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Version: 0.25.3 

/ core / indexes / numeric.py

import warnings

import numpy as np

from pandas._libs import index as libindex
from pandas.util._decorators import Appender, cache_readonly

from pandas.core.dtypes.common import (
import pandas.core.dtypes.concat as _concat
from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import (
from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import isna

from pandas.core import algorithms
import pandas.core.common as com
from pandas.core.indexes.base import Index, InvalidIndexError, _index_shared_docs
from pandas.core.ops import get_op_result_name

_num_index_shared_docs = dict()

class NumericIndex(Index):
    Provide numeric type operations

    This is an abstract class


    _is_numeric_dtype = True

    def __new__(cls, data=None, dtype=None, copy=False, name=None, fastpath=None):

        if fastpath is not None:
                "The 'fastpath' keyword is deprecated, and will be "
                "removed in a future version.",
            if fastpath:
                return cls._simple_new(data, name=name)

        # is_scalar, generators handled in coerce_to_ndarray
        data = cls._coerce_to_ndarray(data)

        if issubclass(data.dtype.type, str):

        if copy or not is_dtype_equal(data.dtype, cls._default_dtype):
            subarr = np.array(data, dtype=cls._default_dtype, copy=copy)
            cls._assert_safe_casting(data, subarr)
            subarr = data

        if name is None and hasattr(data, "name"):
            name = data.name
        return cls._simple_new(subarr, name=name)

    def _maybe_cast_slice_bound(self, label, side, kind):
        assert kind in ["ix", "loc", "getitem", None]

        # we will try to coerce to integers
        return self._maybe_cast_indexer(label)

    def _shallow_copy(self, values=None, **kwargs):
        if values is not None and not self._can_hold_na:
            # Ensure we are not returning an Int64Index with float data:
            return self._shallow_copy_with_infer(values=values, **kwargs)
        return super()._shallow_copy(values=values, **kwargs)

    def _convert_for_op(self, value):
        """ Convert value to be insertable to ndarray """

        if is_bool(value) or is_bool_dtype(value):
            # force conversion to object
            # so we don't lose the bools
            raise TypeError

        return value

    def _convert_tolerance(self, tolerance, target):
        tolerance = np.asarray(tolerance)
        if target.size != tolerance.size and tolerance.size > 1:
            raise ValueError("list-like tolerance size must match " "target index size")
        if not np.issubdtype(tolerance.dtype, np.number):
            if tolerance.ndim > 0:
                raise ValueError(
                        "tolerance argument for %s must contain "
                        "numeric elements if it is list type"
                    % (type(self).__name__,)
                raise ValueError(
                        "tolerance argument for %s must be numeric "
                        "if it is a scalar: %r"
                    % (type(self).__name__, tolerance)
        return tolerance

    def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr):
        Subclasses need to override this only if the process of casting data
        from some accepted dtype to the internal dtype(s) bears the risk of
        truncation (e.g. float to int).

    def _concat_same_dtype(self, indexes, name):
        return _concat._concat_index_same_dtype(indexes).rename(name)

    def is_all_dates(self):
        Checks that all the labels are datetime objects
        return False

    def insert(self, loc, item):
        # treat NA values as nans:
        if is_scalar(item) and isna(item):
            item = self._na_value
        return super().insert(loc, item)

    def _union(self, other, sort):
        # Right now, we treat union(int, float) a bit special.
        # See https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/26778 for discussion
        # We may change union(int, float) to go to object.
        # float | [u]int -> float  (the special case)
        # <T>   | <T>    -> T
        # <T>   | <U>    -> object
        needs_cast = (is_integer_dtype(self.dtype) and is_float_dtype(other.dtype)) or (
            is_integer_dtype(other.dtype) and is_float_dtype(self.dtype)
        if needs_cast:
            first = self.astype("float")
            second = other.astype("float")
            return first._union(second, sort)
            return super()._union(other, sort)

] = """
    Immutable ndarray implementing an ordered, sliceable set. The basic object
    storing axis labels for all pandas objects. %(klass)s is a special case
    of `Index` with purely %(ltype)s labels. %(extra)s

    data : array-like (1-dimensional)
    dtype : NumPy dtype (default: %(dtype)s)
    copy : bool
        Make a copy of input ndarray
    name : object
        Name to be stored in the index



    See Also
    Index : The base pandas Index type.

    An Index instance can **only** contain hashable objects.

_int64_descr_args = dict(klass="Int64Index", ltype="integer", dtype="int64", extra="")

class IntegerIndex(NumericIndex):
    This is an abstract class for Int64Index, UInt64Index.

    def __contains__(self, key):
        Check if key is a float and has a decimal. If it has, return False.
            if is_float(key) and int(key) != key:
                return False
            return key in self._engine
        except (OverflowError, TypeError, ValueError):
            return False

class Int64Index(IntegerIndex):
    __doc__ = _num_index_shared_docs["class_descr"] % _int64_descr_args

    _typ = "int64index"
    _can_hold_na = False
    _engine_type = libindex.Int64Engine
    _default_dtype = np.int64

    def inferred_type(self):
        """Always 'integer' for ``Int64Index``"""
        return "integer"

    def asi8(self):
        # do not cache or you'll create a memory leak
        return self.values.view("i8")

    def _convert_scalar_indexer(self, key, kind=None):
        assert kind in ["ix", "loc", "getitem", "iloc", None]

        # don't coerce ilocs to integers
        if kind != "iloc":
            key = self._maybe_cast_indexer(key)
        return super()._convert_scalar_indexer(key, kind=kind)

    def _wrap_joined_index(self, joined, other):
        name = get_op_result_name(self, other)
        return Int64Index(joined, name=name)

    def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr):
        Ensure incoming data can be represented as ints.
        if not issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.signedinteger):
            if not np.array_equal(data, subarr):
                raise TypeError("Unsafe NumPy casting, you must " "explicitly cast")

    def _is_compatible_with_other(self, other):
        return super()._is_compatible_with_other(other) or all(
            isinstance(type(obj), (ABCInt64Index, ABCFloat64Index, ABCRangeIndex))
            for obj in [self, other]


_uint64_descr_args = dict(
    klass="UInt64Index", ltype="unsigned integer", dtype="uint64", extra=""

class UInt64Index(IntegerIndex):
    __doc__ = _num_index_shared_docs["class_descr"] % _uint64_descr_args

    _typ = "uint64index"
    _can_hold_na = False
    _engine_type = libindex.UInt64Engine
    _default_dtype = np.uint64

    def inferred_type(self):
        """Always 'integer' for ``UInt64Index``"""
        return "integer"

    def asi8(self):
        # do not cache or you'll create a memory leak
        return self.values.view("u8")

    def _convert_scalar_indexer(self, key, kind=None):
        assert kind in ["ix", "loc", "getitem", "iloc", None]

        # don't coerce ilocs to integers
        if kind != "iloc":
            key = self._maybe_cast_indexer(key)
        return super()._convert_scalar_indexer(key, kind=kind)

    def _convert_arr_indexer(self, keyarr):
        # Cast the indexer to uint64 if possible so
        # that the values returned from indexing are
        # also uint64.
        keyarr = com.asarray_tuplesafe(keyarr)
        if is_integer_dtype(keyarr):
            return com.asarray_tuplesafe(keyarr, dtype=np.uint64)
        return keyarr

    def _convert_index_indexer(self, keyarr):
        # Cast the indexer to uint64 if possible so
        # that the values returned from indexing are
        # also uint64.
        if keyarr.is_integer():
            return keyarr.astype(np.uint64)
        return keyarr

    def _wrap_joined_index(self, joined, other):
        name = get_op_result_name(self, other)
        return UInt64Index(joined, name=name)

    def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr):
        Ensure incoming data can be represented as uints.
        if not issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.unsignedinteger):
            if not np.array_equal(data, subarr):
                raise TypeError("Unsafe NumPy casting, you must " "explicitly cast")

    def _is_compatible_with_other(self, other):
        return super()._is_compatible_with_other(other) or all(
            isinstance(type(obj), (ABCUInt64Index, ABCFloat64Index))
            for obj in [self, other]


_float64_descr_args = dict(
    klass="Float64Index", dtype="float64", ltype="float", extra=""

class Float64Index(NumericIndex):
    __doc__ = _num_index_shared_docs["class_descr"] % _float64_descr_args

    _typ = "float64index"
    _engine_type = libindex.Float64Engine
    _default_dtype = np.float64

    def inferred_type(self):
        """Always 'floating' for ``Float64Index``"""
        return "floating"

    def astype(self, dtype, copy=True):
        dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
        if needs_i8_conversion(dtype):
            msg = (
                "Cannot convert Float64Index to dtype {dtype}; integer "
                "values are required for conversion"
            raise TypeError(msg)
        elif (
            is_integer_dtype(dtype) and not is_extension_array_dtype(dtype)
        ) and self.hasnans:
            # TODO(jreback); this can change once we have an EA Index type
            # GH 13149
            raise ValueError("Cannot convert NA to integer")
        return super().astype(dtype, copy=copy)

    def _convert_scalar_indexer(self, key, kind=None):
        assert kind in ["ix", "loc", "getitem", "iloc", None]

        if kind == "iloc":
            return self._validate_indexer("positional", key, kind)

        return key

    def _convert_slice_indexer(self, key, kind=None):
        # if we are not a slice, then we are done
        if not isinstance(key, slice):
            return key

        if kind == "iloc":
            return super()._convert_slice_indexer(key, kind=kind)

        # translate to locations
        return self.slice_indexer(key.start, key.stop, key.step, kind=kind)

    def _format_native_types(
        self, na_rep="", float_format=None, decimal=".", quoting=None, **kwargs
        from pandas.io.formats.format import FloatArrayFormatter

        formatter = FloatArrayFormatter(
        return formatter.get_result_as_array()

    def get_value(self, series, key):
        """ we always want to get an index value, never a value """
        if not is_scalar(key):
            raise InvalidIndexError

        k = com.values_from_object(key)
        loc = self.get_loc(k)
        new_values = com.values_from_object(series)[loc]

        return new_values

    def equals(self, other):
        Determines if two Index objects contain the same elements.
        if self is other:
            return True

        if not isinstance(other, Index):
            return False

        # need to compare nans locations and make sure that they are the same
        # since nans don't compare equal this is a bit tricky
            if not isinstance(other, Float64Index):
                other = self._constructor(other)
            if not is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, other.dtype) or self.shape != other.shape:
                return False
            left, right = self._ndarray_values, other._ndarray_values
            return ((left == right) | (self._isnan & other._isnan)).all()
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return False

    def __contains__(self, other):
        if super().__contains__(other):
            return True

            # if other is a sequence this throws a ValueError
            return np.isnan(other) and self.hasnans
        except ValueError:
                return len(other) <= 1 and other.item() in self
            except AttributeError:
                return len(other) <= 1 and other in self
            except TypeError:
        except TypeError:

        return False

    def get_loc(self, key, method=None, tolerance=None):
            if np.all(np.isnan(key)) or is_bool(key):
                nan_idxs = self._nan_idxs
                    return nan_idxs.item()
                except ValueError:
                    if not len(nan_idxs):
                        raise KeyError(key)
                    return nan_idxs
        except (TypeError, NotImplementedError):
        return super().get_loc(key, method=method, tolerance=tolerance)

    def is_unique(self):
        return super().is_unique and self._nan_idxs.size < 2

    def isin(self, values, level=None):
        if level is not None:
        return algorithms.isin(np.array(self), values)

    def _is_compatible_with_other(self, other):
        return super()._is_compatible_with_other(other) or all(
                (ABCInt64Index, ABCFloat64Index, ABCUInt64Index, ABCRangeIndex),
            for obj in [self, other]
