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"""Locale support module.
The module provides low-level access to the C lib's locale APIs and adds high
level number formatting APIs as well as a locale aliasing engine to complement
The aliasing engine includes support for many commonly used locale names and
maps them to values suitable for passing to the C lib's setlocale() function. It
also includes default encodings for all supported locale names.
import sys
import encodings
import encodings.aliases
import re
import collections
from builtins import str as _builtin_str
import functools
# Try importing the _locale module.
# If this fails, fall back on a basic 'C' locale emulation.
# Yuck: LC_MESSAGES is non-standard: can't tell whether it exists before
# trying the import. So __all__ is also fiddled at the end of the file.
__all__ = ["getlocale", "getdefaultlocale", "getpreferredencoding", "Error",
"setlocale", "resetlocale", "localeconv", "strcoll", "strxfrm",
"str", "atof", "atoi", "format", "format_string", "currency",
"normalize", "LC_CTYPE", "LC_COLLATE", "LC_TIME", "LC_MONETARY",
def _strcoll(a,b):
""" strcoll(string,string) -> int.
Compares two strings according to the locale.
return (a > b) - (a < b)
def _strxfrm(s):
""" strxfrm(string) -> string.
Returns a string that behaves for cmp locale-aware.
return s
from _locale import *
except ImportError:
# Locale emulation
CHAR_MAX = 127
LC_ALL = 6
Error = ValueError
def localeconv():
""" localeconv() -> dict.
Returns numeric and monetary locale-specific parameters.
# 'C' locale default values
return {'grouping': [127],
'currency_symbol': '',
'n_sign_posn': 127,
'p_cs_precedes': 127,
'n_cs_precedes': 127,
'mon_grouping': [],
'n_sep_by_space': 127,
'decimal_point': '.',
'negative_sign': '',
'positive_sign': '',
'p_sep_by_space': 127,
'int_curr_symbol': '',
'p_sign_posn': 127,
'thousands_sep': '',
'mon_thousands_sep': '',
'frac_digits': 127,
'mon_decimal_point': '',
'int_frac_digits': 127}
def setlocale(category, value=None):
""" setlocale(integer,string=None) -> string.
Activates/queries locale processing.
if value not in (None, '', 'C'):
raise Error('_locale emulation only supports "C" locale')
return 'C'
# These may or may not exist in _locale, so be sure to set them.
if 'strxfrm' not in globals():
strxfrm = _strxfrm
if 'strcoll' not in globals():
strcoll = _strcoll
_localeconv = localeconv
# With this dict, you can override some items of localeconv's return value.
# This is useful for testing purposes.
_override_localeconv = {}
def localeconv():
d = _localeconv()
if _override_localeconv:
return d
### Number formatting APIs
# Author: Martin von Loewis
# improved by Georg Brandl
# Iterate over grouping intervals
def _grouping_intervals(grouping):
last_interval = None
for interval in grouping:
# if grouping is -1, we are done
if interval == CHAR_MAX:
# 0: re-use last group ad infinitum
if interval == 0:
if last_interval is None:
raise ValueError("invalid grouping")
while True:
yield last_interval
yield interval
last_interval = interval
#perform the grouping from right to left
def _group(s, monetary=False):
conv = localeconv()
thousands_sep = conv[monetary and 'mon_thousands_sep' or 'thousands_sep']
grouping = conv[monetary and 'mon_grouping' or 'grouping']
if not grouping:
return (s, 0)
if s[-1] == ' ':
stripped = s.rstrip()
right_spaces = s[len(stripped):]
s = stripped
right_spaces = ''
left_spaces = ''
groups = []
for interval in _grouping_intervals(grouping):
if not s or s[-1] not in "0123456789":
# only non-digit characters remain (sign, spaces)
left_spaces = s
s = ''
s = s[:-interval]
if s:
return (
left_spaces + thousands_sep.join(groups) + right_spaces,
len(thousands_sep) * (len(groups) - 1)
# Strip a given amount of excess padding from the given string
def _strip_padding(s, amount):
lpos = 0
while amount and s[lpos] == ' ':
lpos += 1
amount -= 1
rpos = len(s) - 1
while amount and s[rpos] == ' ':
rpos -= 1
amount -= 1
return s[lpos:rpos+1]
_percent_re = re.compile(r'%(?:\((?P<key>.*?)\))?'
r'(?P<modifiers>[-#0-9 +*.hlL]*?)[eEfFgGdiouxXcrs%]')
def format(percent, value, grouping=False, monetary=False, *additional):
"""Returns the locale-aware substitution of a %? specifier
additional is for format strings which contain one or more
'*' modifiers."""
# this is only for one-percent-specifier strings and this should be checked
match = _percent_re.match(percent)
if not match or len(!= len(percent):
raise ValueError(("format() must be given exactly one %%char "
"format specifier, %s not valid") % repr(percent))
return _format(percent, value, grouping, monetary, *additional)
def _format(percent, value, grouping=False, monetary=False, *additional):
if additional:
formatted = percent % ((value,) + additional)
formatted = percent % value
# floats and decimal ints need special action!
if percent[-1] in 'eEfFgG':
seps = 0
parts = formatted.split('.')
if grouping:
parts[0], seps = _group(parts[0], monetary=monetary)
decimal_point = localeconv()[monetary and 'mon_decimal_point'
or 'decimal_point']
formatted = decimal_point.join(parts)
if seps:
formatted = _strip_padding(formatted, seps)
elif percent[-1] in 'diu':
seps = 0
if grouping:
formatted, seps = _group(formatted, monetary=monetary)
if seps:
formatted = _strip_padding(formatted, seps)
return formatted
def format_string(f, val, grouping=False):
"""Formats a string in the same way that the % formatting would use,
but takes the current locale into account.
Grouping is applied if the third parameter is true."""
percents = list(_percent_re.finditer(f))
new_f = _percent_re.sub('%s', f)
if isinstance(val, collections.Mapping):
new_val = []
for perc in percents:
new_val.append(format(, val, grouping))
if not isinstance(val, tuple):
val = (val,)
new_val = []
i = 0
for perc in percents:
starcount ='modifiers').count('*')
i += (1 + starcount)
val = tuple(new_val)
return new_f % val
def currency(val, symbol=True, grouping=False, international=False):
"""Formats val according to the currency settings
in the current locale."""
conv = localeconv()
# check for illegal values
digits = conv[international and 'int_frac_digits' or 'frac_digits']
if digits == 127:
raise ValueError("Currency formatting is not possible using "
"the 'C' locale.")
s = format('%%.%if' % digits, abs(val), grouping, monetary=True)
# '<' and '>' are markers if the sign must be inserted between symbol and value
s = '<' + s + '>'
if symbol:
smb = conv[international and 'int_curr_symbol' or 'currency_symbol']
precedes = conv[val<0 and 'n_cs_precedes' or 'p_cs_precedes']
separated = conv[val<0 and 'n_sep_by_space' or 'p_sep_by_space']
if precedes:
s = smb + (separated and ' ' or '') + s
s = s + (separated and ' ' or '') + smb
sign_pos = conv[val<0 and 'n_sign_posn' or 'p_sign_posn']
sign = conv[val<0 and 'negative_sign' or 'positive_sign']
if sign_pos == 0:
s = '(' + s + ')'
elif sign_pos == 1:
s = sign + s
elif sign_pos == 2:
s = s + sign
elif sign_pos == 3:
s = s.replace('<', sign)
elif sign_pos == 4:
s = s.replace('>', sign)
# the default if nothing specified;
# this should be the most fitting sign position
s = sign + s
return s.replace('<', '').replace('>', '')
def str(val):
"""Convert float to string, taking the locale into account."""
return format("%.12g", val)
def delocalize(string):
"Parses a string as a normalized number according to the locale settings."
conv = localeconv()
#First, get rid of the grouping
ts = conv['thousands_sep']
if ts:
string = string.replace(ts, '')
#next, replace the decimal point with a dot
dd = conv['decimal_point']
if dd:
string = string.replace(dd, '.')
return string
def atof(string, func=float):
"Parses a string as a float according to the locale settings."
return func(delocalize(string))
def atoi(string):
"Converts a string to an integer according to the locale settings."
return int(delocalize(string))
def _test():
setlocale(LC_ALL, "")
#do grouping
s1 = format("%d", 123456789,1)
print(s1, "is", atoi(s1))
#standard formatting
s1 = str(3.14)
print(s1, "is", atof(s1))
### Locale name aliasing engine
# Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg,
# Various tweaks by Fredrik Lundh <>
# store away the low-level version of setlocale (it's
# overridden below)
_setlocale = setlocale
def _replace_encoding(code, encoding):
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