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agriconnect / python3.8-examples   deb

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/ usr / share / doc / python3.8 / examples / scripts / dutree.py

#! /usr/bin/python3.8
# Format du output in a tree shape

import os, sys, errno

def main():
    total, d = None, {}
    with os.popen('du ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) as p:
        for line in p:
            i = 0
            while line[i] in '0123456789': i = i+1
            size = eval(line[:i])
            while line[i] in ' \t': i = i+1
            filename = line[i:-1]
            comps = filename.split('/')
            if comps[0] == '': comps[0] = '/'
            if comps[len(comps)-1] == '': del comps[len(comps)-1]
            total, d = store(size, comps, total, d)
        display(total, d)
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:

def store(size, comps, total, d):
    if comps == []:
        return size, d
    if comps[0] not in d:
        d[comps[0]] = None, {}
    t1, d1 = d[comps[0]]
    d[comps[0]] = store(size, comps[1:], t1, d1)
    return total, d

def display(total, d):
    show(total, d, '')

def show(total, d, prefix):
    if not d: return
    list = []
    sum = 0
    for key in d.keys():
        tsub, dsub = d[key]
        list.append((tsub, key))
        if tsub is not None: sum = sum + tsub
##  if sum < total:
##      list.append((total - sum, os.curdir))
    width = len(repr(list[0][0]))
    for tsub, key in list:
        if tsub is None:
            psub = prefix
            print(prefix + repr(tsub).rjust(width) + ' ' + key)
            psub = prefix + ' '*(width-1) + '|' + ' '*(len(key)+1)
        if key in d:
            show(tsub, d[key][1], psub)

if __name__ == '__main__':