)
def __init__(self, dtype):
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
self._dtype = dtype
self._name =
self._type = dtype.type
def __repr__(self):
return "PandasDtype({!r})".format(
def numpy_dtype(self):
"""The NumPy dtype this PandasDtype wraps."""
return self._dtype
def name(self):
return self._name
def type(self):
return self._type
def _is_numeric(self):
# exclude object, str, unicode, void.
return self.kind in set("biufc")
def _is_boolean(self):
return self.kind == "b"
def construct_from_string(cls, string):
return cls(np.dtype(string))
def construct_array_type(cls):
return PandasArray
def kind(self):
return self._dtype.kind
def itemsize(self):
"""The element size of this data-type object."""
return self._dtype.itemsize
class PandasArray(ExtensionArray, ExtensionOpsMixin, NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
A pandas ExtensionArray for NumPy data.
.. versionadded :: 0.24.0
This is mostly for internal compatibility, and is not especially
useful on its own.
values : ndarray
The NumPy ndarray to wrap. Must be 1-dimensional.
copy : bool, default False
Whether to copy `values`.
# If you're wondering why pd.Series(cls) doesn't put the array in an
# ExtensionBlock, search for `ABCPandasArray`. We check for
# that _typ to ensure that that users don't unnecessarily use EAs inside
# pandas internals, which turns off things like block consolidation.
_typ = "npy_extension"
__array_priority__ = 1000
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constructors
def __init__(self, values, copy=False):
if isinstance(values, type(self)):
values = values._ndarray
if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("'values' must be a NumPy array.")
if values.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("PandasArray must be 1-dimensional.")
if copy:
values = values.copy()
self._ndarray = values
self._dtype = PandasDtype(values.dtype)
def _from_sequence(cls, scalars, dtype=None, copy=False):
if isinstance(dtype, PandasDtype):
dtype = dtype._dtype
result = np.asarray(scalars, dtype=dtype)
if copy and result is scalars:
result = result.copy()
return cls(result)
def _from_factorized(cls, values, original):
return cls(values)
def _concat_same_type(cls, to_concat):
return cls(np.concatenate(to_concat))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data
def dtype(self):
return self._dtype
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NumPy Array Interface
def __array__(self, dtype=None):
return np.asarray(self._ndarray, dtype=dtype)
_HANDLED_TYPES = (np.ndarray, numbers.Number)
def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
# Lightly modified version of
# numpy.lib.mixins.NDArrayOperatorsMixin.html
# The primary modification is not boxing scalar return values
# in PandasArray, since pandas' ExtensionArrays are 1-d.
out = kwargs.get("out", ())
for x in inputs + out:
# Only support operations with instances of _HANDLED_TYPES.
# Use PandasArray instead of type(self) for isinstance to
# allow subclasses that don't override __array_ufunc__ to
# handle PandasArray objects.
if not isinstance(x, self._HANDLED_TYPES + (PandasArray,)):
return NotImplemented
# Defer to the implementation of the ufunc on unwrapped values.
inputs = tuple(x._ndarray if isinstance(x, PandasArray) else x for x in inputs)
if out:
kwargs["out"] = tuple(
x._ndarray if isinstance(x, PandasArray) else x for x in out
result = getattr(ufunc, method)(*inputs, **kwargs)
if type(result) is tuple and len(result):
# multiple return values
if not lib.is_scalar(result[0]):
# re-box array-like results
return tuple(type(self)(x) for x in result)
# but not scalar reductions
return result
elif method == "at":
# no return value
return None
# one return value
if not lib.is_scalar(result):
# re-box array-like results, but not scalar reductions
result = type(self)(result)
return result
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pandas ExtensionArray Interface
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, type(self)):
item = item._ndarray
result = self._ndarray[item]
if not lib.is_scalar(item):
result = type(self)(result)
return result
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
from pandas.core.internals.arrays import extract_array
value = extract_array(value, extract_numpy=True)
if not lib.is_scalar(key) and is_list_like(key):
key = np.asarray(key)
if not lib.is_scalar(value):
value = np.asarray(value)
values = self._ndarray
t = np.result_type(value, values)
if t != self._ndarray.dtype:
values = values.astype(t, casting="safe")
values[key] = value
self._dtype = PandasDtype(t)
self._ndarray = values
self._ndarray[key] = value
def __len__(self):
return len(self._ndarray)
def nbytes(self):
return self._ndarray.nbytes
def isna(self):
from pandas import isna
return isna(self._ndarray)
def fillna(self, value=None, method=None, limit=None):
# TODO(_values_for_fillna): remove this
value, method = validate_fillna_kwargs(value, method)
mask = self.isna()
if is_array_like(value):
if len(value) != len(self):
raise ValueError(
"Length of 'value' does not match. Got ({}) "
" expected {}".format(len(value), len(self))
value = value[mask]
if mask.any():
if method is not None:
func = pad_1d if method == "pad" else backfill_1d
new_values = func(self._ndarray, limit=limit, mask=mask)
new_values = self._from_sequence(new_values, dtype=self.dtype)
# fill with value
new_values = self.copy()
new_values[mask] = value
new_values = self.copy()
return new_values
def take(self, indices, allow_fill=False, fill_value=None):
from pandas.core.algorithms import take
result = take(
self._ndarray, indices, allow_fill=allow_fill, fill_value=fill_value
return type(self)(result)
def copy(self):
return type(self)(self._ndarray.copy())
def _values_for_argsort(self):
return self._ndarray
def _values_for_factorize(self):
return self._ndarray, -1
def unique(self):
from pandas import unique
return type(self)(unique(self._ndarray))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reductions
def _reduce(self, name, skipna=True, **kwargs):
meth = getattr(self, name, None)
if meth:
return meth(skipna=skipna, **kwargs)
msg = "'{}' does not implement reduction '{}'"
raise TypeError(msg.format(type(self).__name__, name))
def any(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
nv.validate_any((), dict(out=out, keepdims=keepdims))
return nanops.nanany(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
def all(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
nv.validate_all((), dict(out=out, keepdims=keepdims))
return nanops.nanall(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
def min(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
nv.validate_min((), dict(out=out, keepdims=keepdims))
return nanops.nanmin(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
def max(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
nv.validate_max((), dict(out=out, keepdims=keepdims))
return nanops.nanmax(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
def sum(
(), dict(dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims, initial=initial)
return nanops.nansum(
self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, min_count=min_count
def prod(
(), dict(dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims, initial=initial)
return nanops.nanprod(
self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, min_count=min_count
def mean(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
nv.validate_mean((), dict(dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims))
return nanops.nanmean(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
def median(
self, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, keepdims=False, skipna=True
(), dict(out=out, overwrite_input=overwrite_input, keepdims=keepdims)
return nanops.nanmedian(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
def std(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=1, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
(), dict(dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims), fname="std"
return nanops.nanstd(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, ddof=ddof)
def var(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=1, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
(), dict(dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims), fname="var"
return nanops.nanvar(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, ddof=ddof)
def sem(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=1, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
(), dict(dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims), fname="sem"
return nanops.nansem(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, ddof=ddof)
def kurt(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
(), dict(dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims), fname="kurt"
return nanops.nankurt(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
def skew(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False, skipna=True):
(), dict(dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims), fname="skew"
return nanops.nanskew(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Additional Methods
def to_numpy(self, dtype=None, copy=False):
Convert the PandasArray to a :class:`numpy.ndarray`.
By default, this requires no coercion or copying of data.
dtype : numpy.dtype
The NumPy dtype to pass to :func:`numpy.asarray`.
copy : bool, default False
Whether to copy the underlying data.
result = np.asarray(self._ndarray, dtype=dtype)
if copy and result is self._ndarray:
result = result.copy()
return result
def searchsorted(self, value, side="left", sorter=None):
return searchsorted(self.to_numpy(), value, side=side, sorter=sorter)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ops
def __invert__(self):
return type(self)(~self._ndarray)
def _create_arithmetic_method(cls, op):
def arithmetic_method(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (ABCIndexClass, ABCSeries)):
return NotImplemented
elif isinstance(other, cls):
other = other._ndarray
with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
result = op(self._ndarray, other)
if op is divmod:
a, b = result
return cls(a), cls(b)
return cls(result)
return compat.set_function_name(
arithmetic_method, "__{}__".format(op.__name__), cls
_create_comparison_method = _create_arithmetic_method