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Version: 0.25.3 

/ tests / io / test_gcs.py

from io import StringIO

import numpy as np
import pytest

from pandas import DataFrame, date_range, read_csv
from pandas.util import _test_decorators as td
from pandas.util.testing import assert_frame_equal

from pandas.io.common import is_gcs_url

def test_is_gcs_url():
    assert is_gcs_url("gcs://pandas/somethingelse.com")
    assert is_gcs_url("gs://pandas/somethingelse.com")
    assert not is_gcs_url("s3://pandas/somethingelse.com")

def test_read_csv_gcs(monkeypatch):
    df1 = DataFrame(
            "int": [1, 3],
            "float": [2.0, np.nan],
            "str": ["t", "s"],
            "dt": date_range("2018-06-18", periods=2),

    class MockGCSFileSystem:
        def open(*args):
            return StringIO(df1.to_csv(index=False))

    monkeypatch.setattr("gcsfs.GCSFileSystem", MockGCSFileSystem)
    df2 = read_csv("gs://test/test.csv", parse_dates=["dt"])

    assert_frame_equal(df1, df2)

def test_to_csv_gcs(monkeypatch):
    df1 = DataFrame(
            "int": [1, 3],
            "float": [2.0, np.nan],
            "str": ["t", "s"],
            "dt": date_range("2018-06-18", periods=2),
    s = StringIO()

    class MockGCSFileSystem:
        def open(*args):
            return s

    monkeypatch.setattr("gcsfs.GCSFileSystem", MockGCSFileSystem)
    df1.to_csv("gs://test/test.csv", index=True)
    df2 = read_csv(StringIO(s.getvalue()), parse_dates=["dt"], index_col=0)

    assert_frame_equal(df1, df2)

def test_gcs_get_filepath_or_buffer(monkeypatch):
    df1 = DataFrame(
            "int": [1, 3],
            "float": [2.0, np.nan],
            "str": ["t", "s"],
            "dt": date_range("2018-06-18", periods=2),

    def mock_get_filepath_or_buffer(*args, **kwargs):
        return (StringIO(df1.to_csv(index=False)), None, None, False)

        "pandas.io.gcs.get_filepath_or_buffer", mock_get_filepath_or_buffer
    df2 = read_csv("gs://test/test.csv", parse_dates=["dt"])

    assert_frame_equal(df1, df2)

    td.safe_import("gcsfs"), reason="Only check when gcsfs not installed"
def test_gcs_not_present_exception():
    with pytest.raises(ImportError) as e:
        assert "gcsfs library is required" in str(e.value)