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Version: 1.3.3 

/ optimize / _shgo_lib / triangulation.py

import numpy as np
import copy

    from functools import lru_cache  # For Python 3 only
except ImportError:  # Python 2:
    import time
    import functools
    import collections

    # Note to avoid using external packages such as functools32 we use this code
    # only using the standard library
    def lru_cache(maxsize=255, timeout=None):
        Thanks to ilialuk @ https://stackoverflow.com/users/2121105/ilialuk for
        this code snippet. Modifications by S. Endres

        class LruCacheClass(object):
            def __init__(self, input_func, max_size, timeout):
                self._input_func = input_func
                self._max_size = max_size
                self._timeout = timeout

                # This will store the cache for this function,
                # format - {caller1 : [OrderedDict1, last_refresh_time1],
                #  caller2 : [OrderedDict2, last_refresh_time2]}.
                #   In case of an instance method - the caller is the instance,
                # in case called from a regular function - the caller is None.
                self._caches_dict = {}

            def cache_clear(self, caller=None):
                # Remove the cache for the caller, only if exists:
                if caller in self._caches_dict:
                    del self._caches_dict[caller]
                    self._caches_dict[caller] = [collections.OrderedDict(),

            def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
                """ Called for instance methods """
                return_func = functools.partial(self._cache_wrapper, obj)
                return_func.cache_clear = functools.partial(self.cache_clear,
                # Return the wrapped function and wraps it to maintain the
                # docstring and the name of the original function:
                return functools.wraps(self._input_func)(return_func)

            def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                """ Called for regular functions """
                return self._cache_wrapper(None, *args, **kwargs)

            # Set the cache_clear function in the __call__ operator:
            __call__.cache_clear = cache_clear

            def _cache_wrapper(self, caller, *args, **kwargs):
                # Create a unique key including the types (in order to
                # differentiate between 1 and '1'):
                kwargs_key = "".join(map(
                    lambda x: str(x) + str(type(kwargs[x])) + str(kwargs[x]),
                key = "".join(
                    map(lambda x: str(type(x)) + str(x), args)) + kwargs_key

                # Check if caller exists, if not create one:
                if caller not in self._caches_dict:
                    self._caches_dict[caller] = [collections.OrderedDict(),
                    # Validate in case the refresh time has passed:
                    if self._timeout is not None:
                        if (time.time() - self._caches_dict[caller][1]
                                > self._timeout):

                # Check if the key exists, if so - return it:
                cur_caller_cache_dict = self._caches_dict[caller][0]
                if key in cur_caller_cache_dict:
                    return cur_caller_cache_dict[key]

                # Validate we didn't exceed the max_size:
                if len(cur_caller_cache_dict) >= self._max_size:
                    # Delete the first item in the dict:
                    except KeyError:
                # Call the function and store the data in the cache (call it
                # with the caller in case it's an instance function)
                if caller is not None:
                    args = (caller,) + args
                cur_caller_cache_dict[key] = self._input_func(*args, **kwargs)

                return cur_caller_cache_dict[key]

        # Return the decorator wrapping the class (also wraps the instance to
        # maintain the docstring and the name of the original function):
        return (lambda input_func: functools.wraps(input_func)(
            LruCacheClass(input_func, maxsize, timeout)))

class Complex:
    def __init__(self, dim, func, func_args=(), symmetry=False, bounds=None,
                 g_cons=None, g_args=()):
        self.dim = dim
        self.bounds = bounds
        self.symmetry = symmetry  # TODO: Define the functions to be used
        #      here in init to avoid if checks
        self.gen = 0
        self.perm_cycle = 0

        # Every cell is stored in a list of its generation,
        # ex. the initial cell is stored in self.H[0]
        # 1st get new cells are stored in self.H[1] etc.
        # When a cell is subgenerated it is removed from this list

        self.H = []  # Storage structure of cells
        # Cache of all vertices
        self.V = VertexCache(func, func_args, bounds, g_cons, g_args)

        # Generate n-cube here:
        self.n_cube(dim, symmetry=symmetry)

        # TODO: Assign functions to a the complex instead
        if symmetry:
            self.generation_cycle = 1
            # self.centroid = self.C0()[-1].x
            # self.C0.centroid = self.centroid

        self.hgr = self.C0.homology_group_rank()
        self.hgrd = 0  # Complex group rank differential
        # self.hgr = self.C0.hg_n

        # Build initial graph

        self.performance = []

    def __call__(self):
        return self.H

    def n_cube(self, dim, symmetry=False, printout=False):
        Generate the simplicial triangulation of the n dimensional hypercube
        containing 2**n vertices
        origin = list(np.zeros(dim, dtype=int))
        self.origin = origin
        supremum = list(np.ones(dim, dtype=int))
        self.supremum = supremum

        # tuple versions for indexing
        origintuple = tuple(origin)
        supremumtuple = tuple(supremum)

        x_parents = [origintuple]

        if symmetry:
            self.C0 = Simplex(0, 0, 0, self.dim)  # Initial cell object

            i_s = 0
            self.perm_symmetry(i_s, x_parents, origin)
            self.C0 = Cell(0, 0, origin, supremum)  # Initial cell object

            i_parents = []
            self.perm(i_parents, x_parents, origin)

        if printout:
            print("Initial hyper cube:")
            for v in self.C0():

    def perm(self, i_parents, x_parents, xi):
        # TODO: Cut out of for if outside linear constraint cutting planes
        xi_t = tuple(xi)

        # Construct required iterator
        iter_range = [x for x in range(self.dim) if x not in i_parents]

        for i in iter_range:
            i2_parents = copy.copy(i_parents)
            xi2 = copy.copy(xi)
            xi2[i] = 1
            # Make new vertex list a hashable tuple
            xi2_t = tuple(xi2)
            # Append to cell
            # Connect neighbours and vice versa
            # Parent point

            # Connect all family of simplices in parent containers
            for x_ip in x_parents:

            x_parents2 = copy.copy(x_parents)

            # Permutate
            self.perm(i2_parents, x_parents2, xi2)

    def perm_symmetry(self, i_s, x_parents, xi):
        # TODO: Cut out of for if outside linear constraint cutting planes
        xi_t = tuple(xi)
        xi2 = copy.copy(xi)
        xi2[i_s] = 1
        # Make new vertex list a hashable tuple
        xi2_t = tuple(xi2)
        # Append to cell
        # Connect neighbours and vice versa
        # Parent point

        # Connect all family of simplices in parent containers
        for x_ip in x_parents:

        x_parents2 = copy.copy(x_parents)

        i_s += 1
        if i_s == self.dim:
        # Permutate
        self.perm_symmetry(i_s, x_parents2, xi2)

    def add_centroid(self):
        """Split the central edge between the origin and supremum of
        a cell and add the new vertex to the complex"""
        self.centroid = list(
            (np.array(self.origin) + np.array(self.supremum)) / 2.0)
        self.C0.centroid = self.centroid

        # Disconnect origin and supremum

        # Connect centroid to all other vertices
        for v in self.C0():

        self.centroid_added = True

    # Construct incidence array:
    def incidence(self):
        if self.centroid_added:
            self.structure = np.zeros([2 ** self.dim + 1, 2 ** self.dim + 1],
            self.structure = np.zeros([2 ** self.dim, 2 ** self.dim],

        for v in self.HC.C0():
            for v2 in v.nn:
                self.structure[v.index, v2.index] = 1


    # A more sparse incidence generator:
    def graph_map(self):
        """ Make a list of size 2**n + 1 where an entry is a vertex
        incidence, each list element contains a list of indexes
        corresponding to that entries neighbours"""

        self.graph = [[v2.index for v2 in v.nn] for v in self.C0()]

    # Graph structure method:
    # 0. Capture the indices of the initial cell.
    # 1. Generate new origin and supremum scalars based on current generation
    # 2. Generate a new set of vertices corresponding to a new
    #    "origin" and "supremum"
    # 3. Connected based on the indices of the previous graph structure
    # 4. Disconnect the edges in the original cell

    def sub_generate_cell(self, C_i, gen):
        """Subgenerate a cell `C_i` of generation `gen` and
        homology group rank `hgr`."""
        origin_new = tuple(C_i.centroid)
        centroid_index = len(C_i()) - 1

        # If not gen append
        except IndexError:

        # Generate subcubes using every extreme vertex in C_i as a supremum
        # and the centroid of C_i as the origin
        H_new = []  # list storing all the new cubes split from C_i
        for i, v in enumerate(C_i()[:-1]):
            supremum = tuple(v.x)
                self.construct_hypercube(origin_new, supremum, gen, C_i.hg_n))

        for i, connections in enumerate(self.graph):
            # Present vertex V_new[i]; connect to all connections:
            if i == centroid_index:  # Break out of centroid

            for j in connections:

        # Destroy the old cell
        if C_i is not self.C0:  # Garbage collector does this anyway; not needed
            del C_i

        # TODO: Recalculate all the homology group ranks of each cell
        return H_new

    def split_generation(self):
        Run sub_generate_cell for every cell in the current complex self.gen
        no_splits = False  # USED IN SHGO
            for c in self.H[self.gen]:
                if self.symmetry:
                    # self.sub_generate_cell_symmetry(c, self.gen + 1)
                    self.split_simplex_symmetry(c, self.gen + 1)
                    self.sub_generate_cell(c, self.gen + 1)
        except IndexError:
            no_splits = True  # USED IN SHGO

        self.gen += 1
        return no_splits  # USED IN SHGO

    # @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
    def construct_hypercube(self, origin, supremum, gen, hgr,
        Build a hypercube with triangulations symmetric to C0.
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