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Version: 0.25.3 

/ tests / io / msgpack / test_extension.py

import array

import pandas.io.msgpack as msgpack
from pandas.io.msgpack import ExtType

from .common import frombytes, tobytes

def test_pack_ext_type():
    def p(s):
        packer = msgpack.Packer()
        packer.pack_ext_type(0x42, s)
        return packer.bytes()

    assert p(b"A") == b"\xd4\x42A"  # fixext 1
    assert p(b"AB") == b"\xd5\x42AB"  # fixext 2
    assert p(b"ABCD") == b"\xd6\x42ABCD"  # fixext 4
    assert p(b"ABCDEFGH") == b"\xd7\x42ABCDEFGH"  # fixext 8
    assert p(b"A" * 16) == b"\xd8\x42" + b"A" * 16  # fixext 16
    assert p(b"ABC") == b"\xc7\x03\x42ABC"  # ext 8
    assert p(b"A" * 0x0123) == b"\xc8\x01\x23\x42" + b"A" * 0x0123  # ext 16
    assert (
        p(b"A" * 0x00012345) == b"\xc9\x00\x01\x23\x45\x42" + b"A" * 0x00012345
    )  # ext 32

def test_unpack_ext_type():
    def check(b, expected):
        assert msgpack.unpackb(b) == expected

    check(b"\xd4\x42A", ExtType(0x42, b"A"))  # fixext 1
    check(b"\xd5\x42AB", ExtType(0x42, b"AB"))  # fixext 2
    check(b"\xd6\x42ABCD", ExtType(0x42, b"ABCD"))  # fixext 4
    check(b"\xd7\x42ABCDEFGH", ExtType(0x42, b"ABCDEFGH"))  # fixext 8
    check(b"\xd8\x42" + b"A" * 16, ExtType(0x42, b"A" * 16))  # fixext 16
    check(b"\xc7\x03\x42ABC", ExtType(0x42, b"ABC"))  # ext 8
    check(b"\xc8\x01\x23\x42" + b"A" * 0x0123, ExtType(0x42, b"A" * 0x0123))  # ext 16
        b"\xc9\x00\x01\x23\x45\x42" + b"A" * 0x00012345,
        ExtType(0x42, b"A" * 0x00012345),
    )  # ext 32

def test_extension_type():
    def default(obj):
        print("default called", obj)
        if isinstance(obj, array.array):
            typecode = 123  # application specific typecode
            data = tobytes(obj)
            return ExtType(typecode, data)
        raise TypeError("Unknown type object {obj!r}".format(obj))

    def ext_hook(code, data):
        print("ext_hook called", code, data)
        assert code == 123
        obj = array.array("d")
        frombytes(obj, data)
        return obj

    obj = [42, b"hello", array.array("d", [1.1, 2.2, 3.3])]
    s = msgpack.packb(obj, default=default)
    obj2 = msgpack.unpackb(s, ext_hook=ext_hook)
    assert obj == obj2