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/ usr / share / doc / python3.8 / examples / scripts / texi2html.py

#! /usr/bin/python3.8

# Convert GNU texinfo files into HTML, one file per node.
# Based on Texinfo 2.14.
# Usage: texi2html [-d] [-d] [-c] inputfile outputdirectory
# The input file must be a complete texinfo file, e.g. emacs.texi.
# This creates many files (one per info node) in the output directory,
# overwriting existing files of the same name.  All files created have
# ".html" as their extension.

# XXX To do:
# - handle @comment*** correctly
# - handle @xref {some words} correctly
# - handle @ftable correctly (items aren't indexed?)
# - handle @itemx properly
# - handle @exdent properly
# - add links directly to the proper line from indices
# - check against the definitive list of @-cmds; we still miss (among others):
# - @defindex (hard)
# - @c(omment) in the middle of a line (rarely used)
# - @this* (not really needed, only used in headers anyway)
# - @today{} (ever used outside title page?)

# More consistent handling of chapters/sections/etc.
# Lots of documentation
# Many more options:
#       -top    designate top node
#       -links  customize which types of links are included
#       -split  split at chapters or sections instead of nodes
#       -name   Allow different types of filename handling. Non unix systems
#               will have problems with long node names
#       ...
# Support the most recent texinfo version and take a good look at HTML 3.0
# More debugging output (customizable) and more flexible error handling
# How about icons ?

# rpyron 2002-05-07
# Robert Pyron <rpyron@alum.mit.edu>
# 1. BUGFIX: In function makefile(), strip blanks from the nodename.
#    This is necessary to match the behavior of parser.makeref() and
#    parser.do_node().
# 2. BUGFIX fixed KeyError in end_ifset (well, I may have just made
#    it go away, rather than fix it)
# 3. BUGFIX allow @menu and menu items inside @ifset or @ifclear
# 4. Support added for:
#       @uref        URL reference
#       @image       image file reference (see note below)
#       @multitable  output an HTML table
#       @vtable
# 5. Partial support for accents, to match MAKEINFO output
# 6. I added a new command-line option, '-H basename', to specify
#    HTML Help output. This will cause three files to be created
#    in the current directory:
#       `basename`.hhp  HTML Help Workshop project file
#       `basename`.hhc  Contents file for the project
#       `basename`.hhk  Index file for the project
#    When fed into HTML Help Workshop, the resulting file will be
#    named `basename`.chm.
# 7. A new class, HTMLHelp, to accomplish item 6.
# 8. Various calls to HTMLHelp functions.
# A NOTE ON IMAGES: Just as 'outputdirectory' must exist before
# running this program, all referenced images must already exist
# in outputdirectory.

import os
import sys
import string
import re

MAGIC = '\\input texinfo'

cmprog = re.compile('^@([a-z]+)([ \t]|$)')        # Command (line-oriented)
blprog = re.compile('^[ \t]*$')                   # Blank line
kwprog = re.compile('@[a-z]+')                    # Keyword (embedded, usually
                                                  # with {} args)
spprog = re.compile('[\n@{}&<>]')                 # Special characters in
                                                  # running text
                                                  # menu item (Yuck!)
miprog = re.compile(r'^\* ([^:]*):(:|[ \t]*([^\t,\n.]+)([^ \t\n]*))[ \t\n]*')
#                    0    1     1 2        3          34         42        0
#                          -----            ----------  ---------
#                                  -|-----------------------------
#                     -----------------------------------------------------

class HTMLNode:
    """Some of the parser's functionality is separated into this class.

    A Node accumulates its contents, takes care of links to other Nodes
    and saves itself when it is finished and all links are resolved.


    type = 0
    cont = ''
    epilogue = '</BODY></HTML>\n'

    def __init__(self, dir, name, topname, title, next, prev, up):
        self.dirname = dir
        self.name = name
        if topname:
            self.topname = topname
            self.topname = name
        self.title = title
        self.next = next
        self.prev = prev
        self.up = up
        self.lines = []

    def write(self, *lines):
        for line in lines:

    def flush(self):
        with open(self.dirname + '/' + makefile(self.name), 'w') as fp:

    def link(self, label, nodename, rel=None, rev=None):
        if nodename:
            if nodename.lower() == '(dir)':
                addr = '../dir.html'
                title = ''
                addr = makefile(nodename)
                title = ' TITLE="%s"' % nodename
            self.write(label, ': <A HREF="', addr, '"', \
                       rel and (' REL=' + rel) or "", \
                       rev and (' REV=' + rev) or "", \
                       title, '>', nodename, '</A>  \n')

    def finalize(self):
        length = len(self.lines)
        self.text = ''.join(self.lines)
        self.lines = []
        links = ''.join(self.lines)
        self.lines = []
        self.prologue = (
            self.DOCTYPE +
            '  <!-- Converted with texi2html and Python -->\n'
            '  <TITLE>' + self.title + '</TITLE>\n'
            '  <LINK REL=Next HREF="'
                + makefile(self.next) + '" TITLE="' + self.next + '">\n'
            '  <LINK REL=Previous HREF="'
                + makefile(self.prev) + '" TITLE="' + self.prev  + '">\n'
            '  <LINK REL=Up HREF="'
                + makefile(self.up) + '" TITLE="' + self.up  + '">\n'
            '</HEAD><BODY>\n' +
        if length > 20:
            self.epilogue = '<P>\n%s</BODY></HTML>\n' % links

    def open_links(self):

    def close_links(self):

    def output_links(self):
        if self.cont != self.next:
            self.link('  Cont', self.cont)
        self.link('  Next', self.next, rel='Next')
        self.link('  Prev', self.prev, rel='Previous')
        self.link('  Up', self.up, rel='Up')
        if self.name != self.topname:
            self.link('  Top', self.topname)

class HTML3Node(HTMLNode):


    def open_links(self):
        self.write('<DIV CLASS=Navigation>\n <HR>\n')

    def close_links(self):
        self.write(' <HR>\n</DIV>\n')

class TexinfoParser:

    COPYRIGHT_SYMBOL = "&copy;"
    FN_ID_PATTERN = "(%(id)s)"
    FN_SOURCE_PATTERN = '<A NAME=footnoteref%(id)s' \
                        ' HREF="#footnotetext%(id)s">' \
                        + FN_ID_PATTERN + '</A>'
    FN_TARGET_PATTERN = '<A NAME=footnotetext%(id)s' \
                        ' HREF="#footnoteref%(id)s">' \
                        + FN_ID_PATTERN + '</A>\n%(text)s<P>\n'
    FN_HEADER = '\n<P>\n<HR NOSHADE SIZE=1 WIDTH=200>\n' \

    Node = HTMLNode

    # Initialize an instance
    def __init__(self):
        self.unknown = {}       # statistics about unknown @-commands
        self.filenames = {}     # Check for identical filenames
        self.debugging = 0      # larger values produce more output
        self.print_headers = 0  # always print headers?
        self.nodefp = None      # open file we're writing to
        self.nodelineno = 0     # Linenumber relative to node
        self.links = None       # Links from current node
        self.savetext = None    # If not None, save text head instead
        self.savestack = []     # If not None, save text head instead
        self.htmlhelp = None    # html help data
        self.dirname = 'tmp'    # directory where files are created
        self.includedir = '.'   # directory to search @include files
        self.nodename = ''      # name of current node
        self.topname = ''       # name of top node (first node seen)
        self.title = ''         # title of this whole Texinfo tree
        self.resetindex()       # Reset all indices
        self.contents = []      # Reset table of contents
        self.numbering = []     # Reset section numbering counters
        self.nofill = 0         # Normal operation: fill paragraphs
        self.values={'html': 1} # Names that should be parsed in ifset
        self.stackinfo={}       # Keep track of state in the stack
        # XXX The following should be reset per node?!
        self.footnotes = []     # Reset list of footnotes
        self.itemarg = None     # Reset command used by @item
        self.itemnumber = None  # Reset number for @item in @enumerate
        self.itemindex = None   # Reset item index name
        self.node = None
        self.nodestack = []
        self.cont = 0
        self.includedepth = 0

    # Set htmlhelp helper class
    def sethtmlhelp(self, htmlhelp):
        self.htmlhelp = htmlhelp

    # Set (output) directory name
    def setdirname(self, dirname):
        self.dirname = dirname

    # Set include directory name
    def setincludedir(self, includedir):
        self.includedir = includedir

    # Parse the contents of an entire file
    def parse(self, fp):
        line = fp.readline()
        lineno = 1
        while line and (line[0] == '%' or blprog.match(line)):
            line = fp.readline()
            lineno = lineno + 1
        if line[:len(MAGIC)] != MAGIC:
            raise SyntaxError('file does not begin with %r' % (MAGIC,))
        self.parserest(fp, lineno)

    # Parse the contents of a file, not expecting a MAGIC header
    def parserest(self, fp, initial_lineno):
        lineno = initial_lineno
        self.done = 0
        self.skip = 0
        self.stack = []
        accu = []
        while not self.done:
            line = fp.readline()
            self.nodelineno = self.nodelineno + 1
            if not line:
                if accu:
                    if not self.skip: self.process(accu)
                    accu = []
                if initial_lineno > 0:
                    print('*** EOF before @bye')
            lineno = lineno + 1
            mo = cmprog.match(line)
            if mo:
                a, b = mo.span(1)
                cmd = line[a:b]
                if cmd in ('noindent', 'refill'):
                    if accu:
                        if not self.skip:
                        accu = []
                    self.command(line, mo)
            elif blprog.match(line) and \
                 'format' not in self.stack and \
                 'example' not in self.stack:
                if accu:
                    if not self.skip:
                        if self.nofill:
                        accu = []
                # Append the line including trailing \n!
        if self.skip:
            print('*** Still skipping at the end')
        if self.stack:
            print('*** Stack not empty at the end')
            print('***', self.stack)
        if self.includedepth == 0:
            while self.nodestack:
                del self.nodestack[-1]

    # Start saving text in a buffer instead of writing it to a file
    def startsaving(self):
        if self.savetext is not None:
            # print '*** Recursively saving text, expect trouble'
        self.savetext = ''

    # Return the text saved so far and start writing to file again
    def collectsavings(self):
        savetext = self.savetext
        if len(self.savestack) > 0:
            self.savetext = self.savestack[-1]
            del self.savestack[-1]
            self.savetext = None
        return savetext or ''

    # Write text to file, or save it in a buffer, or ignore it
    def write(self, *args):
            text = ''.join(args)
            raise TypeError
        if self.savetext is not None:
            self.savetext = self.savetext + text
        elif self.nodefp:
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