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/ usr / lib / python3.8 / test / test_copy.py

"""Unit tests for the copy module."""

import copy
import copyreg
import weakref
import abc
from operator import le, lt, ge, gt, eq, ne

import unittest

order_comparisons = le, lt, ge, gt
equality_comparisons = eq, ne
comparisons = order_comparisons + equality_comparisons

class TestCopy(unittest.TestCase):

    # Attempt full line coverage of copy.py from top to bottom

    def test_exceptions(self):
        self.assertIs(copy.Error, copy.error)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(copy.Error, Exception))

    # The copy() method

    def test_copy_basic(self):
        x = 42
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(x, y)

    def test_copy_copy(self):
        class C(object):
            def __init__(self, foo):
                self.foo = foo
            def __copy__(self):
                return C(self.foo)
        x = C(42)
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y.__class__, x.__class__)
        self.assertEqual(y.foo, x.foo)

    def test_copy_registry(self):
        class C(object):
            def __new__(cls, foo):
                obj = object.__new__(cls)
                obj.foo = foo
                return obj
        def pickle_C(obj):
            return (C, (obj.foo,))
        x = C(42)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, copy.copy, x)
        copyreg.pickle(C, pickle_C, C)
        y = copy.copy(x)

    def test_copy_reduce_ex(self):
        class C(object):
            def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
                return ""
            def __reduce__(self):
                self.fail("shouldn't call this")
        c = []
        x = C()
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertIs(y, x)
        self.assertEqual(c, [1])

    def test_copy_reduce(self):
        class C(object):
            def __reduce__(self):
                return ""
        c = []
        x = C()
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertIs(y, x)
        self.assertEqual(c, [1])

    def test_copy_cant(self):
        class C(object):
            def __getattribute__(self, name):
                if name.startswith("__reduce"):
                    raise AttributeError(name)
                return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
        x = C()
        self.assertRaises(copy.Error, copy.copy, x)

    # Type-specific _copy_xxx() methods

    def test_copy_atomic(self):
        class Classic:
        class NewStyle(object):
        def f():
        class WithMetaclass(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
        tests = [None, ..., NotImplemented,
                 42, 2**100, 3.14, True, False, 1j,
                 "hello", "hello\u1234", f.__code__,
                 b"world", bytes(range(256)), range(10), slice(1, 10, 2),
                 NewStyle, Classic, max, WithMetaclass, property()]
        for x in tests:
            self.assertIs(copy.copy(x), x)

    def test_copy_list(self):
        x = [1, 2, 3]
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)
        x = []
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)

    def test_copy_tuple(self):
        x = (1, 2, 3)
        self.assertIs(copy.copy(x), x)
        x = ()
        self.assertIs(copy.copy(x), x)
        x = (1, 2, 3, [])
        self.assertIs(copy.copy(x), x)

    def test_copy_dict(self):
        x = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)
        x = {}
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)

    def test_copy_set(self):
        x = {1, 2, 3}
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)
        x = set()
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)

    def test_copy_frozenset(self):
        x = frozenset({1, 2, 3})
        self.assertIs(copy.copy(x), x)
        x = frozenset()
        self.assertIs(copy.copy(x), x)

    def test_copy_bytearray(self):
        x = bytearray(b'abc')
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)
        x = bytearray()
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)

    def test_copy_inst_vanilla(self):
        class C:
            def __init__(self, foo):
                self.foo = foo
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.foo == other.foo
        x = C(42)
        self.assertEqual(copy.copy(x), x)

    def test_copy_inst_copy(self):
        class C:
            def __init__(self, foo):
                self.foo = foo
            def __copy__(self):
                return C(self.foo)
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.foo == other.foo
        x = C(42)
        self.assertEqual(copy.copy(x), x)

    def test_copy_inst_getinitargs(self):
        class C:
            def __init__(self, foo):
                self.foo = foo
            def __getinitargs__(self):
                return (self.foo,)
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.foo == other.foo
        x = C(42)
        self.assertEqual(copy.copy(x), x)

    def test_copy_inst_getnewargs(self):
        class C(int):
            def __new__(cls, foo):
                self = int.__new__(cls)
                self.foo = foo
                return self
            def __getnewargs__(self):
                return self.foo,
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.foo == other.foo
        x = C(42)
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertIsInstance(y, C)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)
        self.assertEqual(y.foo, x.foo)

    def test_copy_inst_getnewargs_ex(self):
        class C(int):
            def __new__(cls, *, foo):
                self = int.__new__(cls)
                self.foo = foo
                return self
            def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
                return (), {'foo': self.foo}
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.foo == other.foo
        x = C(foo=42)
        y = copy.copy(x)
        self.assertIsInstance(y, C)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)
        self.assertEqual(y.foo, x.foo)

    def test_copy_inst_getstate(self):
        class C:
            def __init__(self, foo):
                self.foo = foo
            def __getstate__(self):
                return {"foo": self.foo}
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.foo == other.foo
        x = C(42)
        self.assertEqual(copy.copy(x), x)

    def test_copy_inst_setstate(self):
        class C:
            def __init__(self, foo):
                self.foo = foo
            def __setstate__(self, state):
                self.foo = state["foo"]
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.foo == other.foo
        x = C(42)
        self.assertEqual(copy.copy(x), x)

    def test_copy_inst_getstate_setstate(self):
        class C:
            def __init__(self, foo):
                self.foo = foo
            def __getstate__(self):
                return self.foo
            def __setstate__(self, state):
                self.foo = state
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.foo == other.foo
        x = C(42)
        self.assertEqual(copy.copy(x), x)
        # State with boolean value is false (issue #25718)
        x = C(0.0)
        self.assertEqual(copy.copy(x), x)

    # The deepcopy() method

    def test_deepcopy_basic(self):
        x = 42
        y = copy.deepcopy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)

    def test_deepcopy_memo(self):
        # Tests of reflexive objects are under type-specific sections below.
        # This tests only repetitions of objects.
        x = []
        x = [x, x]
        y = copy.deepcopy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y, x)
        self.assertIsNot(y[0], x[0])
        self.assertIs(y[0], y[1])

    def test_deepcopy_issubclass(self):
        # XXX Note: there's no way to test the TypeError coming out of
        # issubclass() -- this can only happen when an extension
        # module defines a "type" that doesn't formally inherit from
        # type.
        class Meta(type):
        class C(metaclass=Meta):
        self.assertEqual(copy.deepcopy(C), C)

    def test_deepcopy_deepcopy(self):
        class C(object):
            def __init__(self, foo):
                self.foo = foo
            def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
                return C(self.foo)
        x = C(42)
        y = copy.deepcopy(x)
        self.assertEqual(y.__class__, x.__class__)
        self.assertEqual(y.foo, x.foo)

    def test_deepcopy_registry(self):
        class C(object):
            def __new__(cls, foo):
                obj = object.__new__(cls)
                obj.foo = foo
                return obj
        def pickle_C(obj):
            return (C, (obj.foo,))
        x = C(42)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, copy.deepcopy, x)
        copyreg.pickle(C, pickle_C, C)
        y = copy.deepcopy(x)

    def test_deepcopy_reduce_ex(self):
        class C(object):
            def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
                return ""
            def __reduce__(self):
                self.fail("shouldn't call this")
        c = []
        x = C()
        y = copy.deepcopy(x)
        self.assertIs(y, x)
        self.assertEqual(c, [1])

    def test_deepcopy_reduce(self):
        class C(object):
            def __reduce__(self):
                return ""
        c = []
        x = C()
        y = copy.deepcopy(x)
        self.assertIs(y, x)
        self.assertEqual(c, [1])

    def test_deepcopy_cant(self):
        class C(object):
            def __getattribute__(self, name):
                if name.startswith("__reduce"):
                    raise AttributeError(name)
                return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
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