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Version: 1.3.3 

/ stats / tests / data / nist_linregress / Norris.dat

Dataset Name:  Norris (Norris.dat)

File Format:   ASCII
               Certified Values  (lines 31 to 46)
               Data              (lines 61 to 96)

Procedure:     Linear Least Squares Regression

Reference:     Norris, J., NIST.  
               Calibration of Ozone Monitors.

Data:          1 Response Variable (y)
               1 Predictor Variable (x)
               36 Observations
               Lower Level of Difficulty
               Observed Data

Model:         Linear Class
               2 Parameters (B0,B1)

               y = B0 + B1*x + e

               Certified Regression Statistics

                                          Standard Deviation
     Parameter          Estimate             of Estimate

        B0        -0.262323073774029     0.232818234301152
        B1         1.00211681802045      0.429796848199937E-03

     Standard Deviation   0.884796396144373

     R-Squared            0.999993745883712

               Certified Analysis of Variance Table

Source of Degrees of    Sums of             Mean  
Variation  Freedom      Squares            Squares           F Statistic
Regression    1     4255954.13232369   4255954.13232369   5436385.54079785
Residual     34     26.6173985294224   0.782864662630069



Data:       y          x
           0.1        0.2
         338.8      337.4
         118.1      118.2
         888.0      884.6
           9.2       10.1
         228.1      226.5
         668.5      666.3
         998.5      996.3
         449.1      448.6
         778.9      777.0
         559.2      558.2
           0.3        0.4
           0.1        0.6
         778.1      775.5
         668.8      666.9
         339.3      338.0
         448.9      447.5
          10.8       11.6
         557.7      556.0
         228.3      228.1
         998.0      995.8
         888.8      887.6
         119.6      120.2
           0.3        0.3
           0.6        0.3
         557.6      556.8
         339.3      339.1
         888.0      887.2
         998.5      999.0
         778.9      779.0
          10.2       11.1
         117.6      118.3
         228.9      229.2
         668.4      669.1
         449.2      448.9
           0.2        0.5