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agriconnect / libpython3.8-testsuite   deb

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/ usr / lib / python3.8 / test / test_class.py

"Test the functionality of Python classes implementing operators."

import unittest

testmeths = [

# Binary operations

# List/dict operations

# Unary operations

# generic operations

# These need to return something other than None
#    "hash",
#    "str",
#    "repr",
#    "int",
#    "float",

# These are separate because they can influence the test of other methods.
#    "getattr",
#    "setattr",
#    "delattr",

callLst = []
def trackCall(f):
    def track(*args, **kwargs):
        callLst.append((f.__name__, args))
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
    return track

statictests = """
def __hash__(self, *args):
    return hash(id(self))

def __str__(self, *args):
    return "AllTests"

def __repr__(self, *args):
    return "AllTests"

def __int__(self, *args):
    return 1

def __index__(self, *args):
    return 1

def __float__(self, *args):
    return 1.0

def __eq__(self, *args):
    return True

def __ne__(self, *args):
    return False

def __lt__(self, *args):
    return False

def __le__(self, *args):
    return True

def __gt__(self, *args):
    return False

def __ge__(self, *args):
    return True

# Synthesize all the other AllTests methods from the names in testmeths.

method_template = """\
def __%s__(self, *args):

d = {}
exec(statictests, globals(), d)
for method in testmeths:
    exec(method_template % method, globals(), d)
AllTests = type("AllTests", (object,), d)
del d, statictests, method, method_template

class ClassTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        callLst[:] = []

    def assertCallStack(self, expected_calls):
        actualCallList = callLst[:]  # need to copy because the comparison below will add
                                     # additional calls to callLst
        if expected_calls != actualCallList:
            self.fail("Expected call list:\n  %s\ndoes not match actual call list\n  %s" %
                      (expected_calls, actualCallList))

    def testInit(self):
        foo = AllTests()
        self.assertCallStack([("__init__", (foo,))])

    def testBinaryOps(self):
        testme = AllTests()
        # Binary operations

        callLst[:] = []
        testme + 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__add__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 + testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__radd__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme - 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__sub__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 - testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rsub__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme * 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__mul__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 * testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rmul__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme @ 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__matmul__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 @ testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rmatmul__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme / 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__truediv__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 / testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rtruediv__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme // 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__floordiv__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 // testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rfloordiv__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme % 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__mod__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 % testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rmod__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        self.assertCallStack([("__divmod__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        divmod(1, testme)
        self.assertCallStack([("__rdivmod__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme ** 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__pow__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 ** testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rpow__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme >> 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__rshift__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 >> testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rrshift__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme << 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__lshift__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 << testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rlshift__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme & 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__and__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 & testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rand__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme | 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__or__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 | testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__ror__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme ^ 1
        self.assertCallStack([("__xor__", (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        1 ^ testme
        self.assertCallStack([("__rxor__", (testme, 1))])

    def testListAndDictOps(self):
        testme = AllTests()

        # List/dict operations

        class Empty: pass

            1 in Empty()
            self.fail('failed, should have raised TypeError')
        except TypeError:

        callLst[:] = []
        1 in testme
        self.assertCallStack([('__contains__', (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        self.assertCallStack([('__getitem__', (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme[1] = 1
        self.assertCallStack([('__setitem__', (testme, 1, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        del testme[1]
        self.assertCallStack([('__delitem__', (testme, 1))])

        callLst[:] = []
        self.assertCallStack([('__getitem__', (testme, slice(None, 42)))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme[:42] = "The Answer"
        self.assertCallStack([('__setitem__', (testme, slice(None, 42),
                                               "The Answer"))])

        callLst[:] = []
        del testme[:42]
        self.assertCallStack([('__delitem__', (testme, slice(None, 42)))])

        callLst[:] = []
        self.assertCallStack([('__getitem__', (testme, slice(2, 1024, 10)))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme[2:1024:10] = "A lot"
        self.assertCallStack([('__setitem__', (testme, slice(2, 1024, 10),
                                                                    "A lot"))])
        callLst[:] = []
        del testme[2:1024:10]
        self.assertCallStack([('__delitem__', (testme, slice(2, 1024, 10)))])

        callLst[:] = []
        testme[:42, ..., :24:, 24, 100]
        self.assertCallStack([('__getitem__', (testme, (slice(None, 42, None),
                                                        slice(None, 24, None),
                                                        24, 100)))])
        callLst[:] = []
        testme[:42, ..., :24:, 24, 100] = "Strange"
        self.assertCallStack([('__setitem__', (testme, (slice(None, 42, None),
                                                        slice(None, 24, None),
                                                        24, 100), "Strange"))])
        callLst[:] = []
        del testme[:42, ..., :24:, 24, 100]
        self.assertCallStack([('__delitem__', (testme, (slice(None, 42, None),
                                                        slice(None, 24, None),
                                                        24, 100)))])

    def testUnaryOps(self):
        testme = AllTests()
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