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Version: 0.22 

/ datasets / tests / test_rcv1.py

"""Test the rcv1 loader.

Skipped if rcv1 is not already downloaded to data_home.

import errno
import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_rcv1
from sklearn.datasets.tests.test_common import check_return_X_y
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_almost_equal
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_array_equal
from sklearn.utils._testing import SkipTest

def test_fetch_rcv1():
        data1 = fetch_rcv1(shuffle=False, download_if_missing=False)
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            raise SkipTest("Download RCV1 dataset to run this test.")

    X1, Y1 = data1.data, data1.target
    cat_list, s1 = data1.target_names.tolist(), data1.sample_id

    # test sparsity
    assert sp.issparse(X1)
    assert sp.issparse(Y1)
    assert 60915113 == X1.data.size
    assert 2606875 == Y1.data.size

    # test shapes
    assert (804414, 47236) == X1.shape
    assert (804414, 103) == Y1.shape
    assert (804414,) == s1.shape
    assert 103 == len(cat_list)

    # test ordering of categories
    first_categories = ['C11', 'C12', 'C13', 'C14', 'C15', 'C151']
    assert_array_equal(first_categories, cat_list[:6])

    # test number of sample for some categories
    some_categories = ('GMIL', 'E143', 'CCAT')
    number_non_zero_in_cat = (5, 1206, 381327)
    for num, cat in zip(number_non_zero_in_cat, some_categories):
        j = cat_list.index(cat)
        assert num == Y1[:, j].data.size

    # test shuffling and subset
    data2 = fetch_rcv1(shuffle=True, subset='train', random_state=77,
    X2, Y2 = data2.data, data2.target
    s2 = data2.sample_id

    # test return_X_y option
    fetch_func = partial(fetch_rcv1, shuffle=False, subset='train',
    check_return_X_y(data2, fetch_func)

    # The first 23149 samples are the training samples
    assert_array_equal(np.sort(s1[:23149]), np.sort(s2))

    # test some precise values
    some_sample_ids = (2286, 3274, 14042)
    for sample_id in some_sample_ids:
        idx1 = s1.tolist().index(sample_id)
        idx2 = s2.tolist().index(sample_id)

        feature_values_1 = X1[idx1, :].toarray()
        feature_values_2 = X2[idx2, :].toarray()
        assert_almost_equal(feature_values_1, feature_values_2)

        target_values_1 = Y1[idx1, :].toarray()
        target_values_2 = Y2[idx2, :].toarray()
        assert_almost_equal(target_values_1, target_values_2)