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agriconnect / libpython3.8-testsuite   deb

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Version: 3.8.5-1+stretch1 

/ usr / lib / python3.8 / test / decimaltestdata / base.decTest

-- base.decTest -- base decimal <--> string conversions               --
-- Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 1981, 2008.  All rights reserved.   --
-- Please see the document "General Decimal Arithmetic Testcases"     --
-- at http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/decimal for the description of      --
-- these testcases.                                                   --
--                                                                    --
-- These testcases are experimental ('beta' versions), and they       --
-- may contain errors.  They are offered on an as-is basis.  In       --
-- particular, achieving the same results as the tests here is not    --
-- a guarantee that an implementation complies with any Standard      --
-- or specification.  The tests are not exhaustive.                   --
--                                                                    --
-- Please send comments, suggestions, and corrections to the author:  --
--   Mike Cowlishaw, IBM Fellow                                       --
--   IBM UK, PO Box 31, Birmingham Road, Warwick CV34 5JL, UK         --
--   mfc@uk.ibm.com                                                   --
version: 2.59
extended:    1

-- This file tests base conversions from string to a decimal number
-- and back to a string (in either Scientific or Engineering form)

-- Note that unlike other operations the operand is subject to rounding
-- to conform to emax and precision settings (that is, numbers will
-- conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).

precision:   16
rounding:    half_up
maxExponent: 384
minExponent: -383

basx001 toSci       0 -> 0
basx002 toSci       1 -> 1
basx003 toSci     1.0 -> 1.0
basx004 toSci    1.00 -> 1.00
basx005 toSci      10 -> 10
basx006 toSci    1000 -> 1000
basx007 toSci    10.0 -> 10.0
basx008 toSci    10.1 -> 10.1
basx009 toSci    10.4 -> 10.4
basx010 toSci    10.5 -> 10.5
basx011 toSci    10.6 -> 10.6
basx012 toSci    10.9 -> 10.9
basx013 toSci    11.0 -> 11.0
basx014 toSci  1.234 -> 1.234
basx015 toSci  0.123 -> 0.123
basx016 toSci  0.012 -> 0.012
basx017 toSci  -0    -> -0
basx018 toSci  -0.0  -> -0.0
basx019 toSci -00.00 -> -0.00

basx021 toSci     -1 -> -1
basx022 toSci   -1.0 -> -1.0
basx023 toSci   -0.1 -> -0.1
basx024 toSci   -9.1 -> -9.1
basx025 toSci   -9.11 -> -9.11
basx026 toSci   -9.119 -> -9.119
basx027 toSci   -9.999 -> -9.999

basx030 toSci  '123456789.123456'   -> '123456789.123456'
basx031 toSci  '123456789.000000'   -> '123456789.000000'
basx032 toSci   '123456789123456'   -> '123456789123456'
basx033 toSci   '0.0000123456789'   -> '0.0000123456789'
basx034 toSci  '0.00000123456789'   -> '0.00000123456789'
basx035 toSci '0.000000123456789'   -> '1.23456789E-7'
basx036 toSci '0.0000000123456789'  -> '1.23456789E-8'

basx037 toSci '0.123456789012344'   -> '0.123456789012344'
basx038 toSci '0.123456789012345'   -> '0.123456789012345'

-- String [many more examples are implicitly tested elsewhere]
-- strings without E cannot generate E in result
basx040 toSci "12"        -> '12'
basx041 toSci "-76"       -> '-76'
basx042 toSci "12.76"     -> '12.76'
basx043 toSci "+12.76"    -> '12.76'
basx044 toSci "012.76"    -> '12.76'
basx045 toSci "+0.003"    -> '0.003'
basx046 toSci "17."       -> '17'
basx047 toSci ".5"        -> '0.5'
basx048 toSci "044"       -> '44'
basx049 toSci "0044"      -> '44'
basx050 toSci "0.0005"      -> '0.0005'
basx051 toSci "00.00005"    -> '0.00005'
basx052 toSci "0.000005"    -> '0.000005'
basx053 toSci "0.0000050"   -> '0.0000050'
basx054 toSci "0.0000005"   -> '5E-7'
basx055 toSci "0.00000005"  -> '5E-8'
basx056 toSci "12345678.543210" -> '12345678.543210'
basx057 toSci "2345678.543210" -> '2345678.543210'
basx058 toSci "345678.543210" -> '345678.543210'
basx059 toSci "0345678.54321" -> '345678.54321'
basx060 toSci "345678.5432" -> '345678.5432'
basx061 toSci "+345678.5432" -> '345678.5432'
basx062 toSci "+0345678.5432" -> '345678.5432'
basx063 toSci "+00345678.5432" -> '345678.5432'
basx064 toSci "-345678.5432"  -> '-345678.5432'
basx065 toSci "-0345678.5432"  -> '-345678.5432'
basx066 toSci "-00345678.5432"  -> '-345678.5432'
-- examples
basx067 toSci "5E-6"        -> '0.000005'
basx068 toSci "50E-7"       -> '0.0000050'
basx069 toSci "5E-7"        -> '5E-7'

-- [No exotics as no Unicode]

-- rounded with dots in all (including edge) places
basx071 toSci  .1234567890123456123  -> 0.1234567890123456 Inexact Rounded
basx072 toSci  1.234567890123456123  -> 1.234567890123456 Inexact Rounded
basx073 toSci  12.34567890123456123  -> 12.34567890123456 Inexact Rounded
basx074 toSci  123.4567890123456123  -> 123.4567890123456 Inexact Rounded
basx075 toSci  1234.567890123456123  -> 1234.567890123456 Inexact Rounded
basx076 toSci  12345.67890123456123  -> 12345.67890123456 Inexact Rounded
basx077 toSci  123456.7890123456123  -> 123456.7890123456 Inexact Rounded
basx078 toSci  1234567.890123456123  -> 1234567.890123456 Inexact Rounded
basx079 toSci  12345678.90123456123  -> 12345678.90123456 Inexact Rounded
basx080 toSci  123456789.0123456123  -> 123456789.0123456 Inexact Rounded
basx081 toSci  1234567890.123456123  -> 1234567890.123456 Inexact Rounded
basx082 toSci  12345678901.23456123  -> 12345678901.23456 Inexact Rounded
basx083 toSci  123456789012.3456123  -> 123456789012.3456 Inexact Rounded
basx084 toSci  1234567890123.456123  -> 1234567890123.456 Inexact Rounded
basx085 toSci  12345678901234.56123  -> 12345678901234.56 Inexact Rounded
basx086 toSci  123456789012345.6123  -> 123456789012345.6 Inexact Rounded
basx087 toSci  1234567890123456.123  -> 1234567890123456  Inexact Rounded
basx088 toSci  12345678901234561.23  -> 1.234567890123456E+16 Inexact Rounded
basx089 toSci  123456789012345612.3  -> 1.234567890123456E+17 Inexact Rounded
basx090 toSci  1234567890123456123.  -> 1.234567890123456E+18 Inexact Rounded

-- Numbers with E
basx130 toSci "0.000E-1"  -> '0.0000'
basx131 toSci "0.000E-2"  -> '0.00000'
basx132 toSci "0.000E-3"  -> '0.000000'
basx133 toSci "0.000E-4"  -> '0E-7'
basx134 toSci "0.00E-2"   -> '0.0000'
basx135 toSci "0.00E-3"   -> '0.00000'
basx136 toSci "0.00E-4"   -> '0.000000'
basx137 toSci "0.00E-5"   -> '0E-7'
basx138 toSci "+0E+9"     -> '0E+9'
basx139 toSci "-0E+9"     -> '-0E+9'
basx140 toSci "1E+9"      -> '1E+9'
basx141 toSci "1e+09"     -> '1E+9'
basx142 toSci "1E+90"     -> '1E+90'
basx143 toSci "+1E+009"   -> '1E+9'
basx144 toSci "0E+9"      -> '0E+9'
basx145 toSci "1E+9"      -> '1E+9'
basx146 toSci "1E+09"     -> '1E+9'
basx147 toSci "1e+90"     -> '1E+90'
basx148 toSci "1E+009"    -> '1E+9'
basx149 toSci "000E+9"    -> '0E+9'
basx150 toSci "1E9"       -> '1E+9'
basx151 toSci "1e09"      -> '1E+9'
basx152 toSci "1E90"      -> '1E+90'
basx153 toSci "1E009"     -> '1E+9'
basx154 toSci "0E9"       -> '0E+9'
basx155 toSci "0.000e+0"  -> '0.000'
basx156 toSci "0.000E-1"  -> '0.0000'
basx157 toSci "4E+9"      -> '4E+9'
basx158 toSci "44E+9"     -> '4.4E+10'
basx159 toSci "0.73e-7"   -> '7.3E-8'
basx160 toSci "00E+9"     -> '0E+9'
basx161 toSci "00E-9"     -> '0E-9'
basx162 toSci "10E+9"     -> '1.0E+10'
basx163 toSci "10E+09"    -> '1.0E+10'
basx164 toSci "10e+90"    -> '1.0E+91'
basx165 toSci "10E+009"   -> '1.0E+10'
basx166 toSci "100e+9"    -> '1.00E+11'
basx167 toSci "100e+09"   -> '1.00E+11'
basx168 toSci "100E+90"   -> '1.00E+92'
basx169 toSci "100e+009"  -> '1.00E+11'

basx170 toSci "1.265"     -> '1.265'
basx171 toSci "1.265E-20" -> '1.265E-20'
basx172 toSci "1.265E-8"  -> '1.265E-8'
basx173 toSci "1.265E-4"  -> '0.0001265'
basx174 toSci "1.265E-3"  -> '0.001265'
basx175 toSci "1.265E-2"  -> '0.01265'
basx176 toSci "1.265E-1"  -> '0.1265'
basx177 toSci "1.265E-0"  -> '1.265'
basx178 toSci "1.265E+1"  -> '12.65'
basx179 toSci "1.265E+2"  -> '126.5'
basx180 toSci "1.265E+3"  -> '1265'
basx181 toSci "1.265E+4"  -> '1.265E+4'
basx182 toSci "1.265E+8"  -> '1.265E+8'
basx183 toSci "1.265E+20" -> '1.265E+20'

basx190 toSci "12.65"     -> '12.65'
basx191 toSci "12.65E-20" -> '1.265E-19'
basx192 toSci "12.65E-8"  -> '1.265E-7'
basx193 toSci "12.65E-4"  -> '0.001265'
basx194 toSci "12.65E-3"  -> '0.01265'
basx195 toSci "12.65E-2"  -> '0.1265'
basx196 toSci "12.65E-1"  -> '1.265'
basx197 toSci "12.65E-0"  -> '12.65'
basx198 toSci "12.65E+1"  -> '126.5'
basx199 toSci "12.65E+2"  -> '1265'
basx200 toSci "12.65E+3"  -> '1.265E+4'
basx201 toSci "12.65E+4"  -> '1.265E+5'
basx202 toSci "12.65E+8"  -> '1.265E+9'
basx203 toSci "12.65E+20" -> '1.265E+21'

basx210 toSci "126.5"     -> '126.5'
basx211 toSci "126.5E-20" -> '1.265E-18'
basx212 toSci "126.5E-8"  -> '0.000001265'
basx213 toSci "126.5E-4"  -> '0.01265'
basx214 toSci "126.5E-3"  -> '0.1265'
basx215 toSci "126.5E-2"  -> '1.265'
basx216 toSci "126.5E-1"  -> '12.65'
basx217 toSci "126.5E-0"  -> '126.5'
basx218 toSci "126.5E+1"  -> '1265'
basx219 toSci "126.5E+2"  -> '1.265E+4'
basx220 toSci "126.5E+3"  -> '1.265E+5'
basx221 toSci "126.5E+4"  -> '1.265E+6'
basx222 toSci "126.5E+8"  -> '1.265E+10'
basx223 toSci "126.5E+20" -> '1.265E+22'

basx230 toSci "1265"     -> '1265'
basx231 toSci "1265E-20" -> '1.265E-17'
basx232 toSci "1265E-8"  -> '0.00001265'
basx233 toSci "1265E-4"  -> '0.1265'
basx234 toSci "1265E-3"  -> '1.265'
basx235 toSci "1265E-2"  -> '12.65'
basx236 toSci "1265E-1"  -> '126.5'
basx237 toSci "1265E-0"  -> '1265'
basx238 toSci "1265E+1"  -> '1.265E+4'
basx239 toSci "1265E+2"  -> '1.265E+5'
basx240 toSci "1265E+3"  -> '1.265E+6'
basx241 toSci "1265E+4"  -> '1.265E+7'
basx242 toSci "1265E+8"  -> '1.265E+11'
basx243 toSci "1265E+20" -> '1.265E+23'

basx250 toSci "0.1265"     -> '0.1265'
basx251 toSci "0.1265E-20" -> '1.265E-21'
basx252 toSci "0.1265E-8"  -> '1.265E-9'
basx253 toSci "0.1265E-4"  -> '0.00001265'
basx254 toSci "0.1265E-3"  -> '0.0001265'
basx255 toSci "0.1265E-2"  -> '0.001265'
basx256 toSci "0.1265E-1"  -> '0.01265'
basx257 toSci "0.1265E-0"  -> '0.1265'
basx258 toSci "0.1265E+1"  -> '1.265'
basx259 toSci "0.1265E+2"  -> '12.65'
basx260 toSci "0.1265E+3"  -> '126.5'
basx261 toSci "0.1265E+4"  -> '1265'
basx262 toSci "0.1265E+8"  -> '1.265E+7'
basx263 toSci "0.1265E+20" -> '1.265E+19'

-- some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]
basx290 toSci "-0.000E-1"  -> '-0.0000'
basx291 toSci "-0.000E-2"  -> '-0.00000'
basx292 toSci "-0.000E-3"  -> '-0.000000'
basx293 toSci "-0.000E-4"  -> '-0E-7'
basx294 toSci "-0.00E-2"   -> '-0.0000'
basx295 toSci "-0.00E-3"   -> '-0.00000'
basx296 toSci "-0.0E-2"    -> '-0.000'
basx297 toSci "-0.0E-3"    -> '-0.0000'
basx298 toSci "-0E-2"      -> '-0.00'
basx299 toSci "-0E-3"      -> '-0.000'

-- Engineering notation tests
basx301  toSci 10e12  -> 1.0E+13
basx302  toEng 10e12  -> 10E+12
basx303  toSci 10e11  -> 1.0E+12
basx304  toEng 10e11  -> 1.0E+12
basx305  toSci 10e10  -> 1.0E+11
basx306  toEng 10e10  -> 100E+9
basx307  toSci 10e9   -> 1.0E+10
basx308  toEng 10e9   -> 10E+9
basx309  toSci 10e8   -> 1.0E+9
basx310  toEng 10e8   -> 1.0E+9
basx311  toSci 10e7   -> 1.0E+8
basx312  toEng 10e7   -> 100E+6
basx313  toSci 10e6   -> 1.0E+7
basx314  toEng 10e6   -> 10E+6
basx315  toSci 10e5   -> 1.0E+6
basx316  toEng 10e5   -> 1.0E+6
basx317  toSci 10e4   -> 1.0E+5
basx318  toEng 10e4   -> 100E+3
basx319  toSci 10e3   -> 1.0E+4
basx320  toEng 10e3   -> 10E+3
basx321  toSci 10e2   -> 1.0E+3
basx322  toEng 10e2   -> 1.0E+3
basx323  toSci 10e1   -> 1.0E+2
basx324  toEng 10e1   -> 100
basx325  toSci 10e0   -> 10
basx326  toEng 10e0   -> 10
basx327  toSci 10e-1  -> 1.0
basx328  toEng 10e-1  -> 1.0
basx329  toSci 10e-2  -> 0.10
basx330  toEng 10e-2  -> 0.10
basx331  toSci 10e-3  -> 0.010
basx332  toEng 10e-3  -> 0.010
basx333  toSci 10e-4  -> 0.0010
basx334  toEng 10e-4  -> 0.0010
basx335  toSci 10e-5  -> 0.00010
basx336  toEng 10e-5  -> 0.00010
basx337  toSci 10e-6  -> 0.000010
basx338  toEng 10e-6  -> 0.000010
basx339  toSci 10e-7  -> 0.0000010
basx340  toEng 10e-7  -> 0.0000010
basx341  toSci 10e-8  -> 1.0E-7
basx342  toEng 10e-8  -> 100E-9
basx343  toSci 10e-9  -> 1.0E-8
basx344  toEng 10e-9  -> 10E-9
basx345  toSci 10e-10 -> 1.0E-9
basx346  toEng 10e-10 -> 1.0E-9
basx347  toSci 10e-11 -> 1.0E-10
basx348  toEng 10e-11 -> 100E-12
basx349  toSci 10e-12 -> 1.0E-11
basx350  toEng 10e-12 -> 10E-12
basx351  toSci 10e-13 -> 1.0E-12
basx352  toEng 10e-13 -> 1.0E-12

basx361  toSci 7E12  -> 7E+12
basx362  toEng 7E12  -> 7E+12
basx363  toSci 7E11  -> 7E+11
basx364  toEng 7E11  -> 700E+9
basx365  toSci 7E10  -> 7E+10
basx366  toEng 7E10  -> 70E+9
basx367  toSci 7E9   -> 7E+9
basx368  toEng 7E9   -> 7E+9
basx369  toSci 7E8   -> 7E+8
basx370  toEng 7E8   -> 700E+6
basx371  toSci 7E7   -> 7E+7
basx372  toEng 7E7   -> 70E+6
basx373  toSci 7E6   -> 7E+6
basx374  toEng 7E6   -> 7E+6
basx375  toSci 7E5   -> 7E+5
basx376  toEng 7E5   -> 700E+3
basx377  toSci 7E4   -> 7E+4
basx378  toEng 7E4   -> 70E+3
basx379  toSci 7E3   -> 7E+3
basx380  toEng 7E3   -> 7E+3
basx381  toSci 7E2   -> 7E+2
basx382  toEng 7E2   -> 700
basx383  toSci 7E1   -> 7E+1
basx384  toEng 7E1   -> 70
basx385  toSci 7E0   -> 7
basx386  toEng 7E0   -> 7
basx387  toSci 7E-1  -> 0.7
basx388  toEng 7E-1  -> 0.7
basx389  toSci 7E-2  -> 0.07
basx390  toEng 7E-2  -> 0.07
basx391  toSci 7E-3  -> 0.007
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