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/ prepared_stmt.py

# Copyright (C) 2016-present the asyncpg authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of asyncpg and is released under
# the Apache 2.0 License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

import json

from . import connresource
from . import cursor
from . import exceptions

class PreparedStatement(connresource.ConnectionResource):
    """A representation of a prepared statement."""

    __slots__ = ('_state', '_query', '_last_status')

    def __init__(self, connection, query, state):
        self._state = state
        self._query = query
        self._last_status = None

    def get_query(self) -> str:
        """Return the text of the query for this prepared statement.


            stmt = await connection.prepare('SELECT $1::int')
            assert stmt.get_query() == "SELECT $1::int"
        return self._query

    def get_statusmsg(self) -> str:
        """Return the status of the executed command.


            stmt = await connection.prepare('CREATE TABLE mytab (a int)')
            await stmt.fetch()
            assert stmt.get_statusmsg() == "CREATE TABLE"
        if self._last_status is None:
            return self._last_status
        return self._last_status.decode()

    def get_parameters(self):
        """Return a description of statement parameters types.

        :return: A tuple of :class:`asyncpg.types.Type`.


            stmt = await connection.prepare('SELECT ($1::int, $2::text)')

            # Will print:
            #   (Type(oid=23, name='int4', kind='scalar', schema='pg_catalog'),
            #    Type(oid=25, name='text', kind='scalar', schema='pg_catalog'))
        return self._state._get_parameters()

    def get_attributes(self):
        """Return a description of relation attributes (columns).

        :return: A tuple of :class:`asyncpg.types.Attribute`.


            st = await self.con.prepare('''
                SELECT typname, typnamespace FROM pg_type

            # Will print:
            #   (Attribute(
            #       name='typname',
            #       type=Type(oid=19, name='name', kind='scalar',
            #                 schema='pg_catalog')),
            #    Attribute(
            #       name='typnamespace',
            #       type=Type(oid=26, name='oid', kind='scalar',
            #                 schema='pg_catalog')))
        return self._state._get_attributes()

    def cursor(self, *args, prefetch=None,
               timeout=None) -> cursor.CursorFactory:
        """Return a *cursor factory* for the prepared statement.

        :param args: Query arguments.
        :param int prefetch: The number of rows the *cursor iterator*
                             will prefetch (defaults to ``50``.)
        :param float timeout: Optional timeout in seconds.

        :return: A :class:`~cursor.CursorFactory` object.
        return cursor.CursorFactory(self._connection, self._query,
                                    self._state, args, prefetch,

    async def explain(self, *args, analyze=False):
        """Return the execution plan of the statement.

        :param args: Query arguments.
        :param analyze: If ``True``, the statement will be executed and
                        the run time statitics added to the return value.

        :return: An object representing the execution plan.  This value
                 is actually a deserialized JSON output of the SQL
                 ``EXPLAIN`` command.
        if analyze:
            query += ', ANALYZE) '
            query += ') '
        query += self._state.query

        if analyze:
            # From PostgreSQL docs:
            # Important: Keep in mind that the statement is actually
            # executed when the ANALYZE option is used. Although EXPLAIN
            # will discard any output that a SELECT would return, other
            # side effects of the statement will happen as usual. If you
            # wish to use EXPLAIN ANALYZE on an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,
            # CREATE TABLE AS, or EXECUTE statement without letting the
            # command affect your data, use this approach:
            #     BEGIN;
            #     EXPLAIN ANALYZE ...;
            #     ROLLBACK;
            tr = self._connection.transaction()
            await tr.start()
                data = await self._connection.fetchval(query, *args)
                await tr.rollback()
            data = await self._connection.fetchval(query, *args)

        return json.loads(data)

    async def fetch(self, *args, timeout=None):
        r"""Execute the statement and return a list of :class:`Record` objects.

        :param str query: Query text
        :param args: Query arguments
        :param float timeout: Optional timeout value in seconds.

        :return: A list of :class:`Record` instances.
        data = await self.__bind_execute(args, 0, timeout)
        return data

    async def fetchval(self, *args, column=0, timeout=None):
        """Execute the statement and return a value in the first row.

        :param args: Query arguments.
        :param int column: Numeric index within the record of the value to
                           return (defaults to 0).
        :param float timeout: Optional timeout value in seconds.
                            If not specified, defaults to the value of
                            ``command_timeout`` argument to the ``Connection``
                            instance constructor.

        :return: The value of the specified column of the first record.
        data = await self.__bind_execute(args, 1, timeout)
        if not data:
            return None
        return data[0][column]

    async def fetchrow(self, *args, timeout=None):
        """Execute the statement and return the first row.

        :param str query: Query text
        :param args: Query arguments
        :param float timeout: Optional timeout value in seconds.

        :return: The first row as a :class:`Record` instance.
        data = await self.__bind_execute(args, 1, timeout)
        if not data:
            return None
        return data[0]

    async def __bind_execute(self, args, limit, timeout):
        protocol = self._connection._protocol
            data, status, _ = await protocol.bind_execute(
                self._state, args, '', limit, True, timeout)
        except exceptions.OutdatedSchemaCacheError:
            await self._connection.reload_schema_state()
            # We can not find all manually created prepared statements, so just
            # drop known cached ones in the `self._connection`.
            # Other manually created prepared statements will fail and
            # invalidate themselves (unfortunately, clearing caches again).
        self._last_status = status
        return data

    def _check_open(self, meth_name):
        if self._state.closed:
            raise exceptions.InterfaceError(
                'cannot call PreparedStmt.{}(): '
                'the prepared statement is closed'.format(meth_name))

    def _check_conn_validity(self, meth_name):

    def __del__(self):