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agriconnect / libpython3.8-testsuite   deb

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/ usr / lib / python3.8 / test / test_descr.py

import builtins
import copyreg
import gc
import itertools
import math
import pickle
import sys
import types
import unittest
import warnings
import weakref

from copy import deepcopy
from test import support

    import _testcapi
except ImportError:
    _testcapi = None

class OperatorsTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.binops = {
            'add': '+',
            'sub': '-',
            'mul': '*',
            'matmul': '@',
            'truediv': '/',
            'floordiv': '//',
            'divmod': 'divmod',
            'pow': '**',
            'lshift': '<<',
            'rshift': '>>',
            'and': '&',
            'xor': '^',
            'or': '|',
            'cmp': 'cmp',
            'lt': '<',
            'le': '<=',
            'eq': '==',
            'ne': '!=',
            'gt': '>',
            'ge': '>=',

        for name, expr in list(self.binops.items()):
            if expr.islower():
                expr = expr + "(a, b)"
                expr = 'a %s b' % expr
            self.binops[name] = expr

        self.unops = {
            'pos': '+',
            'neg': '-',
            'abs': 'abs',
            'invert': '~',
            'int': 'int',
            'float': 'float',

        for name, expr in list(self.unops.items()):
            if expr.islower():
                expr = expr + "(a)"
                expr = '%s a' % expr
            self.unops[name] = expr

    def unop_test(self, a, res, expr="len(a)", meth="__len__"):
        d = {'a': a}
        self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
        t = type(a)
        m = getattr(t, meth)

        # Find method in parent class
        while meth not in t.__dict__:
            t = t.__bases__[0]
        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
        self.assertEqual(m(a), res)
        bm = getattr(a, meth)
        self.assertEqual(bm(), res)

    def binop_test(self, a, b, res, expr="a+b", meth="__add__"):
        d = {'a': a, 'b': b}

        self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
        t = type(a)
        m = getattr(t, meth)
        while meth not in t.__dict__:
            t = t.__bases__[0]
        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
        self.assertEqual(m(a, b), res)
        bm = getattr(a, meth)
        self.assertEqual(bm(b), res)

    def sliceop_test(self, a, b, c, res, expr="a[b:c]", meth="__getitem__"):
        d = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}
        self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
        t = type(a)
        m = getattr(t, meth)
        while meth not in t.__dict__:
            t = t.__bases__[0]
        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
        self.assertEqual(m(a, slice(b, c)), res)
        bm = getattr(a, meth)
        self.assertEqual(bm(slice(b, c)), res)

    def setop_test(self, a, b, res, stmt="a+=b", meth="__iadd__"):
        d = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b}
        exec(stmt, d)
        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
        t = type(a)
        m = getattr(t, meth)
        while meth not in t.__dict__:
            t = t.__bases__[0]
        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
        d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
        m(d['a'], b)
        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
        d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
        bm = getattr(d['a'], meth)
        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)

    def set2op_test(self, a, b, c, res, stmt="a[b]=c", meth="__setitem__"):
        d = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b, 'c': c}
        exec(stmt, d)
        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
        t = type(a)
        m = getattr(t, meth)
        while meth not in t.__dict__:
            t = t.__bases__[0]
        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
        d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
        m(d['a'], b, c)
        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
        d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
        bm = getattr(d['a'], meth)
        bm(b, c)
        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)

    def setsliceop_test(self, a, b, c, d, res, stmt="a[b:c]=d", meth="__setitem__"):
        dictionary = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d}
        exec(stmt, dictionary)
        self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)
        t = type(a)
        while meth not in t.__dict__:
            t = t.__bases__[0]
        m = getattr(t, meth)
        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
        dictionary['a'] = deepcopy(a)
        m(dictionary['a'], slice(b, c), d)
        self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)
        dictionary['a'] = deepcopy(a)
        bm = getattr(dictionary['a'], meth)
        bm(slice(b, c), d)
        self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)

    def test_lists(self):
        # Testing list operations...
        # Asserts are within individual test methods
        self.binop_test([1], [2], [1,2], "a+b", "__add__")
        self.binop_test([1,2,3], 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test([1,2,3], 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test([1,2,3], 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.sliceop_test([1,2,3], 0, 2, [1,2], "a[b:c]", "__getitem__")
        self.setop_test([1], [2], [1,2], "a+=b", "__iadd__")
        self.setop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "a*=b", "__imul__")
        self.unop_test([1,2,3], 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "a*b", "__mul__")
        self.binop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "b*a", "__rmul__")
        self.set2op_test([1,2], 1, 3, [1,3], "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        self.setsliceop_test([1,2,3,4], 1, 3, [5,6], [1,5,6,4], "a[b:c]=d",

    def test_dicts(self):
        # Testing dict operations...
        self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")

        d = {1:2, 3:4}
        l1 = []
        for i in list(d.keys()):
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in dict.__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        d = {1:2, 3:4}
        self.unop_test(d, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.assertEqual(eval(repr(d), {}), d)
        self.assertEqual(eval(d.__repr__(), {}), d)
        self.set2op_test({1:2,3:4}, 2, 3, {1:2,2:3,3:4}, "a[b]=c",

    # Tests for unary and binary operators
    def number_operators(self, a, b, skip=[]):
        dict = {'a': a, 'b': b}

        for name, expr in self.binops.items():
            if name not in skip:
                name = "__%s__" % name
                if hasattr(a, name):
                    res = eval(expr, dict)
                    self.binop_test(a, b, res, expr, name)

        for name, expr in list(self.unops.items()):
            if name not in skip:
                name = "__%s__" % name
                if hasattr(a, name):
                    res = eval(expr, dict)
                    self.unop_test(a, res, expr, name)

    def test_ints(self):
        # Testing int operations...
        self.number_operators(100, 3)
        # The following crashes in Python 2.2
        self.assertEqual((1).__bool__(), 1)
        self.assertEqual((0).__bool__(), 0)
        # This returns 'NotImplemented' in Python 2.2
        class C(int):
            def __add__(self, other):
                return NotImplemented
        self.assertEqual(C(5), 5)
            C() + ""
        except TypeError:
            self.fail("NotImplemented should have caused TypeError")

    def test_floats(self):
        # Testing float operations...
        self.number_operators(100.0, 3.0)

    def test_complexes(self):
        # Testing complex operations...
        self.number_operators(100.0j, 3.0j, skip=['lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge',
                                                  'int', 'float',
                                                  'floordiv', 'divmod', 'mod'])

        class Number(complex):
            __slots__ = ['prec']
            def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
                result = complex.__new__(cls, *args)
                result.prec = kwds.get('prec', 12)
                return result
            def __repr__(self):
                prec = self.prec
                if self.imag == 0.0:
                    return "%.*g" % (prec, self.real)
                if self.real == 0.0:
                    return "%.*gj" % (prec, self.imag)
                return "(%.*g+%.*gj)" % (prec, self.real, prec, self.imag)
            __str__ = __repr__

        a = Number(3.14, prec=6)
        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "3.14")
        self.assertEqual(a.prec, 6)

        a = Number(a, prec=2)
        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "3.1")
        self.assertEqual(a.prec, 2)

        a = Number(234.5)
        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "234.5")
        self.assertEqual(a.prec, 12)

    def test_explicit_reverse_methods(self):
        # see issue 9930
        self.assertEqual(complex.__radd__(3j, 4.0), complex(4.0, 3.0))
        self.assertEqual(float.__rsub__(3.0, 1), -2.0)

    @support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
    def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.sliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.setsliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                             spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(a.foo(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42)

    @support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
    def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
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