basinhopping: The basinhopping global optimization algorithm
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import numpy as np
import math
from numpy import cos, sin
import scipy.optimize
from scipy._lib._util import check_random_state
__all__ = ['basinhopping']
class Storage(object):
Class used to store the lowest energy structure
def __init__(self, minres):
def _add(self, minres):
self.minres = minres
self.minres.x = np.copy(minres.x)
def update(self, minres):
if minres.fun < self.minres.fun:
return True
return False
def get_lowest(self):
return self.minres
class BasinHoppingRunner(object):
"""This class implements the core of the basinhopping algorithm.
x0 : ndarray
The starting coordinates.
minimizer : callable
The local minimizer, with signature ``result = minimizer(x)``.
The return value is an `optimize.OptimizeResult` object.
step_taking : callable
This function displaces the coordinates randomly. Signature should
be ``x_new = step_taking(x)``. Note that `x` may be modified in-place.
accept_tests : list of callables
Each test is passed the kwargs `f_new`, `x_new`, `f_old` and
`x_old`. These tests will be used to judge whether or not to accept
the step. The acceptable return values are True, False, or ``"force
accept"``. If any of the tests return False then the step is rejected.
If ``"force accept"``, then this will override any other tests in
order to accept the step. This can be used, for example, to forcefully
escape from a local minimum that ``basinhopping`` is trapped in.
disp : bool, optional
Display status messages.
def __init__(self, x0, minimizer, step_taking, accept_tests, disp=False):
self.x = np.copy(x0)
self.minimizer = minimizer
self.step_taking = step_taking
self.accept_tests = accept_tests
self.disp = disp
self.nstep = 0
# initialize return object
self.res = scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult()
self.res.minimization_failures = 0
# do initial minimization
minres = minimizer(self.x)
if not minres.success:
self.res.minimization_failures += 1
if self.disp:
print("warning: basinhopping: local minimization failure")
self.x = np.copy(minres.x)
self.energy = minres.fun
if self.disp:
print("basinhopping step %d: f %g" % (self.nstep, self.energy))
# initialize storage class
self.storage = Storage(minres)
if hasattr(minres, "nfev"):
self.res.nfev = minres.nfev
if hasattr(minres, "njev"):
self.res.njev = minres.njev
if hasattr(minres, "nhev"):
self.res.nhev = minres.nhev
def _monte_carlo_step(self):
"""Do one Monte Carlo iteration
Randomly displace the coordinates, minimize, and decide whether
or not to accept the new coordinates.
# Take a random step. Make a copy of x because the step_taking
# algorithm might change x in place
x_after_step = np.copy(self.x)
x_after_step = self.step_taking(x_after_step)
# do a local minimization
minres = self.minimizer(x_after_step)
x_after_quench = minres.x
energy_after_quench = minres.fun
if not minres.success:
self.res.minimization_failures += 1
if self.disp:
print("warning: basinhopping: local minimization failure")
if hasattr(minres, "nfev"):
self.res.nfev += minres.nfev
if hasattr(minres, "njev"):
self.res.njev += minres.njev
if hasattr(minres, "nhev"):
self.res.nhev += minres.nhev
# accept the move based on self.accept_tests. If any test is False,
# then reject the step. If any test returns the special string
# 'force accept', then accept the step regardless. This can be used
# to forcefully escape from a local minimum if normal basin hopping
# steps are not sufficient.
accept = True
for test in self.accept_tests:
testres = test(f_new=energy_after_quench, x_new=x_after_quench,
f_old=self.energy, x_old=self.x)
if testres == 'force accept':
accept = True
elif testres is None:
raise ValueError("accept_tests must return True, False, or "
"'force accept'")
elif not testres:
accept = False
# Report the result of the acceptance test to the take step class.
# This is for adaptive step taking
if hasattr(self.step_taking, "report"):
self.step_taking.report(accept, f_new=energy_after_quench,
x_new=x_after_quench, f_old=self.energy,
return accept, minres
def one_cycle(self):
"""Do one cycle of the basinhopping algorithm
self.nstep += 1
new_global_min = False
accept, minres = self._monte_carlo_step()
if accept:
self.energy = minres.fun
self.x = np.copy(minres.x)
new_global_min = self.storage.update(minres)
# print some information
if self.disp:
self.print_report(minres.fun, accept)
if new_global_min:
print("found new global minimum on step %d with function"
" value %g" % (self.nstep, self.energy))
# save some variables as BasinHoppingRunner attributes
self.xtrial = minres.x
self.energy_trial = minres.fun
self.accept = accept
return new_global_min
def print_report(self, energy_trial, accept):
"""print a status update"""
minres = self.storage.get_lowest()
print("basinhopping step %d: f %g trial_f %g accepted %d "
" lowest_f %g" % (self.nstep, self.energy, energy_trial,
accept, minres.fun))
class AdaptiveStepsize(object):
Class to implement adaptive stepsize.
This class wraps the step taking class and modifies the stepsize to
ensure the true acceptance rate is as close as possible to the target.
takestep : callable
The step taking routine. Must contain modifiable attribute
accept_rate : float, optional
The target step acceptance rate
interval : int, optional
Interval for how often to update the stepsize
factor : float, optional
The step size is multiplied or divided by this factor upon each
verbose : bool, optional
Print information about each update
def __init__(self, takestep, accept_rate=0.5, interval=50, factor=0.9,
self.takestep = takestep
self.target_accept_rate = accept_rate
self.interval = interval
self.factor = factor
self.verbose = verbose
self.nstep = 0
self.nstep_tot = 0
self.naccept = 0
def __call__(self, x):
return self.take_step(x)
def _adjust_step_size(self):
old_stepsize = self.takestep.stepsize
accept_rate = float(self.naccept) / self.nstep
if accept_rate > self.target_accept_rate:
# We're accepting too many steps. This generally means we're
# trapped in a basin. Take bigger steps
self.takestep.stepsize /= self.factor
# We're not accepting enough steps. Take smaller steps
self.takestep.stepsize *= self.factor
if self.verbose:
print("adaptive stepsize: acceptance rate %f target %f new "
"stepsize %g old stepsize %g" % (accept_rate,
self.target_accept_rate, self.takestep.stepsize,
def take_step(self, x):
self.nstep += 1
self.nstep_tot += 1
if self.nstep % self.interval == 0:
return self.takestep(x)
def report(self, accept, **kwargs):
"called by basinhopping to report the result of the step"
if accept:
self.naccept += 1
class RandomDisplacement(object):
Add a random displacement of maximum size `stepsize` to each coordinate
Calling this updates `x` in-place.
stepsize : float, optional
Maximum stepsize in any dimension
random_state : None or `np.random.RandomState` instance, optional
The random number generator that generates the displacements
def __init__(self, stepsize=0.5, random_state=None):
self.stepsize = stepsize
self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
def __call__(self, x):
x += self.random_state.uniform(-self.stepsize, self.stepsize,
return x
class MinimizerWrapper(object):
wrap a minimizer function as a minimizer class
def __init__(self, minimizer, func=None, **kwargs):
self.minimizer = minimizer
self.func = func
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self, x0):
if self.func is None:
return self.minimizer(x0, **self.kwargs)
return self.minimizer(self.func, x0, **self.kwargs)
class Metropolis(object):
Metropolis acceptance criterion
T : float
The "temperature" parameter for the accept or reject criterion.
random_state : None or `np.random.RandomState` object
Random number generator used for acceptance test
def __init__(self, T, random_state=None):
# Avoid ZeroDivisionError since "MBH can be regarded as a special case
# of the BH framework with the Metropolis criterion, where temperature
# T = 0." (Reject all steps that increase energy.)
self.beta = 1.0 / T if T != 0 else float('inf')
self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
def accept_reject(self, energy_new, energy_old):
If new energy is lower than old, it will always be accepted.
If new is higher than old, there is a chance it will be accepted,
less likely for larger differences.
w = math.exp(min(0, -float(energy_new - energy_old) * self.beta))
rand = self.random_state.rand()
return w >= rand
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
f_new and f_old are mandatory in kwargs
return bool(self.accept_reject(kwargs["f_new"],
def basinhopping(func, x0, niter=100, T=1.0, stepsize=0.5,
minimizer_kwargs=None, take_step=None, accept_test=None,
callback=None, interval=50, disp=False, niter_success=None,
Find the global minimum of a function using the basin-hopping algorithm
Basin-hopping is a two-phase method that combines a global stepping
algorithm with local minimization at each step. Designed to mimic
the natural process of energy minimization of clusters of atoms, it works
well for similar problems with "funnel-like, but rugged" energy landscapes
As the step-taking, step acceptance, and minimization methods are all
customizable, this function can also be used to implement other two-phase
func : callable ``f(x, *args)``
Function to be optimized. ``args`` can be passed as an optional item
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