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Version: 0.25.3 

/ core / indexes / datetimelike.py

Base and utility classes for tseries type pandas objects.
import operator
from typing import Set
import warnings

import numpy as np

from pandas._libs import NaT, iNaT, lib
from pandas._libs.algos import unique_deltas
from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv
from pandas.errors import AbstractMethodError
from pandas.util._decorators import Appender, cache_readonly, deprecate_kwarg

from pandas.core.dtypes.common import (
from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCIndex, ABCIndexClass, ABCSeries

from pandas.core import algorithms, ops
from pandas.core.accessor import PandasDelegate
from pandas.core.arrays import ExtensionOpsMixin
from pandas.core.arrays.datetimelike import (
import pandas.core.indexes.base as ibase
from pandas.core.indexes.base import Index, _index_shared_docs
from pandas.core.tools.timedeltas import to_timedelta

import pandas.io.formats.printing as printing
from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset

_index_doc_kwargs = dict(ibase._index_doc_kwargs)

def ea_passthrough(array_method):
    Make an alias for a method of the underlying ExtensionArray.

    array_method : method on an Array class


    def method(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return array_method(self._data, *args, **kwargs)

    method.__name__ = array_method.__name__
    method.__doc__ = array_method.__doc__
    return method

class DatetimeIndexOpsMixin(ExtensionOpsMixin):
    common ops mixin to support a unified interface datetimelike Index

    _data = None

    # DatetimeLikeArrayMixin assumes subclasses are mutable, so these are
    # properties there.  They can be made into cache_readonly for Index
    # subclasses bc they are immutable
    inferred_freq = cache_readonly(
        DatetimeLikeArrayMixin.inferred_freq.fget  # type: ignore
    _isnan = cache_readonly(DatetimeLikeArrayMixin._isnan.fget)  # type: ignore
    hasnans = cache_readonly(DatetimeLikeArrayMixin._hasnans.fget)  # type: ignore
    _hasnans = hasnans  # for index / array -agnostic code
    _resolution = cache_readonly(
        DatetimeLikeArrayMixin._resolution.fget  # type: ignore
    resolution = cache_readonly(DatetimeLikeArrayMixin.resolution.fget)  # type: ignore

    _maybe_mask_results = ea_passthrough(DatetimeLikeArrayMixin._maybe_mask_results)
    __iter__ = ea_passthrough(DatetimeLikeArrayMixin.__iter__)
    mean = ea_passthrough(DatetimeLikeArrayMixin.mean)

    def freq(self):
        Return the frequency object if it is set, otherwise None.
        return self._data.freq

    def freq(self, value):
        # validation is handled by _data setter
        self._data.freq = value

    def freqstr(self):
        Return the frequency object as a string if it is set, otherwise None.
        return self._data.freqstr

    def unique(self, level=None):
        if level is not None:

        result = self._data.unique()

        # Note: if `self` is already unique, then self.unique() should share
        #  a `freq` with self.  If not already unique, then self.freq must be
        #  None, so again sharing freq is correct.
        return self._shallow_copy(result._data)

    def _create_comparison_method(cls, op):
        Create a comparison method that dispatches to ``cls.values``.

        def wrapper(self, other):
            if isinstance(other, ABCSeries):
                # the arrays defer to Series for comparison ops but the indexes
                #  don't, so we have to unwrap here.
                other = other._values

            result = op(self._data, maybe_unwrap_index(other))
            return result

        wrapper.__doc__ = op.__doc__
        wrapper.__name__ = "__{}__".format(op.__name__)
        return wrapper

    def _ndarray_values(self):
        return self._data._ndarray_values

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Abstract data attributes

    def values(self):
        # Note: PeriodArray overrides this to return an ndarray of objects.
        return self._data._data

    @property  # type: ignore # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/1362
    def asi8(self):
        return self._data.asi8

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def equals(self, other):
        Determines if two Index objects contain the same elements.
        if self.is_(other):
            return True

        if not isinstance(other, ABCIndexClass):
            return False
        elif not isinstance(other, type(self)):
                other = type(self)(other)
            except Exception:
                return False

        if not is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, other.dtype):
            # have different timezone
            return False

        elif is_period_dtype(self):
            if not is_period_dtype(other):
                return False
            if self.freq != other.freq:
                return False

        return np.array_equal(self.asi8, other.asi8)

    def _join_i8_wrapper(joinf, dtype, with_indexers=True):
        Create the join wrapper methods.
        from pandas.core.arrays.datetimelike import DatetimeLikeArrayMixin

        def wrapper(left, right):
            if isinstance(
                left, (np.ndarray, ABCIndex, ABCSeries, DatetimeLikeArrayMixin)
                left = left.view("i8")
            if isinstance(
                right, (np.ndarray, ABCIndex, ABCSeries, DatetimeLikeArrayMixin)
                right = right.view("i8")
            results = joinf(left, right)
            if with_indexers:
                join_index, left_indexer, right_indexer = results
                join_index = join_index.view(dtype)
                return join_index, left_indexer, right_indexer
            return results

        return wrapper

    def _ensure_localized(
        self, arg, ambiguous="raise", nonexistent="raise", from_utc=False
        # See DatetimeLikeArrayMixin._ensure_localized.__doc__
        if getattr(self, "tz", None):
            # ensure_localized is only relevant for tz-aware DTI
            result = self._data._ensure_localized(
                arg, ambiguous=ambiguous, nonexistent=nonexistent, from_utc=from_utc
            return type(self)._simple_new(result, name=self.name)
        return arg

    def _box_values(self, values):
        return self._data._box_values(values)

    @Appender(_index_shared_docs["contains"] % _index_doc_kwargs)
    def __contains__(self, key):
            res = self.get_loc(key)
            return (
                or isinstance(res, slice)
                or (is_list_like(res) and len(res))
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
            return False

    # Try to run function on index first, and then on elements of index
    # Especially important for group-by functionality
    def map(self, mapper, na_action=None):
            result = mapper(self)

            # Try to use this result if we can
            if isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
                result = Index(result)

            if not isinstance(result, Index):
                raise TypeError("The map function must return an Index object")
            return result
        except Exception:
            return self.astype(object).map(mapper)

    def sort_values(self, return_indexer=False, ascending=True):
        Return sorted copy of Index.
        if return_indexer:
            _as = self.argsort()
            if not ascending:
                _as = _as[::-1]
            sorted_index = self.take(_as)
            return sorted_index, _as
            sorted_values = np.sort(self._ndarray_values)
            attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
            freq = attribs["freq"]

            if freq is not None and not is_period_dtype(self):
                if freq.n > 0 and not ascending:
                    freq = freq * -1
                elif freq.n < 0 and ascending:
                    freq = freq * -1
            attribs["freq"] = freq

            if not ascending:
                sorted_values = sorted_values[::-1]

            return self._simple_new(sorted_values, **attribs)

    @Appender(_index_shared_docs["take"] % _index_doc_kwargs)
    def take(self, indices, axis=0, allow_fill=True, fill_value=None, **kwargs):
        nv.validate_take(tuple(), kwargs)
        indices = ensure_int64(indices)

        maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(self))
        if isinstance(maybe_slice, slice):
            return self[maybe_slice]

        taken = self._assert_take_fillable(

        # keep freq in PeriodArray/Index, reset otherwise
        freq = self.freq if is_period_dtype(self) else None
        return self._shallow_copy(taken, freq=freq)

    _can_hold_na = True

    _na_value = NaT
    """The expected NA value to use with this index."""

    def asobject(self):
        Return object Index which contains boxed values.

        .. deprecated:: 0.23.0
            Use ``astype(object)`` instead.

        *this is an internal non-public method*
            "'asobject' is deprecated. Use 'astype(object)'" " instead",
        return self.astype(object)

    def _convert_tolerance(self, tolerance, target):
        tolerance = np.asarray(to_timedelta(tolerance).to_numpy())

        if target.size != tolerance.size and tolerance.size > 1:
            raise ValueError("list-like tolerance size must match " "target index size")
        return tolerance

    def tolist(self):
        Return a list of the underlying data.
        return list(self.astype(object))

    def min(self, axis=None, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs):
        Return the minimum value of the Index or minimum along
        an axis.

        See Also
        Series.min : Return the minimum value in a Series.
        nv.validate_min(args, kwargs)

        if not len(self):
            return self._na_value

        i8 = self.asi8
            # quick check
            if len(i8) and self.is_monotonic:
                if i8[0] != iNaT:
                    return self._box_func(i8[0])

            if self.hasnans:
                if skipna:
                    min_stamp = self[~self._isnan].asi8.min()
                    return self._na_value
                min_stamp = i8.min()
            return self._box_func(min_stamp)
        except ValueError:
            return self._na_value

    def argmin(self, axis=None, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis.

        See `numpy.ndarray.argmin` for more information on the
        `axis` parameter.

        See Also
        nv.validate_argmin(args, kwargs)

        i8 = self.asi8
        if self.hasnans:
            mask = self._isnan
            if mask.all() or not skipna:
                return -1
            i8 = i8.copy()
            i8[mask] = np.iinfo("int64").max
        return i8.argmin()

    def max(self, axis=None, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs):
        Return the maximum value of the Index or maximum along
        an axis.

        See Also
        Series.max : Return the maximum value in a Series.
        nv.validate_max(args, kwargs)

        if not len(self):
            return self._na_value

        i8 = self.asi8
            # quick check
            if len(i8) and self.is_monotonic:
                if i8[-1] != iNaT:
                    return self._box_func(i8[-1])

            if self.hasnans:
                if skipna:
                    max_stamp = self[~self._isnan].asi8.max()
                    return self._na_value
                max_stamp = i8.max()
            return self._box_func(max_stamp)
        except ValueError:
            return self._na_value

    def argmax(self, axis=None, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.

        See `numpy.ndarray.argmax` for more information on the
        `axis` parameter.

        See Also
        nv.validate_argmax(args, kwargs)

        i8 = self.asi8
        if self.hasnans:
            mask = self._isnan
            if mask.all() or not skipna:
                return -1
            i8 = i8.copy()
            i8[mask] = 0
        return i8.argmax()

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Rendering Methods

    def _format_with_header(self, header, na_rep="NaT", **kwargs):
        return header + list(self._format_native_types(na_rep, **kwargs))

    def _formatter_func(self):
        raise AbstractMethodError(self)

    def _format_attrs(self):
        Return a list of tuples of the (attr,formatted_value).
        attrs = super()._format_attrs()
        for attrib in self._attributes:
            if attrib == "freq":
                freq = self.freqstr
                if freq is not None:
                    freq = "'%s'" % freq
                attrs.append(("freq", freq))
        return attrs

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _convert_scalar_indexer(self, key, kind=None):
        We don't allow integer or float indexing on datetime-like when using

        key : label of the slice bound
        kind : {'ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc'} or None

        assert kind in ["ix", "loc", "getitem", "iloc", None]

        # we don't allow integer/float indexing for loc
        # we don't allow float indexing for ix/getitem
        if is_scalar(key):
            is_int = is_integer(key)
            is_flt = is_float(key)
            if kind in ["loc"] and (is_int or is_flt):
                self._invalid_indexer("index", key)
            elif kind in ["ix", "getitem"] and is_flt:
                self._invalid_indexer("index", key)

        return super()._convert_scalar_indexer(key, kind=kind)

    def _add_datetimelike_methods(cls):
        Add in the datetimelike methods (as we may have to override the

        def __add__(self, other):
            # dispatch to ExtensionArray implementation
            result = self._data.__add__(maybe_unwrap_index(other))
            return wrap_arithmetic_op(self, other, result)

        cls.__add__ = __add__

        def __radd__(self, other):
            # alias for __add__
            return self.__add__(other)

        cls.__radd__ = __radd__

        def __sub__(self, other):
            # dispatch to ExtensionArray implementation
            result = self._data.__sub__(maybe_unwrap_index(other))
            return wrap_arithmetic_op(self, other, result)

        cls.__sub__ = __sub__

        def __rsub__(self, other):
            result = self._data.__rsub__(maybe_unwrap_index(other))
            return wrap_arithmetic_op(self, other, result)

        cls.__rsub__ = __rsub__

    def isin(self, values, level=None):
        Compute boolean array of whether each index value is found in the
        passed set of values.

        values : set or sequence of values

        is_contained : ndarray (boolean dtype)
        if level is not None:

        if not isinstance(values, type(self)):
                values = type(self)(values)
            except ValueError:
                return self.astype(object).isin(values)

        return algorithms.isin(self.asi8, values.asi8)

    def intersection(self, other, sort=False):

        if self.equals(other):
            return self._get_reconciled_name_object(other)

        if len(self) == 0:
            return self.copy()
        if len(other) == 0:
            return other.copy()

        if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
            result = Index.intersection(self, other, sort=sort)
            if isinstance(result, type(self)):
                if result.freq is None:
                    result.freq = to_offset(result.inferred_freq)
            return result

        elif (
            other.freq is None
            or self.freq is None
            or other.freq != self.freq
            or not other.freq.isAnchored()
            or (not self.is_monotonic or not other.is_monotonic)
            result = Index.intersection(self, other, sort=sort)

            # Invalidate the freq of `result`, which may not be correct at
            # this point, depending on the values.
            result.freq = None
            if hasattr(self, "tz"):
                result = self._shallow_copy(
                    result._values, name=result.name, tz=result.tz, freq=None
                result = self._shallow_copy(result._values, name=result.name, freq=None)
            if result.freq is None:
                result.freq = to_offset(result.inferred_freq)
            return result

        # to make our life easier, "sort" the two ranges
        if self[0] <= other[0]:
            left, right = self, other
            left, right = other, self

        # after sorting, the intersection always starts with the right index
        # and ends with the index of which the last elements is smallest
        end = min(left[-1], right[-1])
        start = right[0]

        if end < start:
            return type(self)(data=[])
            lslice = slice(*left.slice_locs(start, end))
            left_chunk = left.values[lslice]
            return self._shallow_copy(left_chunk)

    @Appender(_index_shared_docs["repeat"] % _index_doc_kwargs)
    def repeat(self, repeats, axis=None):
        nv.validate_repeat(tuple(), dict(axis=axis))
        freq = self.freq if is_period_dtype(self) else None
        return self._shallow_copy(self.asi8.repeat(repeats), freq=freq)

    @Appender(_index_shared_docs["where"] % _index_doc_kwargs)
    def where(self, cond, other=None):
        other = _ensure_datetimelike_to_i8(other, to_utc=True)
        values = _ensure_datetimelike_to_i8(self, to_utc=True)
        result = np.where(cond, values, other).astype("i8")

        result = self._ensure_localized(result, from_utc=True)
        return self._shallow_copy(result)

    def _summary(self, name=None):
        Return a summarized representation.

        name : str
            name to use in the summary representation

        String with a summarized representation of the index
        formatter = self._formatter_func
        if len(self) > 0:
            index_summary = ", %s to %s" % (formatter(self[0]), formatter(self[-1]))
            index_summary = ""

        if name is None:
            name = type(self).__name__
        result = "%s: %s entries%s" % (
        if self.freq:
            result += "\nFreq: %s" % self.freqstr

        # display as values, not quoted
        result = result.replace("'", "")
        return result

    def _concat_same_dtype(self, to_concat, name):
        Concatenate to_concat which has the same class.
        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        attribs["name"] = name
        # do not pass tz to set because tzlocal cannot be hashed
        if len({str(x.dtype) for x in to_concat}) != 1:
            raise ValueError("to_concat must have the same tz")

        new_data = type(self._values)._concat_same_type(to_concat).asi8

        # GH 3232: If the concat result is evenly spaced, we can retain the
        # original frequency
        is_diff_evenly_spaced = len(unique_deltas(new_data)) == 1
        if not is_period_dtype(self) and not is_diff_evenly_spaced:
            # reset freq
            attribs["freq"] = None

        return self._simple_new(new_data, **attribs)

    def astype(self, dtype, copy=True):
        if is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, dtype) and copy is False:
            # Ensure that self.astype(self.dtype) is self
            return self

        new_values = self._data.astype(dtype, copy=copy)

        # pass copy=False because any copying will be done in the
        #  _data.astype call above
        return Index(new_values, dtype=new_values.dtype, name=self.name, copy=False)

    @deprecate_kwarg(old_arg_name="n", new_arg_name="periods")
    def shift(self, periods, freq=None):
        Shift index by desired number of time frequency increments.

        This method is for shifting the values of datetime-like indexes
        by a specified time increment a given number of times.

        periods : int
            Number of periods (or increments) to shift by,
            can be positive or negative.

            .. versionchanged:: 0.24.0

        freq : pandas.DateOffset, pandas.Timedelta or string, optional
            Frequency increment to shift by.
            If None, the index is shifted by its own `freq` attribute.
            Offset aliases are valid strings, e.g., 'D', 'W', 'M' etc.

            Shifted index.

        See Also
        Index.shift : Shift values of Index.
        PeriodIndex.shift : Shift values of PeriodIndex.
        result = self._data._time_shift(periods, freq=freq)
        return type(self)(result, name=self.name)

def wrap_arithmetic_op(self, other, result):
    if result is NotImplemented:
        return NotImplemented

    if isinstance(result, tuple):
        # divmod, rdivmod
        assert len(result) == 2
        return (
            wrap_arithmetic_op(self, other, result[0]),
            wrap_arithmetic_op(self, other, result[1]),

    if not isinstance(result, Index):
        # Index.__new__ will choose appropriate subclass for dtype
        result = Index(result)

    res_name = ops.get_op_result_name(self, other)
    result.name = res_name
    return result

def maybe_unwrap_index(obj):
    If operating against another Index object, we need to unwrap the underlying
    data before deferring to the DatetimeArray/TimedeltaArray/PeriodArray
    implementation, otherwise we will incorrectly return NotImplemented.

    obj : object

    unwrapped object
    if isinstance(obj, ABCIndexClass):
        return obj._data
    return obj

class DatetimelikeDelegateMixin(PandasDelegate):
    Delegation mechanism, specific for Datetime, Timedelta, and Period types.

    Functionality is delegated from the Index class to an Array class. A
    few things can be customized

    * _delegate_class : type
        The class being delegated to.
    * _delegated_methods, delegated_properties : List
        The list of property / method names being delagated.
    * raw_methods : Set
        The set of methods whose results should should *not* be
        boxed in an index, after being returned from the array
    * raw_properties : Set
        The set of properties whose results should should *not* be
        boxed in an index, after being returned from the array

    # raw_methods : dispatch methods that shouldn't be boxed in an Index
    _raw_methods = set()  # type: Set[str]
    # raw_properties : dispatch properties that shouldn't be boxed in an Index
    _raw_properties = set()  # type: Set[str]
    name = None
    _data = None

    def _delegate_class(self):
        raise AbstractMethodError

    def _delegate_property_get(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        result = getattr(self._data, name)
        if name not in self._raw_properties:
            result = Index(result, name=self.name)
        return result

    def _delegate_property_set(self, name, value, *args, **kwargs):
        setattr(self._data, name, value)

    def _delegate_method(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        result = operator.methodcaller(name, *args, **kwargs)(self._data)
        if name not in self._raw_methods:
            result = Index(result, name=self.name)
        return result