"""Tests formatting as writer-agnostic ExcelCells
ExcelFormatter is tested implicitly in pandas/tests/io/test_excel.py
import pytest
import pandas.util.testing as tm
from pandas.io.formats.css import CSSWarning
from pandas.io.formats.excel import CSSToExcelConverter
# - name
("font-family: foo,bar", {"font": {"name": "foo"}}),
('font-family: "foo bar",baz', {"font": {"name": "foo bar"}}),
("font-family: foo,\nbar", {"font": {"name": "foo"}}),
("font-family: foo, bar, baz", {"font": {"name": "foo"}}),
("font-family: bar, foo", {"font": {"name": "bar"}}),
("font-family: 'foo bar', baz", {"font": {"name": "foo bar"}}),
("font-family: 'foo \\'bar', baz", {"font": {"name": "foo 'bar"}}),
('font-family: "foo \\"bar", baz', {"font": {"name": 'foo "bar'}}),
('font-family: "foo ,bar", baz', {"font": {"name": "foo ,bar"}}),
# - family
("font-family: serif", {"font": {"name": "serif", "family": 1}}),
("font-family: Serif", {"font": {"name": "serif", "family": 1}}),
("font-family: roman, serif", {"font": {"name": "roman", "family": 1}}),
("font-family: roman, sans-serif", {"font": {"name": "roman", "family": 2}}),
("font-family: roman, sans serif", {"font": {"name": "roman"}}),
("font-family: roman, sansserif", {"font": {"name": "roman"}}),
("font-family: roman, cursive", {"font": {"name": "roman", "family": 4}}),
("font-family: roman, fantasy", {"font": {"name": "roman", "family": 5}}),
# - size
("font-size: 1em", {"font": {"size": 12}}),
("font-size: xx-small", {"font": {"size": 6}}),
("font-size: x-small", {"font": {"size": 7.5}}),
("font-size: small", {"font": {"size": 9.6}}),
("font-size: medium", {"font": {"size": 12}}),
("font-size: large", {"font": {"size": 13.5}}),
("font-size: x-large", {"font": {"size": 18}}),
("font-size: xx-large", {"font": {"size": 24}}),
("font-size: 50%", {"font": {"size": 6}}),
# - bold
("font-weight: 100", {"font": {"bold": False}}),
("font-weight: 200", {"font": {"bold": False}}),
("font-weight: 300", {"font": {"bold": False}}),
("font-weight: 400", {"font": {"bold": False}}),
("font-weight: normal", {"font": {"bold": False}}),
("font-weight: lighter", {"font": {"bold": False}}),
("font-weight: bold", {"font": {"bold": True}}),
("font-weight: bolder", {"font": {"bold": True}}),
("font-weight: 700", {"font": {"bold": True}}),
("font-weight: 800", {"font": {"bold": True}}),
("font-weight: 900", {"font": {"bold": True}}),
# - italic
("font-style: italic", {"font": {"italic": True}}),
("font-style: oblique", {"font": {"italic": True}}),
# - underline
("text-decoration: underline", {"font": {"underline": "single"}}),
("text-decoration: overline", {}),
("text-decoration: none", {}),
# - strike
("text-decoration: line-through", {"font": {"strike": True}}),
"text-decoration: underline line-through",
{"font": {"strike": True, "underline": "single"}},
"text-decoration: underline; text-decoration: line-through",
{"font": {"strike": True}},
# - color
("color: red", {"font": {"color": "FF0000"}}),
("color: #ff0000", {"font": {"color": "FF0000"}}),
("color: #f0a", {"font": {"color": "FF00AA"}}),
# - shadow
("text-shadow: none", {"font": {"shadow": False}}),
("text-shadow: 0px -0em 0px #CCC", {"font": {"shadow": False}}),
("text-shadow: 0px -0em 0px #999", {"font": {"shadow": False}}),
("text-shadow: 0px -0em 0px", {"font": {"shadow": False}}),
("text-shadow: 2px -0em 0px #CCC", {"font": {"shadow": True}}),
("text-shadow: 0px -2em 0px #CCC", {"font": {"shadow": True}}),
("text-shadow: 0px -0em 2px #CCC", {"font": {"shadow": True}}),
("text-shadow: 0px -0em 2px", {"font": {"shadow": True}}),
("text-shadow: 0px -2em", {"font": {"shadow": True}}),
# - color, fillType
"background-color: red",
{"fill": {"fgColor": "FF0000", "patternType": "solid"}},
"background-color: #ff0000",
{"fill": {"fgColor": "FF0000", "patternType": "solid"}},
"background-color: #f0a",
{"fill": {"fgColor": "FF00AA", "patternType": "solid"}},
# - style
"border-style: solid",
"border": {
"top": {"style": "medium"},
"bottom": {"style": "medium"},
"left": {"style": "medium"},
"right": {"style": "medium"},
"border-style: solid; border-width: thin",
"border": {
"top": {"style": "thin"},
"bottom": {"style": "thin"},
"left": {"style": "thin"},
"right": {"style": "thin"},
"border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: thin",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "thin"}}},
"border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1pt",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "thin"}}},
("border-top-style: solid", {"border": {"top": {"style": "medium"}}}),
"border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: medium",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "medium"}}},
"border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 2pt",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "medium"}}},
"border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: thick",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "thick"}}},
"border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 4pt",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "thick"}}},
"border-top-style: dotted",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "mediumDashDotDot"}}},
"border-top-style: dotted; border-top-width: thin",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "dotted"}}},
("border-top-style: dashed", {"border": {"top": {"style": "mediumDashed"}}}),
"border-top-style: dashed; border-top-width: thin",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "dashed"}}},
("border-top-style: double", {"border": {"top": {"style": "double"}}}),
# - color
"border-style: solid; border-color: #0000ff",
"border": {
"top": {"style": "medium", "color": "0000FF"},
"right": {"style": "medium", "color": "0000FF"},
"bottom": {"style": "medium", "color": "0000FF"},
"left": {"style": "medium", "color": "0000FF"},
"border-top-style: double; border-top-color: blue",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "double", "color": "0000FF"}}},
"border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: #06c",
{"border": {"top": {"style": "medium", "color": "0066CC"}}},
# - horizontal
("text-align: center", {"alignment": {"horizontal": "center"}}),
("text-align: left", {"alignment": {"horizontal": "left"}}),
("text-align: right", {"alignment": {"horizontal": "right"}}),
("text-align: justify", {"alignment": {"horizontal": "justify"}}),
# - vertical
("vertical-align: top", {"alignment": {"vertical": "top"}}),
("vertical-align: text-top", {"alignment": {"vertical": "top"}}),
("vertical-align: middle", {"alignment": {"vertical": "center"}}),
("vertical-align: bottom", {"alignment": {"vertical": "bottom"}}),
("vertical-align: text-bottom", {"alignment": {"vertical": "bottom"}}),
# - wrap_text
("white-space: nowrap", {"alignment": {"wrap_text": False}}),
("white-space: pre", {"alignment": {"wrap_text": False}}),
("white-space: pre-line", {"alignment": {"wrap_text": False}}),
("white-space: normal", {"alignment": {"wrap_text": True}}),
("number-format: 0%", {"number_format": {"format_code": "0%"}}),
def test_css_to_excel(css, expected):
convert = CSSToExcelConverter()
assert expected == convert(css)
def test_css_to_excel_multiple():
convert = CSSToExcelConverter()
actual = convert(
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline;
color: red;
border-width: thin;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: top;
unused: something;
assert {
"font": {"bold": True, "underline": "single", "color": "FF0000"},
"border": {
"top": {"style": "thin"},
"right": {"style": "thin"},
"bottom": {"style": "thin"},
"left": {"style": "thin"},
"alignment": {"horizontal": "center", "vertical": "top"},
} == actual
("font-weight: bold", "", {"font": {"bold": True}}),
("", "font-weight: bold", {"font": {"bold": True}}),
"font-weight: bold",
"font-style: italic",
{"font": {"bold": True, "italic": True}},
("font-style: normal", "font-style: italic", {"font": {"italic": False}}),
("font-style: inherit", "", {}),
"font-style: normal; font-style: inherit",
"font-style: italic",
{"font": {"italic": True}},
def test_css_to_excel_inherited(css, inherited, expected):
convert = CSSToExcelConverter(inherited)
assert expected == convert(css)
[(name, rgb) for name, rgb in CSSToExcelConverter.NAMED_COLORS.items()]
+ [("#" + rgb, rgb) for rgb in CSSToExcelConverter.NAMED_COLORS.values()]
+ [("#F0F", "FF00FF"), ("#ABC", "AABBCC")]
def test_css_to_excel_good_colors(input_color, output_color):
# see gh-18392
css = (
"border-top-color: {color}; "
"border-right-color: {color}; "
"border-bottom-color: {color}; "
"border-left-color: {color}; "
"background-color: {color}; "
"color: {color}"
expected = dict()
expected["fill"] = {"patternType": "solid", "fgColor": output_color}
expected["font"] = {"color": output_color}
expected["border"] = {
k: {"color": output_color} for k in ("top", "right", "bottom", "left")
with tm.assert_produces_warning(None):
convert = CSSToExcelConverter()
assert expected == convert(css)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_color", [None, "not-a-color"])
def test_css_to_excel_bad_colors(input_color):
# see gh-18392
css = (
"border-top-color: {color}; "
"border-right-color: {color}; "
"border-bottom-color: {color}; "
"border-left-color: {color}; "
"background-color: {color}; "
"color: {color}"
expected = dict()
if input_color is not None:
expected["fill"] = {"patternType": "solid"}
with tm.assert_produces_warning(CSSWarning):
convert = CSSToExcelConverter()
assert expected == convert(css)