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/ usr / lib / python3.8 / distutils / tests / test_check.py

"""Tests for distutils.command.check."""
import os
import textwrap
import unittest
from test.support import run_unittest

from distutils.command.check import check, HAS_DOCUTILS
from distutils.tests import support
from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError

    import pygments
except ImportError:
    pygments = None

HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)

class CheckTestCase(support.LoggingSilencer,

    def _run(self, metadata=None, cwd=None, **options):
        if metadata is None:
            metadata = {}
        if cwd is not None:
            old_dir = os.getcwd()
        pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist(**metadata)
        cmd = check(dist)
        for name, value in options.items():
            setattr(cmd, name, value)
        if cwd is not None:
        return cmd

    def test_check_metadata(self):
        # let's run the command with no metadata at all
        # by default, check is checking the metadata
        # should have some warnings
        cmd = self._run()
        self.assertEqual(cmd._warnings, 2)

        # now let's add the required fields
        # and run it again, to make sure we don't get
        # any warning anymore
        metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': 'xxx',
                    'author_email': 'xxx',
                    'name': 'xxx', 'version': 'xxx'}
        cmd = self._run(metadata)
        self.assertEqual(cmd._warnings, 0)

        # now with the strict mode, we should
        # get an error if there are missing metadata
        self.assertRaises(DistutilsSetupError, self._run, {}, **{'strict': 1})

        # and of course, no error when all metadata are present
        cmd = self._run(metadata, strict=1)
        self.assertEqual(cmd._warnings, 0)

        # now a test with non-ASCII characters
        metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': '\u00c9ric',
                    'author_email': 'xxx', 'name': 'xxx',
                    'version': 'xxx',
                    'description': 'Something about esszet \u00df',
                    'long_description': 'More things about esszet \u00df'}
        cmd = self._run(metadata)
        self.assertEqual(cmd._warnings, 0)

    @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_DOCUTILS, "won't test without docutils")
    def test_check_document(self):
        pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist()
        cmd = check(dist)

        # let's see if it detects broken rest
        broken_rest = 'title\n===\n\ntest'
        msgs = cmd._check_rst_data(broken_rest)
        self.assertEqual(len(msgs), 1)

        # and non-broken rest
        rest = 'title\n=====\n\ntest'
        msgs = cmd._check_rst_data(rest)
        self.assertEqual(len(msgs), 0)

    @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_DOCUTILS, "won't test without docutils")
    def test_check_restructuredtext(self):
        # let's see if it detects broken rest in long_description
        broken_rest = 'title\n===\n\ntest'
        pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist(long_description=broken_rest)
        cmd = check(dist)
        self.assertEqual(cmd._warnings, 1)

        # let's see if we have an error with strict=1
        metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': 'xxx',
                    'author_email': 'xxx',
                    'name': 'xxx', 'version': 'xxx',
                    'long_description': broken_rest}
        self.assertRaises(DistutilsSetupError, self._run, metadata,
                          **{'strict': 1, 'restructuredtext': 1})

        # and non-broken rest, including a non-ASCII character to test #12114
        metadata['long_description'] = 'title\n=====\n\ntest \u00df'
        cmd = self._run(metadata, strict=1, restructuredtext=1)
        self.assertEqual(cmd._warnings, 0)

        # check that includes work to test #31292
        metadata['long_description'] = 'title\n=====\n\n.. include:: includetest.rst'
        cmd = self._run(metadata, cwd=HERE, strict=1, restructuredtext=1)
        self.assertEqual(cmd._warnings, 0)

    @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_DOCUTILS, "won't test without docutils")
    def test_check_restructuredtext_with_syntax_highlight(self):
        # Don't fail if there is a `code` or `code-block` directive

        example_rst_docs = []
            Here's some code:

            .. code:: python

                def foo():
            Here's some code:

            .. code-block:: python

                def foo():

        for rest_with_code in example_rst_docs:
            pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist(long_description=rest_with_code)
            cmd = check(dist)
            msgs = cmd._check_rst_data(rest_with_code)
            if pygments is not None:
                self.assertEqual(len(msgs), 0)
                self.assertEqual(len(msgs), 1)
                    'Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.'

    def test_check_all(self):

        metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': 'xxx'}
        self.assertRaises(DistutilsSetupError, self._run,
                          {}, **{'strict': 1,
                                 'restructuredtext': 1})

def test_suite():
    return unittest.makeSuite(CheckTestCase)

if __name__ == "__main__":