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Version: 1.3.3 

/ integrate / _bvp.py

"""Boundary value problem solver."""
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm, pinv

from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import splu
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult

EPS = np.finfo(float).eps

def estimate_fun_jac(fun, x, y, p, f0=None):
    """Estimate derivatives of an ODE system rhs with forward differences.

    df_dy : ndarray, shape (n, n, m)
        Derivatives with respect to y. An element (i, j, q) corresponds to
        d f_i(x_q, y_q) / d (y_q)_j.
    df_dp : ndarray with shape (n, k, m) or None
        Derivatives with respect to p. An element (i, j, q) corresponds to
        d f_i(x_q, y_q, p) / d p_j. If `p` is empty, None is returned.
    n, m = y.shape
    if f0 is None:
        f0 = fun(x, y, p)

    dtype = y.dtype

    df_dy = np.empty((n, n, m), dtype=dtype)
    h = EPS**0.5 * (1 + np.abs(y))
    for i in range(n):
        y_new = y.copy()
        y_new[i] += h[i]
        hi = y_new[i] - y[i]
        f_new = fun(x, y_new, p)
        df_dy[:, i, :] = (f_new - f0) / hi

    k = p.shape[0]
    if k == 0:
        df_dp = None
        df_dp = np.empty((n, k, m), dtype=dtype)
        h = EPS**0.5 * (1 + np.abs(p))
        for i in range(k):
            p_new = p.copy()
            p_new[i] += h[i]
            hi = p_new[i] - p[i]
            f_new = fun(x, y, p_new)
            df_dp[:, i, :] = (f_new - f0) / hi

    return df_dy, df_dp

def estimate_bc_jac(bc, ya, yb, p, bc0=None):
    """Estimate derivatives of boundary conditions with forward differences.

    dbc_dya : ndarray, shape (n + k, n)
        Derivatives with respect to ya. An element (i, j) corresponds to
        d bc_i / d ya_j.
    dbc_dyb : ndarray, shape (n + k, n)
        Derivatives with respect to yb. An element (i, j) corresponds to
        d bc_i / d ya_j.
    dbc_dp : ndarray with shape (n + k, k) or None
        Derivatives with respect to p. An element (i, j) corresponds to
        d bc_i / d p_j. If `p` is empty, None is returned.
    n = ya.shape[0]
    k = p.shape[0]

    if bc0 is None:
        bc0 = bc(ya, yb, p)

    dtype = ya.dtype

    dbc_dya = np.empty((n, n + k), dtype=dtype)
    h = EPS**0.5 * (1 + np.abs(ya))
    for i in range(n):
        ya_new = ya.copy()
        ya_new[i] += h[i]
        hi = ya_new[i] - ya[i]
        bc_new = bc(ya_new, yb, p)
        dbc_dya[i] = (bc_new - bc0) / hi
    dbc_dya = dbc_dya.T

    h = EPS**0.5 * (1 + np.abs(yb))
    dbc_dyb = np.empty((n, n + k), dtype=dtype)
    for i in range(n):
        yb_new = yb.copy()
        yb_new[i] += h[i]
        hi = yb_new[i] - yb[i]
        bc_new = bc(ya, yb_new, p)
        dbc_dyb[i] = (bc_new - bc0) / hi
    dbc_dyb = dbc_dyb.T

    if k == 0:
        dbc_dp = None
        h = EPS**0.5 * (1 + np.abs(p))
        dbc_dp = np.empty((k, n + k), dtype=dtype)
        for i in range(k):
            p_new = p.copy()
            p_new[i] += h[i]
            hi = p_new[i] - p[i]
            bc_new = bc(ya, yb, p_new)
            dbc_dp[i] = (bc_new - bc0) / hi
        dbc_dp = dbc_dp.T

    return dbc_dya, dbc_dyb, dbc_dp

def compute_jac_indices(n, m, k):
    """Compute indices for the collocation system Jacobian construction.

    See `construct_global_jac` for the explanation.
    i_col = np.repeat(np.arange((m - 1) * n), n)
    j_col = (np.tile(np.arange(n), n * (m - 1)) +
             np.repeat(np.arange(m - 1) * n, n**2))

    i_bc = np.repeat(np.arange((m - 1) * n, m * n + k), n)
    j_bc = np.tile(np.arange(n), n + k)

    i_p_col = np.repeat(np.arange((m - 1) * n), k)
    j_p_col = np.tile(np.arange(m * n, m * n + k), (m - 1) * n)

    i_p_bc = np.repeat(np.arange((m - 1) * n, m * n + k), k)
    j_p_bc = np.tile(np.arange(m * n, m * n + k), n + k)

    i = np.hstack((i_col, i_col, i_bc, i_bc, i_p_col, i_p_bc))
    j = np.hstack((j_col, j_col + n,
                   j_bc, j_bc + (m - 1) * n,
                   j_p_col, j_p_bc))

    return i, j

def stacked_matmul(a, b):
    """Stacked matrix multiply: out[i,:,:] = np.dot(a[i,:,:], b[i,:,:]).

    In our case a[i, :, :] and b[i, :, :] are always square.
    # Empirical optimization. Use outer Python loop and BLAS for large
    # matrices, otherwise use a single einsum call.
    if a.shape[1] > 50:
        out = np.empty_like(a)
        for i in range(a.shape[0]):
            out[i] = np.dot(a[i], b[i])
        return out
        return np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', a, b)

def construct_global_jac(n, m, k, i_jac, j_jac, h, df_dy, df_dy_middle, df_dp,
                         df_dp_middle, dbc_dya, dbc_dyb, dbc_dp):
    """Construct the Jacobian of the collocation system.

    There are n * m + k functions: m - 1 collocations residuals, each
    containing n components, followed by n + k boundary condition residuals.

    There are n * m + k variables: m vectors of y, each containing n
    components, followed by k values of vector p.

    For example, let m = 4, n = 2 and k = 1, then the Jacobian will have
    the following sparsity structure:

        1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0  5
        1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0  5
        0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0  5
        0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0  5
        0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2  5
        0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2  5

        3 3 0 0 0 0 4 4  6
        3 3 0 0 0 0 4 4  6
        3 3 0 0 0 0 4 4  6

    Zeros denote identically zero values, other values denote different kinds
    of blocks in the matrix (see below). The blank row indicates the separation
    of collocation residuals from boundary conditions. And the blank column
    indicates the separation of y values from p values.

    Refer to [1]_  (p. 306) for the formula of n x n blocks for derivatives
    of collocation residuals with respect to y.

    n : int
        Number of equations in the ODE system.
    m : int
        Number of nodes in the mesh.
    k : int
        Number of the unknown parameters.
    i_jac, j_jac : ndarray
        Row and column indices returned by `compute_jac_indices`. They
        represent different blocks in the Jacobian matrix in the following
        order (see the scheme above):

            * 1: m - 1 diagonal n x n blocks for the collocation residuals.
            * 2: m - 1 off-diagonal n x n blocks for the collocation residuals.
            * 3 : (n + k) x n block for the dependency of the boundary
              conditions on ya.
            * 4: (n + k) x n block for the dependency of the boundary
              conditions on yb.
            * 5: (m - 1) * n x k block for the dependency of the collocation
              residuals on p.
            * 6: (n + k) x k block for the dependency of the boundary
              conditions on p.

    df_dy : ndarray, shape (n, n, m)
        Jacobian of f with respect to y computed at the mesh nodes.
    df_dy_middle : ndarray, shape (n, n, m - 1)
        Jacobian of f with respect to y computed at the middle between the
        mesh nodes.
    df_dp : ndarray with shape (n, k, m) or None
        Jacobian of f with respect to p computed at the mesh nodes.
    df_dp_middle: ndarray with shape (n, k, m - 1) or None
        Jacobian of f with respect to p computed at the middle between the
        mesh nodes.
    dbc_dya, dbc_dyb : ndarray, shape (n, n)
        Jacobian of bc with respect to ya and yb.
    dbc_dp: ndarray with shape (n, k) or None
        Jacobian of bc with respect to p.

    J : csc_matrix, shape (n * m + k, n * m + k)
        Jacobian of the collocation system in a sparse form.

    .. [1] J. Kierzenka, L. F. Shampine, "A BVP Solver Based on Residual
       Control and the Maltab PSE", ACM Trans. Math. Softw., Vol. 27,
       Number 3, pp. 299-316, 2001.
    df_dy = np.transpose(df_dy, (2, 0, 1))
    df_dy_middle = np.transpose(df_dy_middle, (2, 0, 1))

    h = h[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

    dtype = df_dy.dtype

    # Computing diagonal n x n blocks.
    dPhi_dy_0 = np.empty((m - 1, n, n), dtype=dtype)
    dPhi_dy_0[:] = -np.identity(n)
    dPhi_dy_0 -= h / 6 * (df_dy[:-1] + 2 * df_dy_middle)
    T = stacked_matmul(df_dy_middle, df_dy[:-1])
    dPhi_dy_0 -= h**2 / 12 * T

    # Computing off-diagonal n x n blocks.
    dPhi_dy_1 = np.empty((m - 1, n, n), dtype=dtype)
    dPhi_dy_1[:] = np.identity(n)
    dPhi_dy_1 -= h / 6 * (df_dy[1:] + 2 * df_dy_middle)
    T = stacked_matmul(df_dy_middle, df_dy[1:])
    dPhi_dy_1 += h**2 / 12 * T

    values = np.hstack((dPhi_dy_0.ravel(), dPhi_dy_1.ravel(), dbc_dya.ravel(),

    if k > 0:
        df_dp = np.transpose(df_dp, (2, 0, 1))
        df_dp_middle = np.transpose(df_dp_middle, (2, 0, 1))
        T = stacked_matmul(df_dy_middle, df_dp[:-1] - df_dp[1:])
        df_dp_middle += 0.125 * h * T
        dPhi_dp = -h/6 * (df_dp[:-1] + df_dp[1:] + 4 * df_dp_middle)
        values = np.hstack((values, dPhi_dp.ravel(), dbc_dp.ravel()))

    J = coo_matrix((values, (i_jac, j_jac)))
    return csc_matrix(J)

def collocation_fun(fun, y, p, x, h):
    """Evaluate collocation residuals.

    This function lies in the core of the method. The solution is sought
    as a cubic C1 continuous spline with derivatives matching the ODE rhs
    at given nodes `x`. Collocation conditions are formed from the equality
    of the spline derivatives and rhs of the ODE system in the middle points
    between nodes.

    Such method is classified to Lobbato IIIA family in ODE literature.
    Refer to [1]_ for the formula and some discussion.

    col_res : ndarray, shape (n, m - 1)
        Collocation residuals at the middle points of the mesh intervals.
    y_middle : ndarray, shape (n, m - 1)
        Values of the cubic spline evaluated at the middle points of the mesh
    f : ndarray, shape (n, m)
        RHS of the ODE system evaluated at the mesh nodes.
    f_middle : ndarray, shape (n, m - 1)
        RHS of the ODE system evaluated at the middle points of the mesh
        intervals (and using `y_middle`).

    .. [1] J. Kierzenka, L. F. Shampine, "A BVP Solver Based on Residual
           Control and the Maltab PSE", ACM Trans. Math. Softw., Vol. 27,
           Number 3, pp. 299-316, 2001.
    f = fun(x, y, p)
    y_middle = (0.5 * (y[:, 1:] + y[:, :-1]) -
                0.125 * h * (f[:, 1:] - f[:, :-1]))
    f_middle = fun(x[:-1] + 0.5 * h, y_middle, p)
    col_res = y[:, 1:] - y[:, :-1] - h / 6 * (f[:, :-1] + f[:, 1:] +
                                              4 * f_middle)

    return col_res, y_middle, f, f_middle

def prepare_sys(n, m, k, fun, bc, fun_jac, bc_jac, x, h):
    """Create the function and the Jacobian for the collocation system."""
    x_middle = x[:-1] + 0.5 * h
    i_jac, j_jac = compute_jac_indices(n, m, k)

    def col_fun(y, p):
        return collocation_fun(fun, y, p, x, h)

    def sys_jac(y, p, y_middle, f, f_middle, bc0):
        if fun_jac is None:
            df_dy, df_dp = estimate_fun_jac(fun, x, y, p, f)
            df_dy_middle, df_dp_middle = estimate_fun_jac(
                fun, x_middle, y_middle, p, f_middle)
            df_dy, df_dp = fun_jac(x, y, p)
            df_dy_middle, df_dp_middle = fun_jac(x_middle, y_middle, p)

        if bc_jac is None:
            dbc_dya, dbc_dyb, dbc_dp = estimate_bc_jac(bc, y[:, 0], y[:, -1],
                                                       p, bc0)
            dbc_dya, dbc_dyb, dbc_dp = bc_jac(y[:, 0], y[:, -1], p)

        return construct_global_jac(n, m, k, i_jac, j_jac, h, df_dy,
                                    df_dy_middle, df_dp, df_dp_middle, dbc_dya,
                                    dbc_dyb, dbc_dp)
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