# This file is part of Patsy
# Copyright (C) 2011 Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com>
# See file LICENSE.txt for license information.
# This file defines a parser for a simple language based on S/R "formulas"
# (which are described in sections 2.3 and 2.4 in Chambers & Hastie, 1992). It
# uses the machinery in patsy.parse_core to do the heavy-lifting -- its
# biggest job is to handle tokenization.
from __future__ import print_function
__all__ = ["parse_formula"]
# The Python tokenizer
import tokenize
import six
from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO
from patsy import PatsyError
from patsy.origin import Origin
from patsy.infix_parser import Token, Operator, infix_parse, ParseNode
from patsy.tokens import python_tokenize, pretty_untokenize
from patsy.util import PushbackAdapter
_atomic_token_types = ["PYTHON_EXPR", "ZERO", "ONE", "NUMBER"]
def _is_a(f, v):
except ValueError:
return False
return True
# Helper function for _tokenize_formula:
def _read_python_expr(it, end_tokens):
# Read out a full python expression, stopping when we hit an
# unnested end token.
pytypes = []
token_strings = []
origins = []
bracket_level = 0
for pytype, token_string, origin in it:
assert bracket_level >= 0
if bracket_level == 0 and token_string in end_tokens:
it.push_back((pytype, token_string, origin))
if token_string in ("(", "[", "{"):
bracket_level += 1
if token_string in (")", "]", "}"):
bracket_level -= 1
if bracket_level < 0:
raise PatsyError("unmatched close bracket", origin)
# Either we found an end_token, or we hit the end of the string
if bracket_level == 0:
expr_text = pretty_untokenize(zip(pytypes, token_strings))
if expr_text == "0":
token_type = "ZERO"
elif expr_text == "1":
token_type = "ONE"
elif _is_a(int, expr_text) or _is_a(float, expr_text):
token_type = "NUMBER"
token_type = "PYTHON_EXPR"
return Token(token_type, Origin.combine(origins), extra=expr_text)
raise PatsyError("unclosed bracket in embedded Python "
def _tokenize_formula(code, operator_strings):
assert "(" not in operator_strings
assert ")" not in operator_strings
magic_token_types = {"(": Token.LPAREN,
")": Token.RPAREN,
for operator_string in operator_strings:
magic_token_types[operator_string] = operator_string
# Once we enter a Python expression, a ( does not end it, but any other
# "magic" token does:
end_tokens = set(magic_token_types)
it = PushbackAdapter(python_tokenize(code))
for pytype, token_string, origin in it:
if token_string in magic_token_types:
yield Token(magic_token_types[token_string], origin)
it.push_back((pytype, token_string, origin))
yield _read_python_expr(it, end_tokens)
def test__tokenize_formula():
code = "y ~ a + (foo(b,c + 2)) + -1 + 0 + 10"
tokens = list(_tokenize_formula(code, ["+", "-", "~"]))
expecteds = [("PYTHON_EXPR", Origin(code, 0, 1), "y"),
("~", Origin(code, 2, 3), None),
("PYTHON_EXPR", Origin(code, 4, 5), "a"),
("+", Origin(code, 6, 7), None),
(Token.LPAREN, Origin(code, 8, 9), None),
("PYTHON_EXPR", Origin(code, 9, 23), "foo(b, c + 2)"),
(Token.RPAREN, Origin(code, 23, 24), None),
("+", Origin(code, 25, 26), None),
("-", Origin(code, 27, 28), None),
("ONE", Origin(code, 28, 29), "1"),
("+", Origin(code, 30, 31), None),
("ZERO", Origin(code, 32, 33), "0"),
("+", Origin(code, 34, 35), None),
("NUMBER", Origin(code, 36, 38), "10"),
for got, expected in zip(tokens, expecteds):
assert isinstance(got, Token)
assert got.type == expected[0]
assert got.origin == expected[1]
assert got.extra == expected[2]
_unary_tilde = Operator("~", 1, -100)
_default_ops = [
Operator("~", 2, -100),
Operator("+", 2, 100),
Operator("-", 2, 100),
Operator("*", 2, 200),
Operator("/", 2, 200),
Operator(":", 2, 300),
Operator("**", 2, 500),
Operator("+", 1, 100),
Operator("-", 1, 100),
def parse_formula(code, extra_operators=[]):
if not code.strip():
code = "~ 1"
for op in extra_operators:
if op.precedence < 0:
raise ValueError("all operators must have precedence >= 0")
operators = _default_ops + extra_operators
operator_strings = [op.token_type for op in operators]
tree = infix_parse(_tokenize_formula(code, operator_strings),
if not isinstance(tree, ParseNode) or tree.type != "~":
tree = ParseNode("~", None, [tree], tree.origin)
return tree
_parser_tests = {
"": ["~", "1"],
" ": ["~", "1"],
" \n ": ["~", "1"],
"1": ["~", "1"],
"a": ["~", "a"],
"a ~ b": ["~", "a", "b"],
"(a ~ b)": ["~", "a", "b"],
"a ~ ((((b))))": ["~", "a", "b"],
"a ~ ((((+b))))": ["~", "a", ["+", "b"]],
"a + b + c": ["~", ["+", ["+", "a", "b"], "c"]],
"a + (b ~ c) + d": ["~", ["+", ["+", "a", ["~", "b", "c"]], "d"]],
"a + np.log(a, base=10)": ["~", ["+", "a", "np.log(a, base=10)"]],
# Note different spacing:
"a + np . log(a , base = 10)": ["~", ["+", "a", "np.log(a, base=10)"]],
# Check precedence
"a + b ~ c * d": ["~", ["+", "a", "b"], ["*", "c", "d"]],
"a + b * c": ["~", ["+", "a", ["*", "b", "c"]]],
"-a**2": ["~", ["-", ["**", "a", "2"]]],
"-a:b": ["~", ["-", [":", "a", "b"]]],
"a + b:c": ["~", ["+", "a", [":", "b", "c"]]],
"(a + b):c": ["~", [":", ["+", "a", "b"], "c"]],
"a*b:c": ["~", ["*", "a", [":", "b", "c"]]],
"a+b / c": ["~", ["+", "a", ["/", "b", "c"]]],
"~ a": ["~", "a"],
"-1": ["~", ["-", "1"]],
def _compare_trees(got, expected):
assert isinstance(got, ParseNode)
if got.args:
assert got.type == expected[0]
for arg, expected_arg in zip(got.args, expected[1:]):
_compare_trees(arg, expected_arg)
assert got.type in _atomic_token_types
assert got.token.extra == expected
def _do_parse_test(test_cases, extra_operators):
for code, expected in six.iteritems(test_cases):
actual = parse_formula(code, extra_operators=extra_operators)
print(repr(code), repr(expected))
_compare_trees(actual, expected)
def test_parse_formula():
_do_parse_test(_parser_tests, [])
def test_parse_origin():
tree = parse_formula("a ~ b + c")
assert tree.origin == Origin("a ~ b + c", 0, 9)
assert tree.token.origin == Origin("a ~ b + c", 2, 3)
assert tree.args[0].origin == Origin("a ~ b + c", 0, 1)
assert tree.args[1].origin == Origin("a ~ b + c", 4, 9)
assert tree.args[1].token.origin == Origin("a ~ b + c", 6, 7)
assert tree.args[1].args[0].origin == Origin("a ~ b + c", 4, 5)
assert tree.args[1].args[1].origin == Origin("a ~ b + c", 8, 9)
# <> mark off where the error should be reported:
_parser_error_tests = [
"a <+>",
"a + <(>",
"a + b <# asdf>",
"a + <)>",
"<*> a",
"a + <*>",
"a + <foo[bar>",
"a + <foo{bar>",
"a + <foo(bar>",
"a + <[bar>",
"a + <{bar>",
"a + <{bar[]>",
"a + foo<]>bar",
"a + foo[]<]>bar",
"a + foo{}<}>bar",
"a + foo<)>bar",
"a + b<)>",
"(a) <.>",
"<(>a + b",
"a +< >'foo", # Not the best placement for the error
# Split out so it can also be used by tests of the evaluator (which also
# raises PatsyError's)
def _parsing_error_test(parse_fn, error_descs): # pragma: no cover
for error_desc in error_descs:
letters = []
start = None
end = None
for letter in error_desc:
if letter == "<":
start = len(letters)
elif letter == ">":
end = len(letters)
bad_code = "".join(letters)
assert start is not None and end is not None
print(repr(bad_code), start, end)
except PatsyError as e:
assert e.origin.code == bad_code
assert e.origin.start == start
assert e.origin.end == end
assert False, "parser failed to report an error!"
def test_parse_errors(extra_operators=[]):
def parse_fn(code):
return parse_formula(code, extra_operators=extra_operators)
_parsing_error_test(parse_fn, _parser_error_tests)
_extra_op_parser_tests = {
"a | b": ["~", ["|", "a", "b"]],
"a * b|c": ["~", ["*", "a", ["|", "b", "c"]]],
def test_parse_extra_op():
extra_operators = [Operator("|", 2, 250)]