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agriconnect / libpython3.8-testsuite   deb

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/ usr / lib / python3.8 / test / test_dtrace.py

import dis
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import types
import unittest

from test.support import findfile, run_unittest

def abspath(filename):
    return os.path.abspath(findfile(filename, subdir="dtracedata"))

def normalize_trace_output(output):
    """Normalize DTrace output for comparison.

    DTrace keeps a per-CPU buffer, and when showing the fired probes, buffers
    are concatenated. So if the operating system moves our thread around, the
    straight result can be "non-causal". So we add timestamps to the probe
    firing, sort by that field, then strip it from the output"""

    # When compiling with '--with-pydebug', strip '[# refs]' debug output.
    output = re.sub(r"\[[0-9]+ refs\]", "", output)
        result = [
            for row in output.splitlines()
            if row and not row.startswith('#')
        result.sort(key=lambda row: int(row[0]))
        result = [row[1] for row in result]
        return "\n".join(result)
    except (IndexError, ValueError):
        raise AssertionError(
            "tracer produced unparseable output:\n{}".format(output)

class TraceBackend:
    EXTENSION = None
    COMMAND = None

    def run_case(self, name, optimize_python=None):
        actual_output = normalize_trace_output(self.trace_python(
            script_file=abspath(name + self.EXTENSION),
            python_file=abspath(name + ".py"),

        with open(abspath(name + self.EXTENSION + ".expected")) as f:
            expected_output = f.read().rstrip()

        return (expected_output, actual_output)

    def generate_trace_command(self, script_file, subcommand=None):
        command = self.COMMAND + [script_file]
        if subcommand:
            command += ["-c", subcommand]
        return command

    def trace(self, script_file, subcommand=None):
        command = self.generate_trace_command(script_file, subcommand)
        stdout, _ = subprocess.Popen(command,
        return stdout

    def trace_python(self, script_file, python_file, optimize_python=None):
        python_flags = []
        if optimize_python:
            python_flags.extend(["-O"] * optimize_python)
        subcommand = " ".join([sys.executable] + python_flags + [python_file])
        return self.trace(script_file, subcommand)

    def assert_usable(self):
            output = self.trace(abspath("assert_usable" + self.EXTENSION))
            output = output.strip()
        except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError, PermissionError) as fnfe:
            output = str(fnfe)
        if output != "probe: success":
            raise unittest.SkipTest(
                "{}(1) failed: {}".format(self.COMMAND[0], output)

class DTraceBackend(TraceBackend):
    EXTENSION = ".d"
    COMMAND = ["dtrace", "-q", "-s"]

class SystemTapBackend(TraceBackend):
    EXTENSION = ".stp"
    COMMAND = ["stap", "-g"]

class TraceTests(unittest.TestCase):
    # unittest.TestCase options
    maxDiff = None

    # TraceTests options
    backend = None
    optimize_python = 0

    def setUpClass(self):

    def run_case(self, name):
        actual_output, expected_output = self.backend.run_case(
            name, optimize_python=self.optimize_python)
        self.assertEqual(actual_output, expected_output)

    def test_function_entry_return(self):

    def test_verify_call_opcodes(self):
        """Ensure our call stack test hits all function call opcodes"""

        opcodes = set(["CALL_FUNCTION", "CALL_FUNCTION_EX", "CALL_FUNCTION_KW"])

        with open(abspath("call_stack.py")) as f:
            code_string = f.read()

        def get_function_instructions(funcname):
            # Recompile with appropriate optimization setting
            code = compile(source=code_string,

            for c in code.co_consts:
                if isinstance(c, types.CodeType) and c.co_name == funcname:
                    return dis.get_instructions(c)
            return []

        for instruction in get_function_instructions('start'):

        self.assertEqual(set(), opcodes)

    def test_gc(self):

    def test_line(self):

class DTraceNormalTests(TraceTests):
    backend = DTraceBackend()
    optimize_python = 0

class DTraceOptimizedTests(TraceTests):
    backend = DTraceBackend()
    optimize_python = 2

class SystemTapNormalTests(TraceTests):
    backend = SystemTapBackend()
    optimize_python = 0

class SystemTapOptimizedTests(TraceTests):
    backend = SystemTapBackend()
    optimize_python = 2

def test_main():
    run_unittest(DTraceNormalTests, DTraceOptimizedTests, SystemTapNormalTests,

if __name__ == '__main__':