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agriconnect / python3.8-examples   deb

Repository URL to install this package:

/ usr / share / doc / python3.8 / examples / buildbot / clean.bat

@echo off
rem Used by the buildbot "clean" step.

set root=%~dp0..\..
set pcbuild=%root%\PCbuild

echo Deleting build
call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k %*
call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k -d %*

echo Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
del /s "%root%\Lib\*.pyc" "%root%\Lib\*.pyo"

echo Deleting test leftovers ...
rmdir /s /q "%root%\build"
del /s "%pcbuild%\python*.zip"