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agriconnect / libpython3.8-testsuite   deb

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/ usr / lib / python3.8 / test / string_tests.py

Common tests shared by test_unicode, test_userstring and test_bytes.

import unittest, string, sys, struct
from test import support
from collections import UserList

class Sequence:
    def __init__(self, seq='wxyz'): self.seq = seq
    def __len__(self): return len(self.seq)
    def __getitem__(self, i): return self.seq[i]

class BadSeq1(Sequence):
    def __init__(self): self.seq = [7, 'hello', 123]
    def __str__(self): return '{0} {1} {2}'.format(*self.seq)

class BadSeq2(Sequence):
    def __init__(self): self.seq = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    def __len__(self): return 8

class BaseTest:
    # These tests are for buffers of values (bytes) and not
    # specific to character interpretation, used for bytes objects
    # and various string implementations

    # The type to be tested
    # Change in subclasses to change the behaviour of fixtesttype()
    type2test = None

    # Whether the "contained items" of the container are integers in
    # range(0, 256) (i.e. bytes, bytearray) or strings of length 1
    # (str)
    contains_bytes = False

    # All tests pass their arguments to the testing methods
    # as str objects. fixtesttype() can be used to propagate
    # these arguments to the appropriate type
    def fixtype(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, str):
            return self.__class__.type2test(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, list):
            return [self.fixtype(x) for x in obj]
        elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
            return tuple([self.fixtype(x) for x in obj])
        elif isinstance(obj, dict):
            return dict([
               (self.fixtype(key), self.fixtype(value))
               for (key, value) in obj.items()
            return obj

    def test_fixtype(self):
        self.assertIs(type(self.fixtype("123")), self.type2test)

    # check that obj.method(*args) returns result
    def checkequal(self, result, obj, methodname, *args, **kwargs):
        result = self.fixtype(result)
        obj = self.fixtype(obj)
        args = self.fixtype(args)
        kwargs = {k: self.fixtype(v) for k,v in kwargs.items()}
        realresult = getattr(obj, methodname)(*args, **kwargs)
        # if the original is returned make sure that
        # this doesn't happen with subclasses
        if obj is realresult:
                class subtype(self.__class__.type2test):
            except TypeError:
                pass  # Skip this if we can't subclass
                obj = subtype(obj)
                realresult = getattr(obj, methodname)(*args)
                self.assertIsNot(obj, realresult)

    # check that obj.method(*args) raises exc
    def checkraises(self, exc, obj, methodname, *args):
        obj = self.fixtype(obj)
        args = self.fixtype(args)
        with self.assertRaises(exc) as cm:
            getattr(obj, methodname)(*args)
        self.assertNotEqual(str(cm.exception), '')

    # call obj.method(*args) without any checks
    def checkcall(self, obj, methodname, *args):
        obj = self.fixtype(obj)
        args = self.fixtype(args)
        getattr(obj, methodname)(*args)

    def test_count(self):
        self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a')
        self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'b')
        self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a')
        self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'b')
        self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a')
        self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'b')
        self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'b')
        self.checkequal(2, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 1)
        self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 10)
        self.checkequal(1, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', -1)
        self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', -10)
        self.checkequal(1, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 0, 1)
        self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 0, 10)
        self.checkequal(2, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 0, -1)
        self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 0, -10)
        self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', '', 1)
        self.checkequal(1, 'aaa', 'count', '', 3)
        self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', '', 10)
        self.checkequal(2, 'aaa', 'count', '', -1)
        self.checkequal(4, 'aaa', 'count', '', -10)

        self.checkequal(1, '', 'count', '')
        self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', '', 1, 1)
        self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', '', sys.maxsize, 0)

        self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', 'xx')
        self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', 'xx', 1, 1)
        self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', 'xx', sys.maxsize, 0)

        self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'count')

        if self.contains_bytes:
            self.checkequal(0, 'hello', 'count', 42)
            self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'count', 42)

        # For a variety of combinations,
        #    verify that str.count() matches an equivalent function
        #    replacing all occurrences and then differencing the string lengths
        charset = ['', 'a', 'b']
        digits = 7
        base = len(charset)
        teststrings = set()
        for i in range(base ** digits):
            entry = []
            for j in range(digits):
                i, m = divmod(i, base)
        teststrings = [self.fixtype(ts) for ts in teststrings]
        for i in teststrings:
            n = len(i)
            for j in teststrings:
                r1 = i.count(j)
                if j:
                    r2, rem = divmod(n - len(i.replace(j, self.fixtype(''))),
                    r2, rem = len(i)+1, 0
                if rem or r1 != r2:
                    self.assertEqual(rem, 0, '%s != 0 for %s' % (rem, i))
                    self.assertEqual(r1, r2, '%s != %s for %s' % (r1, r2, i))

    def test_find(self):
        self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'find', 'abc')
        self.checkequal(9, 'abcdefghiabc', 'find', 'abc', 1)
        self.checkequal(-1, 'abcdefghiabc', 'find', 'def', 4)

        self.checkequal(0, 'abc', 'find', '', 0)
        self.checkequal(3, 'abc', 'find', '', 3)
        self.checkequal(-1, 'abc', 'find', '', 4)

        # to check the ability to pass None as defaults
        self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a')
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a', 4)
        self.checkequal(-1, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a', 4, 6)
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a', 4, None)
        self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a', None, 6)

        self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'find')

        if self.contains_bytes:
            self.checkequal(-1, 'hello', 'find', 42)
            self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'find', 42)

        self.checkequal(0, '', 'find', '')
        self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', '', 1, 1)
        self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', '', sys.maxsize, 0)

        self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', 'xx')
        self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', 'xx', 1, 1)
        self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', 'xx', sys.maxsize, 0)

        # issue 7458
        self.checkequal(-1, 'ab', 'find', 'xxx', sys.maxsize + 1, 0)

        # For a variety of combinations,
        #    verify that str.find() matches __contains__
        #    and that the found substring is really at that location
        charset = ['', 'a', 'b', 'c']
        digits = 5
        base = len(charset)
        teststrings = set()
        for i in range(base ** digits):
            entry = []
            for j in range(digits):
                i, m = divmod(i, base)
        teststrings = [self.fixtype(ts) for ts in teststrings]
        for i in teststrings:
            for j in teststrings:
                loc = i.find(j)
                r1 = (loc != -1)
                r2 = j in i
                self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
                if loc != -1:
                    self.assertEqual(i[loc:loc+len(j)], j)

    def test_rfind(self):
        self.checkequal(9,  'abcdefghiabc', 'rfind', 'abc')
        self.checkequal(12, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rfind', '')
        self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rfind', 'abcd')
        self.checkequal(-1, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rfind', 'abcz')

        self.checkequal(3, 'abc', 'rfind', '', 0)
        self.checkequal(3, 'abc', 'rfind', '', 3)
        self.checkequal(-1, 'abc', 'rfind', '', 4)

        # to check the ability to pass None as defaults
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a')
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a', 4)
        self.checkequal(-1, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a', 4, 6)
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a', 4, None)
        self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a', None, 6)

        self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rfind')

        if self.contains_bytes:
            self.checkequal(-1, 'hello', 'rfind', 42)
            self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rfind', 42)

        # For a variety of combinations,
        #    verify that str.rfind() matches __contains__
        #    and that the found substring is really at that location
        charset = ['', 'a', 'b', 'c']
        digits = 5
        base = len(charset)
        teststrings = set()
        for i in range(base ** digits):
            entry = []
            for j in range(digits):
                i, m = divmod(i, base)
        teststrings = [self.fixtype(ts) for ts in teststrings]
        for i in teststrings:
            for j in teststrings:
                loc = i.rfind(j)
                r1 = (loc != -1)
                r2 = j in i
                self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
                if loc != -1:
                    self.assertEqual(i[loc:loc+len(j)], j)

        # issue 7458
        self.checkequal(-1, 'ab', 'rfind', 'xxx', sys.maxsize + 1, 0)

        # issue #15534
        self.checkequal(0, '<......\u043c...', "rfind", "<")

    def test_index(self):
        self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', '')
        self.checkequal(3, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', 'def')
        self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', 'abc')
        self.checkequal(9, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', 'abc', 1)

        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', 'hib')
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghiab', 'index', 'abc', 1)
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghi', 'index', 'ghi', 8)
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghi', 'index', 'ghi', -1)

        # to check the ability to pass None as defaults
        self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a')
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a', 4)
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a', 4, 6)
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a', 4, None)
        self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a', None, 6)

        self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'index')

        if self.contains_bytes:
            self.checkraises(ValueError, 'hello', 'index', 42)
            self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'index', 42)

    def test_rindex(self):
        self.checkequal(12, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', '')
        self.checkequal(3,  'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', 'def')
        self.checkequal(9,  'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', 'abc')
        self.checkequal(0,  'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', 'abc', 0, -1)

        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', 'hib')
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'defghiabc', 'rindex', 'def', 1)
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'defghiabc', 'rindex', 'abc', 0, -1)
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghi', 'rindex', 'ghi', 0, 8)
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghi', 'rindex', 'ghi', 0, -1)

        # to check the ability to pass None as defaults
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a')
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a', 4)
        self.checkraises(ValueError, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a', 4, 6)
        self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a', 4, None)
        self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a', None, 6)

        self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rindex')

        if self.contains_bytes:
            self.checkraises(ValueError, 'hello', 'rindex', 42)
            self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rindex', 42)

    def test_lower(self):
        self.checkequal('hello', 'HeLLo', 'lower')
        self.checkequal('hello', 'hello', 'lower')
        self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'lower', 42)

    def test_upper(self):
        self.checkequal('HELLO', 'HeLLo', 'upper')
        self.checkequal('HELLO', 'HELLO', 'upper')
        self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'upper', 42)

    def test_expandtabs(self):
        self.checkequal('abc\rab      def\ng       hi', 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi',
        self.checkequal('abc\rab      def\ng       hi', 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi',
                        'expandtabs', 8)
        self.checkequal('abc\rab  def\ng   hi', 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi',
                        'expandtabs', 4)
        self.checkequal('abc\r\nab      def\ng       hi', 'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi',
        self.checkequal('abc\r\nab      def\ng       hi', 'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi',
                        'expandtabs', 8)
        self.checkequal('abc\r\nab  def\ng   hi', 'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi',
                        'expandtabs', 4)
        self.checkequal('abc\r\nab\r\ndef\ng\r\nhi', 'abc\r\nab\r\ndef\ng\r\nhi',
                        'expandtabs', 4)
        # check keyword args
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