Code generator script to make the Cython BLAS and LAPACK wrappers
from the files "cython_blas_signatures.txt" and
"cython_lapack_signatures.txt" which contain the signatures for
all the BLAS/LAPACK routines that should be included in the wrappers.
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
fortran_types = {'int': 'integer',
'c': 'complex',
'd': 'double precision',
's': 'real',
'z': 'complex*16',
'char': 'character',
'bint': 'logical'}
c_types = {'int': 'int',
'c': 'npy_complex64',
'd': 'double',
's': 'float',
'z': 'npy_complex128',
'char': 'char',
'bint': 'int',
'cselect1': '_cselect1',
'cselect2': '_cselect2',
'dselect2': '_dselect2',
'dselect3': '_dselect3',
'sselect2': '_sselect2',
'sselect3': '_sselect3',
'zselect1': '_zselect1',
'zselect2': '_zselect2'}
def arg_names_and_types(args):
return zip(*[arg.split(' *') for arg in args.split(', ')])
pyx_func_template = """
cdef extern from "{header_name}":
void _fortran_{name} "F_FUNC({name}wrp, {upname}WRP)"({ret_type} *out, {fort_args}) nogil
cdef {ret_type} {name}({args}) nogil:
cdef {ret_type} out
_fortran_{name}(&out, {argnames})
return out
npy_types = {'c': 'npy_complex64', 'z': 'npy_complex128',
'cselect1': '_cselect1', 'cselect2': '_cselect2',
'dselect2': '_dselect2', 'dselect3': '_dselect3',
'sselect2': '_sselect2', 'sselect3': '_sselect3',
'zselect1': '_zselect1', 'zselect2': '_zselect2'}
def arg_casts(arg):
if arg in ['npy_complex64', 'npy_complex128', '_cselect1', '_cselect2',
'_dselect2', '_dselect3', '_sselect2', '_sselect3',
'_zselect1', '_zselect2']:
return '<{0}*>'.format(arg)
return ''
def pyx_decl_func(name, ret_type, args, header_name):
argtypes, argnames = arg_names_and_types(args)
# Fix the case where one of the arguments has the same name as the
# abbreviation for the argument type.
# Otherwise the variable passed as an argument is considered overwrites
# the previous typedef and Cython compilation fails.
if ret_type in argnames:
argnames = [n if n != ret_type else ret_type + '_' for n in argnames]
argnames = [n if n not in ['lambda', 'in'] else n + '_'
for n in argnames]
args = ', '.join([' *'.join([n, t])
for n, t in zip(argtypes, argnames)])
argtypes = [npy_types.get(t, t) for t in argtypes]
fort_args = ', '.join([' *'.join([n, t])
for n, t in zip(argtypes, argnames)])
argnames = [arg_casts(t) + n for n, t in zip(argnames, argtypes)]
argnames = ', '.join(argnames)
c_ret_type = c_types[ret_type]
args = args.replace('lambda', 'lambda_')
return pyx_func_template.format(name=name, upname=name.upper(), args=args,
fort_args=fort_args, ret_type=ret_type,
c_ret_type=c_ret_type, argnames=argnames,
pyx_sub_template = """cdef extern from "{header_name}":
void _fortran_{name} "F_FUNC({name},{upname})"({fort_args}) nogil
cdef void {name}({args}) nogil:
def pyx_decl_sub(name, args, header_name):
argtypes, argnames = arg_names_and_types(args)
argtypes = [npy_types.get(t, t) for t in argtypes]
argnames = [n if n not in ['lambda', 'in'] else n + '_' for n in argnames]
fort_args = ', '.join([' *'.join([n, t])
for n, t in zip(argtypes, argnames)])
argnames = [arg_casts(t) + n for n, t in zip(argnames, argtypes)]
argnames = ', '.join(argnames)
args = args.replace('*lambda,', '*lambda_,').replace('*in,', '*in_,')
return pyx_sub_template.format(name=name, upname=name.upper(),
args=args, fort_args=fort_args,
argnames=argnames, header_name=header_name)
blas_pyx_preamble = '''# cython: boundscheck = False
# cython: wraparound = False
# cython: cdivision = True
BLAS Functions for Cython
Usable from Cython via::
cimport scipy.linalg.cython_blas
These wrappers do not check for alignment of arrays.
Alignment should be checked before these wrappers are used.
Raw function pointers (Fortran-style pointer arguments):
- {}
# Within scipy, these wrappers can be used via relative or absolute cimport.
# Examples:
# from ..linalg cimport cython_blas
# from scipy.linalg cimport cython_blas
# cimport scipy.linalg.cython_blas as cython_blas
# cimport ..linalg.cython_blas as cython_blas
# Within scipy, if BLAS functions are needed in C/C++/Fortran,
# these wrappers should not be used.
# The original libraries should be linked directly.
from __future__ import absolute_import
cdef extern from "fortran_defs.h":
from numpy cimport npy_complex64, npy_complex128
def make_blas_pyx_preamble(all_sigs):
names = [sig[0] for sig in all_sigs]
return blas_pyx_preamble.format("\n- ".join(names))
lapack_pyx_preamble = '''"""
LAPACK functions for Cython
Usable from Cython via::
cimport scipy.linalg.cython_lapack
This module provides Cython-level wrappers for all primary routines included
in LAPACK 3.4.0 except for ``zcgesv`` since its interface is not consistent
from LAPACK 3.4.0 to 3.6.0. It also provides some of the
fixed-api auxiliary routines.
These wrappers do not check for alignment of arrays.
Alignment should be checked before these wrappers are used.
Raw function pointers (Fortran-style pointer arguments):
- {}
# Within scipy, these wrappers can be used via relative or absolute cimport.
# Examples:
# from ..linalg cimport cython_lapack
# from scipy.linalg cimport cython_lapack
# cimport scipy.linalg.cython_lapack as cython_lapack
# cimport ..linalg.cython_lapack as cython_lapack
# Within scipy, if LAPACK functions are needed in C/C++/Fortran,
# these wrappers should not be used.
# The original libraries should be linked directly.
from __future__ import absolute_import
cdef extern from "fortran_defs.h":
from numpy cimport npy_complex64, npy_complex128
cdef extern from "_lapack_subroutines.h":
# Function pointer type declarations for
# gees and gges families of functions.
ctypedef bint _cselect1(npy_complex64*)
ctypedef bint _cselect2(npy_complex64*, npy_complex64*)
ctypedef bint _dselect2(d*, d*)
ctypedef bint _dselect3(d*, d*, d*)
ctypedef bint _sselect2(s*, s*)
ctypedef bint _sselect3(s*, s*, s*)
ctypedef bint _zselect1(npy_complex128*)
ctypedef bint _zselect2(npy_complex128*, npy_complex128*)
def make_lapack_pyx_preamble(all_sigs):
names = [sig[0] for sig in all_sigs]
return lapack_pyx_preamble.format("\n- ".join(names))
blas_py_wrappers = """
# Python-accessible wrappers for testing:
cdef inline bint _is_contiguous(double[:,:] a, int axis) nogil:
return (a.strides[axis] == sizeof(a[0,0]) or a.shape[axis] == 1)
cpdef float complex _test_cdotc(float complex[:] cx, float complex[:] cy) nogil:
int n = cx.shape[0]
int incx = cx.strides[0] // sizeof(cx[0])
int incy = cy.strides[0] // sizeof(cy[0])
return cdotc(&n, &cx[0], &incx, &cy[0], &incy)
cpdef float complex _test_cdotu(float complex[:] cx, float complex[:] cy) nogil:
int n = cx.shape[0]
int incx = cx.strides[0] // sizeof(cx[0])
int incy = cy.strides[0] // sizeof(cy[0])
return cdotu(&n, &cx[0], &incx, &cy[0], &incy)
cpdef double _test_dasum(double[:] dx) nogil:
int n = dx.shape[0]
int incx = dx.strides[0] // sizeof(dx[0])
return dasum(&n, &dx[0], &incx)
cpdef double _test_ddot(double[:] dx, double[:] dy) nogil:
int n = dx.shape[0]
int incx = dx.strides[0] // sizeof(dx[0])
int incy = dy.strides[0] // sizeof(dy[0])
return ddot(&n, &dx[0], &incx, &dy[0], &incy)
cpdef int _test_dgemm(double alpha, double[:,:] a, double[:,:] b, double beta,
double[:,:] c) nogil except -1:
char *transa
char *transb
int m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc
double *a0=&a[0,0]
double *b0=&b[0,0]
double *c0=&c[0,0]
# In the case that c is C contiguous, swap a and b and
# swap whether or not each of them is transposed.
# This can be done because a.dot(b) = b.T.dot(a.T).T.
if _is_contiguous(c, 1):
if _is_contiguous(a, 1):
transb = 'n'
ldb = (&a[1,0]) - a0 if a.shape[0] > 1 else 1
elif _is_contiguous(a, 0):
transb = 't'
ldb = (&a[0,1]) - a0 if a.shape[1] > 1 else 1
with gil:
raise ValueError("Input 'a' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.")
if _is_contiguous(b, 1):
transa = 'n'
lda = (&b[1,0]) - b0 if b.shape[0] > 1 else 1
elif _is_contiguous(b, 0):
transa = 't'
lda = (&b[0,1]) - b0 if b.shape[1] > 1 else 1
with gil:
raise ValueError("Input 'b' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.")
k = b.shape[0]
if k != a.shape[1]:
with gil:
raise ValueError("Shape mismatch in input arrays.")
m = b.shape[1]
n = a.shape[0]
if n != c.shape[0] or m != c.shape[1]:
with gil:
raise ValueError("Output array does not have the correct shape.")
ldc = (&c[1,0]) - c0 if c.shape[0] > 1 else 1
dgemm(transa, transb, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, b0, &lda, a0,
&ldb, &beta, c0, &ldc)
elif _is_contiguous(c, 0):
if _is_contiguous(a, 1):
transa = 't'
lda = (&a[1,0]) - a0 if a.shape[0] > 1 else 1
elif _is_contiguous(a, 0):
transa = 'n'
lda = (&a[0,1]) - a0 if a.shape[1] > 1 else 1
with gil:
raise ValueError("Input 'a' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.")
if _is_contiguous(b, 1):
transb = 't'
ldb = (&b[1,0]) - b0 if b.shape[0] > 1 else 1
elif _is_contiguous(b, 0):
transb = 'n'
ldb = (&b[0,1]) - b0 if b.shape[1] > 1 else 1
with gil:
raise ValueError("Input 'b' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.")
m = a.shape[0]
k = a.shape[1]
if k != b.shape[0]:
with gil:
raise ValueError("Shape mismatch in input arrays.")
n = b.shape[1]
if m != c.shape[0] or n != c.shape[1]:
with gil:
raise ValueError("Output array does not have the correct shape.")
ldc = (&c[0,1]) - c0 if c.shape[1] > 1 else 1
dgemm(transa, transb, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, a0, &lda, b0,
&ldb, &beta, c0, &ldc)
with gil:
raise ValueError("Input 'c' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.")
return 0
cpdef double _test_dnrm2(double[:] x) nogil:
int n = x.shape[0]
int incx = x.strides[0] // sizeof(x[0])
return dnrm2(&n, &x[0], &incx)
cpdef double _test_dzasum(double complex[:] zx) nogil:
int n = zx.shape[0]
int incx = zx.strides[0] // sizeof(zx[0])
return dzasum(&n, &zx[0], &incx)
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