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agriconnect / libpython3.8-testsuite   deb

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/ usr / lib / python3.8 / test / test_zipimport.py

import sys
import os
import marshal
import importlib
import importlib.util
import struct
import time
import unittest
import unittest.mock

from test import support

from zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo, ZIP_STORED, ZIP_DEFLATED

import zipimport
import linecache
import doctest
import inspect
import io
from traceback import extract_tb, extract_stack, print_tb
    import zlib
except ImportError:
    zlib = None

test_src = """\
def get_name():
    return __name__
def get_file():
    return __file__
test_co = compile(test_src, "<???>", "exec")
raise_src = 'def do_raise(): raise TypeError\n'

def make_pyc(co, mtime, size):
    data = marshal.dumps(co)
    if type(mtime) is type(0.0):
        # Mac mtimes need a bit of special casing
        if mtime < 0x7fffffff:
            mtime = int(mtime)
            mtime = int(-0x100000000 + int(mtime))
    pyc = (importlib.util.MAGIC_NUMBER +
        struct.pack("<iii", 0, int(mtime), size & 0xFFFFFFFF) + data)
    return pyc

def module_path_to_dotted_name(path):
    return path.replace(os.sep, '.')

NOW = time.time()
test_pyc = make_pyc(test_co, NOW, len(test_src))

TESTMOD = "ziptestmodule"
TESTPACK = "ziptestpackage"
TESTPACK2 = "ziptestpackage2"
TEMP_DIR = os.path.abspath("junk95142")
TEMP_ZIP = os.path.abspath("junk95142.zip")

pyc_file = importlib.util.cache_from_source(TESTMOD + '.py')
pyc_ext = '.pyc'

class ImportHooksBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.path = sys.path[:]
        self.meta_path = sys.meta_path[:]
        self.path_hooks = sys.path_hooks[:]
        self.modules_before = support.modules_setup()

    def tearDown(self):
        sys.path[:] = self.path
        sys.meta_path[:] = self.meta_path
        sys.path_hooks[:] = self.path_hooks

class UncompressedZipImportTestCase(ImportHooksBaseTestCase):

    compression = ZIP_STORED

    def setUp(self):
        # We're reusing the zip archive path, so we must clear the
        # cached directory info and linecache.

    def makeTree(self, files, dirName=TEMP_DIR):
        # Create a filesystem based set of modules/packages
        # defined by files under the directory dirName.
        self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, dirName)

        for name, (mtime, data) in files.items():
            path = os.path.join(dirName, name)
            if path[-1] == os.sep:
                if not os.path.isdir(path):
                dname = os.path.dirname(path)
                if not os.path.isdir(dname):
                with open(path, 'wb') as fp:

    def makeZip(self, files, zipName=TEMP_ZIP, **kw):
        # Create a zip archive based set of modules/packages
        # defined by files in the zip file zipName.  If the
        # key 'stuff' exists in kw it is prepended to the archive.
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, zipName)

        with ZipFile(zipName, "w") as z:
            for name, (mtime, data) in files.items():
                zinfo = ZipInfo(name, time.localtime(mtime))
                zinfo.compress_type = self.compression
                z.writestr(zinfo, data)
            comment = kw.get("comment", None)
            if comment is not None:
                z.comment = comment

        stuff = kw.get("stuff", None)
        if stuff is not None:
            # Prepend 'stuff' to the start of the zipfile
            with open(zipName, "rb") as f:
                data = f.read()
            with open(zipName, "wb") as f:

    def doTest(self, expected_ext, files, *modules, **kw):
        self.makeZip(files, **kw)

        sys.path.insert(0, TEMP_ZIP)

        mod = importlib.import_module(".".join(modules))

        call = kw.get('call')
        if call is not None:

        if expected_ext:
            file = mod.get_file()
            self.assertEqual(file, os.path.join(TEMP_ZIP,
                                 *modules) + expected_ext)

    def testAFakeZlib(self):
        # This could cause a stack overflow before: importing zlib.py
        # from a compressed archive would cause zlib to be imported
        # which would find zlib.py in the archive, which would... etc.
        # This test *must* be executed first: it must be the first one
        # to trigger zipimport to import zlib (zipimport caches the
        # zlib.decompress function object, after which the problem being
        # tested here wouldn't be a problem anymore...
        # (Hence the 'A' in the test method name: to make it the first
        # item in a list sorted by name, like unittest.makeSuite() does.)
        # This test fails on platforms on which the zlib module is
        # statically linked, but the problem it tests for can't
        # occur in that case (builtin modules are always found first),
        # so we'll simply skip it then. Bug #765456.
        if "zlib" in sys.builtin_module_names:
            self.skipTest('zlib is a builtin module')
        if "zlib" in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules["zlib"]
        files = {"zlib.py": (NOW, test_src)}
            self.doTest(".py", files, "zlib")
        except ImportError:
            if self.compression != ZIP_DEFLATED:
                self.fail("expected test to not raise ImportError")
            if self.compression != ZIP_STORED:
                self.fail("expected test to raise ImportError")

    def testPy(self):
        files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src)}
        self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD)

    def testPyc(self):
        files = {TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)}
        self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTMOD)

    def testBoth(self):
        files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src),
                 TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)}
        self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTMOD)

    def testUncheckedHashBasedPyc(self):
        source = b"state = 'old'"
        source_hash = importlib.util.source_hash(source)
        bytecode = importlib._bootstrap_external._code_to_hash_pyc(
            compile(source, "???", "exec"),
            False, # unchecked
        files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, "state = 'new'"),
                 TESTMOD + ".pyc": (NOW - 20, bytecode)}
        def check(mod):
            self.assertEqual(mod.state, 'old')
        self.doTest(None, files, TESTMOD, call=check)

    @unittest.mock.patch('_imp.check_hash_based_pycs', 'always')
    def test_checked_hash_based_change_pyc(self):
        source = b"state = 'old'"
        source_hash = importlib.util.source_hash(source)
        bytecode = importlib._bootstrap_external._code_to_hash_pyc(
            compile(source, "???", "exec"),
        files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, "state = 'new'"),
                 TESTMOD + ".pyc": (NOW - 20, bytecode)}
        def check(mod):
            self.assertEqual(mod.state, 'new')
        self.doTest(None, files, TESTMOD, call=check)

    def testEmptyPy(self):
        files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, "")}
        self.doTest(None, files, TESTMOD)

    def testBadMagic(self):
        # make pyc magic word invalid, forcing loading from .py
        badmagic_pyc = bytearray(test_pyc)
        badmagic_pyc[0] ^= 0x04  # flip an arbitrary bit
        files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src),
                 TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, badmagic_pyc)}
        self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD)

    def testBadMagic2(self):
        # make pyc magic word invalid, causing an ImportError
        badmagic_pyc = bytearray(test_pyc)
        badmagic_pyc[0] ^= 0x04  # flip an arbitrary bit
        files = {TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, badmagic_pyc)}
            self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD)
        except ImportError:
            self.fail("expected ImportError; import from bad pyc")

    def testBadMTime(self):
        badtime_pyc = bytearray(test_pyc)
        # flip the second bit -- not the first as that one isn't stored in the
        # .py's mtime in the zip archive.
        badtime_pyc[11] ^= 0x02
        files = {TESTMOD + ".py": (NOW, test_src),
                 TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, badtime_pyc)}
        self.doTest(".py", files, TESTMOD)

    def testPackage(self):
        packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep
        files = {packdir + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc),
                 packdir + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)}
        self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTPACK, TESTMOD)

    def testSubPackage(self):
        # Test that subpackages function when loaded from zip
        # archives.
        packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep
        packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep
        files = {packdir + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc),
                 packdir2 + "__init__" + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc),
                 packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)}
        self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTPACK, TESTPACK2, TESTMOD)

    def testSubNamespacePackage(self):
        # Test that implicit namespace subpackages function
        # when loaded from zip archives.
        packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep
        packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep
        # The first two files are just directory entries (so have no data).
        files = {packdir: (NOW, ""),
                 packdir2: (NOW, ""),
                 packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)}
        self.doTest(pyc_ext, files, TESTPACK, TESTPACK2, TESTMOD)

    def testMixedNamespacePackage(self):
        # Test implicit namespace packages spread between a
        # real filesystem and a zip archive.
        packdir = TESTPACK + os.sep
        packdir2 = packdir + TESTPACK2 + os.sep
        packdir3 = packdir2 + TESTPACK + '3' + os.sep
        files1 = {packdir: (NOW, ""),
                  packdir + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc),
                  packdir2: (NOW, ""),
                  packdir3: (NOW, ""),
                  packdir3 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc),
                  packdir2 + TESTMOD + '3' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc),
                  packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)}
        files2 = {packdir: (NOW, ""),
                  packdir + TESTMOD + '2' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc),
                  packdir2: (NOW, ""),
                  packdir2 + TESTMOD + '2' + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc),
                  packdir2 + TESTMOD + pyc_ext: (NOW, test_pyc)}

        zip1 = os.path.abspath("path1.zip")
        self.makeZip(files1, zip1)

        zip2 = TEMP_DIR
        self.makeTree(files2, zip2)

        # zip2 should override zip1.
        sys.path.insert(0, zip1)
        sys.path.insert(0, zip2)

        mod = importlib.import_module(TESTPACK)

        # if TESTPACK is functioning as a namespace pkg then
        # there should be two entries in the __path__.
        # First should be path2 and second path1.
        self.assertEqual(2, len(mod.__path__))
        p1, p2 = mod.__path__
        self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(TEMP_DIR), p1.split(os.sep)[-2])
        self.assertEqual("path1.zip", p2.split(os.sep)[-2])

        # packdir3 should import as a namespace package.
        # Its __path__ is an iterable of 1 element from zip1.
        mod = importlib.import_module(packdir3.replace(os.sep, '.')[:-1])
        self.assertEqual(1, len(mod.__path__))
        mpath = list(mod.__path__)[0].split('path1.zip' + os.sep)[1]
        self.assertEqual(packdir3[:-1], mpath)

        # TESTPACK/TESTMOD only exists in path1.
        mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTMOD)))
        self.assertEqual("path1.zip", mod.__file__.split(os.sep)[-3])

        # And TESTPACK/(TESTMOD + '2') only exists in path2.
        mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTMOD + '2')))

        # One level deeper...
        subpkg = '.'.join((TESTPACK, TESTPACK2))
        mod = importlib.import_module(subpkg)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(mod.__path__))
        p1, p2 = mod.__path__
        self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(TEMP_DIR), p1.split(os.sep)[-3])
        self.assertEqual("path1.zip", p2.split(os.sep)[-3])
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